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I wake up in pitch darkness, body pinned down by something warm and unmovable. I whimper and writhe, trying to free myself, but the restraints tighten.

"JUSTIN?! SETH!? ETHAN?! SOMEONE HELP ME! SOME- SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!" I scream, the restraints immediately remove themselves and my light flicks on.

Justin has been spooning me, but my delirious state of mind thought I was being restrained. Seth stood in my doorway looking panicked and Ethan was right behind him.

"I- I thought- i - it- i" I stammer, trying to make sense of everything in my panicked state.

"Shh. It's okay baby boy. It's okay. You're not in trouble, nobody's mad at you. You're okay." Justin comforts, pulling me into his lap as Seth and Ethan walk in and sit on the bed with us.

I grip onto his bare back and cried my eyes out. I cried and cried until I was too exhausted to cry anymore. All three men had circled around me, comforting me and calling me pet names, slowly easing me into a younger headspace.

"Was scawed" I mumbled into Justin's chest.

"You're safe now kitten."

I yawn and curl up, snuggling into all three bodies, finally falling back asleep in contempt for the rest of the night.


I groan and push a hand away as someone gently shakes me awake.

"Up you get. You have lessons soon." Justin says, ripping the blankets off me.

"Go away!" I growl, throwing a pillow at him, still refusing to wake up.

"Get up. Right now." He growled, two octaves lover and I realized what I had done. I immediately get out of bed, not even daring to make an excuse as my eyes stay glued to the ground. Justin tosses my uniform on my bed before storming out. I don't even get time to prepare myself for this punishment since I have Justin for the first three blocks.

Quickly, I change into my uniform and silently walk down the stairs. Ethan handed me my bag and lunch money and we all silently followed Justin through the halls. All of us stayed silent. Ethan and Seth separated from us and went to their classes, leaving me alone with Justin.

The class was already full of students who sat silently waiting for the professor to come and give instructions.

"Everyone get out their notebooks and your textbook. Page 130-160." Everyone did so immediately while I stood awkwardly by the door.

"Levi, over here, kneel." I scurried to right where is foot was and knelt. Justin started grading the essays he had while I sat silently, scared to make any movements. Just as I started to zone out, Justin flicked my nose, jolting me awake.

"Did I say you could sleep?" He growled, in which I shook my head.

"I couldn't hear you. Did. I. Say. You. Could. Sleep?" He growled louder. His tone and demeanor was starting to scare me.

"Yellow..." I whispered, so quietly, I could barely hear myself, but he heard me loud and clear.

"Go sit in my office." He ordered softly. I scurried into his office, and knelt by the desk. I didn't know what my punishment was gonna be and the anticipation was starting to scare me. I hadn't realized tears were streaming down my face until a warm droplet hit my hand.

The door opened and Ethan stood in the doorway, light emitting into the once dark room. He noticed the crystal tears streaming down my face and hurried over to cradle me and wipe my cheeks.

"Come on, up you get, love. We're gonna go back to the apartment." Ethan coed softly, nudging me up. I shook my head no and clung to the wall. I didn't wanna be in more trouble for missing classes. The sound of the door clicking shut drew my attention to the entrance. I could just barely make out Justin's frame with my blurred eyesight.

Hell High <DISCONTINUED>Where stories live. Discover now