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A week had gone by without any mishaps, fortunately sparing my ass (quite literally) from any further trouble... That was until now..

"Levi!" Seth's voice booms through the once loud classroom filled with laughter and cheers, but now it was dead silent. 

Currently, the  bottom half of my body was dangling from a roof panel from when I failed to hoist my entire body through the hole of a knocked down square vent. 

"Heeyyyyaaa Seth..." I nervously chuckled. 

"You are gonna be in so much fucking trouble when I get a hold of you, now come down here this instant!" 

"You gonna catch me?" A chorus of 'boo's' echoed throughout the room at my nearly instant submission.

"Oh shut your fuckin mouths up! Do y'all wanna face his wrath for me instead?!" Immediately the room was once again silent. How nice. 

"No. Maybe I should just let you fa- Ow! what the fuck Ethan!" 

"Yes he'll catch you. Now come down."  

Admitting my defeat, I let all the muscles in my upper body slack, and the rush of falling 10 feet swept though me and cushioned me in the arms of no other than a very angry Justin. I mean, let's just say that if looks could kill, i'd have been dead by now. Justin wasted no time with putting me down and dragging me out of the classroom, while Seth and Ethan attempted to get the class back to their writing assignments.

 "Okay so I know you're mad and all but it really isn't my fault, Jonah threw Chris' textbook up in the vent hole and he was panicking because his dom was gonna punish him if he lost another book and I was just trying to h-"

"Jesus Christ Levi shut up until we get back to the dorm and then I'll decide what to do with you." He snapped, cutting my ramble of an explanation short. 

"Yes sir..." I quietly whispered. His statement made tears well in my eyes, he'd never snapped at me like that before let alone tell me to shut up, I had severely angered and disappointed him and most likely embarrassed him. Any punishment he would give me, I knew I deserved and I vowed to myself to take it without any complaints. 

Once arriving to the dorm, he orders me to strip right here, right now, resulting in me fumbling to take the layers of clothes off but eventually I succeed. 

"Being stubborn for the sake of it is one thing, but misbehaving to these extremes is a whole new fucking level of disobedient. I don't give a shit who's textbook got thrown into the fucking roof, you do not climb through vent holes and you certainly do not EVER climb in between a gap that's barely bigger than six inches. You lied straight to my face. You locked your teacher in a broom closet and to top it all off, you barricaded the classroom door. You've not only embarrassed me, Seth and Ethan but also the headmaster. So in return to your foolish, arrogant and irresponsible actions, you will be receiving a punishment from each of us, no objections, am I clear?"

"Crystal" I gulped.

Just as I replied, Ethan, Seth and the headmaster all walk through the door almost as if they were waiting for my response. I rush to cover my private parts, freezing when I hear  animal-like growls emit from all four dominants.

"Headmaster, would you like to go first?" I hear Justin ask, earning a curt nod in response before he walked out the door.

 Seth following in cue of the head professor and Ethan and Justin ushering me out of the dorm, without care that I was naked. I kept my head down as we walked through numerous halls, until something caught my eye. The gymnasium risers. He was gonna punish me in front of the entire school and just the thought was enough to put my legs in reverse as I tried to back out of the gym, but the two dominants behind me saw through my escape attempt and picked me up my by arms, carrying me to the gym stage. My whimpers, whines and struggling only seemed to agitate them more.

"Enough. You will take your punishment like a good boy, understood?" Ethan growled in my ear, earning a whimper in response. I was bent over a typical spanking bench and my hands and feet were cuffed from underneath. 

"Let Mr. Woods' actions be a reminder to every student in the school that climbing into the roof, vents or rooms you're specifically told to stay out of is strictly unacceptable will not go unseen." The headmasters voice boomed through the entire gymnasium, the whole place dead silent.

Without warning three lashes from a leather whip smacked down onto my bare ass, a cry of shock escaping my lips, but he wasted no time waiting for me to prepare myself for the next set of whippings. Five more lashed down on my already burning ass, a small scream of pain escaping my lips.

By the time twelve more whippings had passed, I could barely stand the pain anymore and tears were flooding my sight.

"S-Stop!.. Plea- GAH- please st-stop.. please.." I whimpered, struggling in attempt to get away, only to receive quite a harsh smack on the bottom. 

I could hear a pair of boots clicking and clacking until a pair of suited legs stood right in front of me. The face was soon revealed when Justin crouched down to my eye level and wiped my fresh set of tears.

"Without. Complaints." I only nodded, not wanting to argue, not here and not now. "Good boy.. Ten more okay?" I quietly whimpered and shifted my eyes back onto the leather padding on the bench I was cuffed onto. 

Five lashes, each harder than the last struck down immediately once Justin stood up and I was certain my skin had broken, just like the dam that held back my sobs. All that could be heard through the gymnasium was my sobs and the sound of the whip hitting my bare ass. The minute the last of the ten lashes struck, curtains closed off the stage from the rest of the gym, and herds of footsteps chorused through the small wooden stadium until all was silent. And only then was I un-cuffed and allowed to leave the table.

"You're okay.. You did so good.. We're so proud" It was Seth, his hand rubbing my back, but right now I didn't want to see them, and I didn't want them touching me.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I hissed, choking back a sob as I backed myself into a wall, yelping in pain when my freshly tanned ass hit the cold material. That was my breaking point, I collapsed to my knees, sobbing as hard as I could, not from the punishment, but from the realization that finally struck me that this is how each of them must have felt when I climbed that vent. Embarrassed, hurt. I was too weak to fight back when a pair of arms scooped me up and began carrying me out the door.

"You're okay baby boy, you're safe now, and your punishment is over." It was Ethan, and for whatever reason it soothed me enough to quiet my sobs into whimpers. 

"Y'know... Back a few years ago when I first came to the school, as a student, I did a similar stunt, except it was breaking into the headmaster's office and blasting porn throughout the entire school's speakers.. He was livid.." Hearing Ethan's story about his similar stunts calmed me enough to give a small, momentary smile. 

"I'll go easy on you precious, the worst has passed."

And that's when I realized I still had three more punishments to withstand.


Sorry for the long wait guys, but I was at a block with this book for a while and then the idea of Levi pissing off his dominants beyond belief popped into my head so here is this mighty fine piece of work for you to read! <3

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