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Stupid ass fucking school. It was only a prank, for God's sake! The next time I see that sneaky little bitch I'm going to ki-

"YOU LITTLE COCK SUCKER! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I yell at my little brother, Alex, who threw his shoe at my head.

"You're the cock sucker!" He yells back. "If you didn't pull that stupid prank, we wouldn't have to move half way around the fucking continent!"

So he's mad about us having to move? Does the think I'm any more pleased about this?!

"You think I'm any more please about this?! YOU THINK I WANTED TO LEAVE ALL MY FRIENDS BEHIND?!" I roar, lunging at them.


"Whatever." I spit, before putting my headphones back on and placing my black hoodie over them. It was another agonizing hour and a half before we arrived at the god forsaken academy that will be my doom.

I comply and get out of the car, as requested by my father, stretching my limbs as he goes to retrieve my bags and once his back is turned, I bolt. I run on the gravel, clouds of dirt trail behind me and vanish as I make it onto the grass. I guess I wasn't fast enough, because a body throws itself onto me, making me eat dirt.

"Get.. Off... of me!" I yell, punching the brick wall on top of me repeatedly.

"Stop hitting me right now or I'll bend you over my knee and turn your ass black and blue." The deep voice growls, but that makes me punch him even harder. I didn't believe him. He didn't have the authority to do that. Nobody did... Right?

The man sat down and laid me across his lap, one leg over mine and a hand holding my back down in one swift motion. Before I could protest, he laid down five hard smacks on my bottom making me freeze. This fucker just spanked me!

"Did you just fucking spank me!?" I yelped, catching a glimpse of the man who just attacked me.

He was blonde, 6 foot, maybe taller.  His eyes were a steel grey and he had freckles littering his cheeks and nose. His skin wasn't pale, but not tanned, unlike mine which was porcelain. He wore a school uniform that contained a black button up, a jacket and suit pants that matched, both a light blue. Xavier's logo sat right above his heart, meaning he's a student here. He was drop dead gorgeous, but a complete cunt.

"Yes. And if you don't watch that potty mouth, I'll do it again." He states in a mater of fact tone.

"Get off me you pervert!" I growl, trying to push him off me, not noticing the sound of an engine nearing us. 

A golf cart stops right in front of us. Two more guys sat in there. One had black hair and brown eyes while the other had brown hair and green eyes. They were both students as well, and both hot as fuck too.

"Get in. And I wont ask twice." The raven orders. His entire aura screamed dominance, but my brain screamed defiance.


His glare sent shivers down my spine, but I held my ground.

"He's known for belting people, pumpkin, I suggest you listen." Blondie whispered into my ear.

"No. I'm not getting in your stupid fucking car, and you're not going to touch me." I snap, earning glares from both men.

"What did I say about that mouth of yours?" He growls.

"Oh, go to hell!" I yell, annoyed with all three.

The raven now had his belt doubled in his hands as he stormed over to me. He grabbed my arm and harshly yanked me up and laid his belt across my ass twice before I had a chance to object.

Hell High <DISCONTINUED>Where stories live. Discover now