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"Ngh!.. J- Just- in!... ngh! A-Agh!"

Unfortunately this wasn't what you thought it was.. or maybe it is.. we were supposed to be eating dinner when Justin decided to turn the vibrator up a few notches causing me to drop my fork and hide my face in my hands, it also didn't help that Seth was giving me a hard on with his foot under the table.

"Don't you dare fucking cum." It was Ethan this time.

Seth decided to stop his torture on my boner but Justin chose to leave the vibrations on and continue eating. I let out a strangled whine and place my head on the table, focusing all my willpower on not climaxing. This was worse than those damned shock bindings!

"A-Agh! I - I'm g- I'm go- Ngh!" I cry out, vibrations immediately stopping for the fifth time this night. Tears brimmed my eyes as I looked up at Justin pleadingly.

"T- this is s-so me-mean!" I state like a five year old and furiously rub my eyes.

"So is throwing stuff at people."

"I-it was a p-pillow!"

Justin simply shrugs and continues eating. My other two dominants continued eating as if the conversation happening between Justin and I was nonexistent. It was too overwhelming so I did what my cowardly ass always does and ran. I ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs and into the first door I saw, ignoring the calls from all three men telling me to stop or to come back. There were stomping patterns up the stairs and suddenly everything went quiet.

"Split up." It was a muffled comment but I could still hear it clearly.

Thinking I was in trouble, I bolted to the closet and hid. I didn't want to be in trouble. Tears pooled my eyes and before I knew it, I was holding my hand over my mouth to muffle the sobs I was choking out.

"Levi? Where are you?" Seth called, in a concerned tone.. but it was an act.. wasn't it?

I could see a shadow outside the closet door and I could hear the knob jiggle. He was gonna find me! I scooted back as far as possible into the wall hoping to just disappear, and as if my wish was granted, a trap door in behind me swung open and slammed shut immediately after. I found myself in my bathroom, my shower to be more precise, and right in front of Justin as well.

"There you are!" He cheered sounding relieved. "Guys he's in here!" He calls, walking up to me.

I simply cry harder and back up more. I didn't wanna be in any more trouble!

"Awh.. come here baby boy. You're not in trouble. Come here." He cooed. There was this sympathy in his eyes I've never seen before that made me subconsciously go to him.

"You gotta communicate, okay? Were you becoming too overwhelmed? Hm?" He asked softly as his hands ran through my black hair, and all I could do was give him a small nod. I wasn't ready for that type of punishment, it was so new to me.

"I'm sorry baby.." he says, picking me up and carrying me to my bed.

"Let's get that out of you then hm?" I could only nod, my eyes still watery.

In walks Ethan and Seth just as I'm laid onto the bed, they both look equally worried. Both men take a seat on either side of me, combing through my hair.

"Turn onto your belly and hold their hands." He orders in a smoothly stern tone and I oblige.

After doing as I'm told, Justin begins to remove my pants and boxers along with my shoes and my socks. He re-positions my legs so that my back is arched and my ass is high in the air for all to see. He begins to massage my bottom and the two men on either side of me slightly tighten their grip in my hands.

Justin turns the vibration to the highest setting before repeatedly thrusting it into me. Crying out in shock and ecstasy I writhe around in attempt to get away but that only makes the grip in my hands tighten. I became a moaning mess the second Justin grabbed my cock and began to rub me.

"A-agh! C-um- g-go-nna c-um! P-lea-se! NGH!"

"Cum for me baby" Justin growls into my ear sending me over the edge and to the biggest climax I've ever had as Justin milked me through the whole thing. By the end I was in tears of joy as the toy was removed from my aching ass.

Gently, I was picked up and carried into what looked like the masters bedroom, or presumably Justin's bedroom and into the bathroom where there sat duo sinks, a hot tub looking bathtub, a giant shower section and a toilet. In my hazy state, I laid cuddled up to the embodiment that was holding me, watching as the two others filled the tub with water and tons of bubbles. By the time the tub was full I was beginning to come down from my high, everything made so much more sense and I could once again recognize who was who.

I was placed in Ethan's lap as we all entered the warm water, Justin combing through my hair and Seth cuddling Ethan.

"You did so well, we're all so proud of you" Ethan whispered into my ear, kissing my temple.

I giggled and played with the bubbles that surrounded us, eventually climbing off Ethan to go to Seth and give him a Santa like bubble beard, squealing in amusement when he looked like a super old man. It became obvious to all of us that I was in a regressed state of mind, but none of us cared. Ethan, Justin and Seth smiled in content while I squealed and goofed around with bubbles. It was the only night it felt like we had all truly spent together and I couldn't have asked for a better experience.

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