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By the time the police had processed Alex and given him back under the custody of Justin, it was about one in the morning, and all dominants were livid, glares sent to both me and alex. Upon entering the dorm I rushed to get up the stairs.

"Levi. Don't even try it." Seth growled.

Huffing, I sulk back down the stairs and walk back over to the dominants, who still had a firm grip on a very bruised Alex.

"Red room. Both of you. Stripped and kneeling. If I see you out of place, moving or hear you talking, punishment will be doubled. I'm dealing with you two myself." Justin ordered. Shit.

A hand roughly grabbed my shoulder, warm breath on my ear. "Wanna repeat that?" I shook my head. Did I really say that out loud?? "Good choice. Now move." I scurried into the direction of said room and stripped, kneeling immediately, almost forgetting the pull-up that I was wearing the entire day. Quickly, I hid it in my onesie before Alex could see if and mock me. He'd never let me live that one down.

Why was I in here? Was it because I beat Alex senseless? Would they rather him hurt someone? I did what I thought was best.. The creak of the door snapped me out of my thoughts, my breath hitching when Justin stopped in front of me.

His calloused hand gripped my chin, guiding my eyes to his as they stared through me.

"Do you know why you're in here?"

"I beat Alex..."

"And what else?" Theres another reason?! Think! Think! Think!! My delay in answer seemed to have aggravated Justin, his grip on my jaw tightening slightly to remind me of where I was.

"I- I don't know sir.." He raised a brow.

"You're here because you not only fought with someone, you endangered yourself. You disobeyed not one, not two, but three dominants. You were told to stay in the safe room for a reason. You didn't listen. You were specifically, and directly told to not interfere or react and you blatantly disregarded that. You could've gotten hurt."

"I-I did what I thought was be-"

"You didn't think! That's why you're here!" Justin boomed, his words taking me back. His eyes were filled with concern, fear and anger, but he knew how to mask it well. He let go of me and walked over to the other teen in the room. He crouched down, a hard look on his face as he forced the boy to look into his eyes.

"And you. That little stunt of yours won't be tolerated-"

"I went to get a fucking cigarette, Jesus Christ." Justin growled, his grip visibly tightening.

"One. Do not ever interrupt me or use that language in here again. Am I clear. Two. You damn well know that's against the rules, along with disappearing unnoticed. And don't think I haven't been counting the amount of shit talk you've been directing to Dominique." Justin stood up and walked over to his punishment wall.

"Over the bed. Both of you." It was a sharp order, stern and clear; but the belt he pulled off the wall made it all very unsettling. Scurrying over to the bed, I comply, Alex walking at a slow pace, Justin's response to which was to bend him over the bed himself.

We were ordered to count and without warning the spanking had begun. Me, Alex, me, Alex, and so on. I began to lose track my thirty and my hands were numb from how hard I was gripping the blanket. Justin was getting his point across and he was being very clear not to do it again, and I most certainly would not do it again. At fifty, he told me to go stand in the corner, stating that my spanking had been finished, the brutal beating on alex's ass continuing.

At sixty Justin traded the belt for a hairbrush and continued, the sounds were a lot louder and far more difficult to drown out. At ninety, Justin was done, pulling Alex into an embrace and telling him to go see the other two dominants, a hole filling my stomach when I thought he had forgotten about me.

Was I not good enough? Was I going to stay here all night? Was Alex better at meeting his needs? I was crying and I didn't even have the energy to muffle it. My shoulder shook and tears streamed down my face like a waterfall, my nose stuffed and runny.

Six hands grabbed me, tears flowing faster, Horrid memories popping up at the worst time and muffled voices that sounded like yelling.

"-op!... le.... st.... lev.... top!... 're okay... Levi!.. Levi stop!... you're okay! Levi! Levi baby! You're okay! You're okay! Levi stop!" Crying harder, I cling onto the first thing I could grab, which happened to be a person. Blubbers and begs mixed with apologies flooded out of my mouth, pleading them not to give me away.

"We're not gonna give you away. We didn't forget about you, I promise love. I had to put the belt and brush back.. it was only a few seconds.. I didn't forget you baby boy.. I'm so so sorry." Justin plead, holding me close as he rocked me back and forth, wiping my wet eyes and using his sleeve to clean the snot running down my face. I simply whined and cling to him tighter, I didn't want him to leave.


Angst and Alex's first official punishment.. oooooo

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