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"Levi.. Levi! Wake up.."

Groaning, I grogily open my eyes to look at the face of Ethan, barely recognizable in the dark. Scowling, I pick up my phone and look at the time. 1:19 AM. I look at him questioningly.

"The school's annual prank war began, initiated by yours truly. We're getting a jump start on everyone.. Come on.. Let's go!"

"We..?" I mumble, scowling when Alex's bed-head popped out from behind Ethan.

"It'll be fun.. I promise baby boy." Sighing, I nod and get out of bed, throwing a hoodie over my bare torso and slipping on a pair of slippers laying by my bed.

Alex and I silently followed after Ethan as he lead us through the dark halls and to the front door. Silently, we exit the dorm and head to the chemistry lab that I didn't know even existed.

"Alex, I want you to make a dozen smoke bombs. Levi, go grab the pigments, the pressure hose and some empty cans."

"Ghetto smoke bombs and spray paint.. I love it.." Alex and I said in unison, looking at each other with devious grins as we got to work.

By the time we were ready to set our plot into action, it was around 3 in the morning. All three of us got to work, spraying the words 'the war has begun' into the front of the school, the smoke bombs being set off right after we finished our vandal piece. It wasn't long before students filed out by the dozens, coughing and groaning, soaked from the triggered sprinklers and shook from the blaring alarms, the cold winter air not helping the soaked students' conditions.

Once students caught sight of the multi-colored words on the building, hoots, hollers and cheers erupted from the crowd, grins painting their ways onto our faces and laughs leaving our mouths.

"You were right.. This was fun!" I managed to say between laughs, struggling to breathe at times, but our fun was cut short when hands roughly grabbed our shoulders, turning around to see the faces of the hands, I was met with a very displeased (and soaked) Seth and Justin.

Trying to conceal another fit of laughter, I look down, the other two following in my lead soon after.

"EVERYBODY BACK INSIDE AND TO BED." Justin roared, his voice now the only thing audible as it echoed through the crowd, everyone slowly following the order given.

"Headmaster's office. March." Seth growled, as he pushed me in the direction of the entrance doors.


Two hours worth of scolding later, we were finally allowed permission to go back to our dorm, leaving us 2 hours to sleep left, but I was sure that we wouldn't be getting much of that. Justin had remained surprisingly calm throughout the entire time, aside from the killer glare etched into his face, but the minute the front door closed, his calm person's was gone.

"Who's idea was it." he growled, unbuckling his belt. Alex and I gulped, looking at each other.

"Mine." Ethan admitted, looking up at Justin.

Justin raised a brow before speaking in the most deadliest calm voice I've ever heard. "Strip." Ethan did do immediately, looking down and waiting for his next set of instructions.


"Not a single word." Seth growled, pointing a deamening finger towards me.

"Over the couch, and I want your color." Ethan obeyed, muttering a green. Justin wasted no time laying down the belt onto Ethans bare ass and thighs, stopping every twenty lashes to ask Ethans color, stopping at eighty. His backside was a bright, fluorescent red by the time he was done.

Justin simply pointed to Seth, the direction Ethan followed, before pointing to me and calling me forward. Slowly, I walked to Justin as I tried to conceal my shaking hands. His hand placed itself under my chin and guided my eyes to his.

"20. Okay?" I nod, as he places a kiss to my forehead before pointing to the couch arm. Bending over, I mumble a green and brace myself for the belt to come down. The first five lashes stung the worst in my opinion, but after that, they felt softer, probably because my ass went numb.. I really was a little bitch when it came to pain.. When my twenty were done, I headed to the direction of Ethan and Seth, my eyes red and puffy and my nose snotty and running. Seth enveloped me in a hug as Ethan looked at me in sympathy and guilt. I was given two heavy-duty pain killers and cuddled into Ethans side as we stood.

When it came to Alex's turn, he became defiant and earned himself an extra five lashes with the belt, before being turned over to Seth to be given pain killers.

Justin sat down on the couch and tiredly sighed, his head in his hands.

"No more of this bullshit.. Please.." he croaked. It was visible that the punishment was eating away at him as well.

"I'm sorry.." was echoed throughout the quiet living room by the three of us. Justin simply nodded.

"Everyone up to bed now, okay? .." he mumbled softly, not looking up from his position. I lingered behind, looking at Justin worried.

"Now Levi." I nodded and quietly went upstairs.

Seth waited for me at the top of the stairs, following me back to my room, tucking me in.

"Is he okay?" Seth smiled sympathetically, combing his fingers through my hair.

"He's human just like everyone else.. He doesn't enjoy punishing you guys, but he understands that sometimes it's necessary. He'll be okay in the morning. Get some rest, okay bug?" I nodded and closed my eyes, feeling Seth place a kiss to my forehead. My door closed and I could hear the steps creak as Seth walked downstairs, quiet chatter filling my ears before my eyes closed and I fell into a bland sleep


I got a tablet for writing so I'm hoping to do more updates but for the time being, take this chapter.

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