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TW of sexual assault and abuse Look for the !!! to know when it starts and ends

It was currently two days after my most lovely series of punishments (note to sarcasm) and I was now sitting in Mr. Croupley's class, working on an assignment, when the door opened and a few brief words were exchanged between him and someone else.

"Alright class, stop your work for a moment and look up here please"

When I looked up, I saw the face I was hoping to never see again. Alex Copperfield, My douche bag of an ex, and from the looks of it, he recognized me too.

"We have a new student, his name is-"

"Alex fucking Copperfield" I snarled.

"Hey look! Haven't seen you in a while.. Do you still get on your knees for every man you see, Woods?" And that was it.

I lunged up and over my desk, tackling the bastard to the floor, relentlessly beating the shit out of him. Screams and cheers erupted throughout the classroom as our teacher ran to the hall in hopes to seek out help.

"YOU (punch) DAMN (punch) WELL (punch) KNOW THAT'S (punch) NOT (punch) FUCKING (punch punch) HAPPENED YOU BASTARD! (punch) YOU FORCED (punch) ME (punch) AND NOW I'LL KILL YOU!" I screamed, tears of anger pouring from my eyes as plenty of horrid memories flooded my head.

"LEVI! GET OFF HIM!" Justin roared, hoisting me off, Ethan stopping Alex from lunging at me.

"LET- LET ME GO! HE- HE DESERVES IT! HE- He deserves it.." I broke down sobbing, going limp in his arms.

"Headmaster's office. Right. Now." Justin growled, in a tone that made the entire class shrink back in fear, including the teacher.

Justin sets my feet to the ground but keeps a firm grip on my arm, while Ethan had to fully restrain Alex just for the walk to the principals office. Without knocking or hesitation, we were barging through the door.

"Ever heard of kno-" The headmaster silences himself once he sees Justin's furious expression.

"Sit down. Now." Ethan orders, forcing Alex into a chair as he goes and closes the door while Justin sits in the other chair, snapping his fingers to the ground. A non-verbal command to kneel. I did so without hesitation or objection, keeping my eyes on the ground as Alex snickers and scoffs.

"So gentlemen, what brings you to my office this early in the morning?"

"Fist fight." Ethan mutters.

"Do you ever learn your lesson mister woods?!" Headmaster demands.

"Apparently not." I snap in return. Of course I was the one being blamed.

"Watch your tone boy." Ethan snarled.


"No! I wont stand for being blamed for the cause of all problems! He forced me to do shit that I never wanted to do when I was at my old school! He hit me, he shared me around to every person in our grade as if I was some cheap toy! He forced me to my knees every day! He treated me like trash and threatened me! I came to this damn school because I took the fall for him gassing out the school because he was too much of a fucking pussy! He deserved what he had coming whether he wants to admit it or not!" I roared, standing up from my kneel.


"Levi sit down before you dig yourself a deeper hole!" Justin whisper-snapped, pulling me into his lap, running his hands through my hair in attempt to calm me down.

"Typical Levi Woods, pulling the victim card when things get too rough." Alex spat, earning a glare from everyone inside the room.

"Alright. Since this problem clearly cant be solved overnight, I have a new proposition." The headmaster began.

"You guys seemed to do fairly well putting Mr. Woods here in place-"

"No! Absolutely fucking not!" I raged. He was not staying in our dorm and that was final.

Justin's hand wasted no time crawling up my neck and taking a forceful grip, insuring that I was looking him in the eyes, and believe me. He was not pleased whatsoever.

"One more word out of you when your're not spoken to and you'll be getting it when we get back to the dorm. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir.."

"Now headmaster, what were you saying about this proposition?"

"Seeing as Mr. Copperfield here would not only be digging himself a pretty steep hole, but also Mr. Woods one as well, I propose that I hand custody over to you specifically. Mr. Copperfield will be punished at every snide remark, foul action, or even inappropriate glances until it gets through his head that he does not have any power here, only then will he be integrated in with the rest of your partners. As for Mr. Woods, you will punish him as usual when you see fit. Now I understand that handling two disobedient boys at once is not an easy task so you are free to reject my proposal."

"I trained Ethan and Seth at the same time, and they turned out pretty good if I don't say so myself. I accept your proposition." That last sentence made my heart drop. There was no way I'd go more than two days before I beat the shit out of him again.

"Very well then. Alex has already been informed of the rules and regulations we hold at this school, therefore he has no excuses as to his behavior."

Justin patted my thigh and I stood up, allowing him to grab Alex and lead us out the door. This was most definitely one of my most hardest tasks yet and there was no way I'd be succeeding any time soon.


I pulled an all-nighter and wrote like seven chapters to keep myself occupied throughout the night, I apologize if they're not up to my usual writing standards...

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