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Not even ten minutes after arriving into the dorm, Alex and Justin were already into their first screaming match, which resulted in Alex being pinned to the wall by not one, not two, but all three dominants when he tried to take a swing at Justin.

"You try to fucking punch me or anyone else in this dormitory ever again and I'll blister your ass for a fucking week. Am. I. Fucking. Clear." Justin growled, leaning close to Alex's face, one hand firmly gripping his jaw, and the other one steadying himself on the wall behind Alex's pinned body.

"Fuck you" He spat, quite literally might I add, at Justin.

That's when things went to hell, Justin had most definitely snapped, and you could tell that even the other two dominants near him were fucking mortified.

"You wanna spit? Hm? You wanna fucking spit?! Ethan go get me a gag and the leather cuff set I used on Levi that one time."

"I- Yes sir" He squeaked before running to the Red Room and retrieving the said items. Boy was Alex in for it. There was no struggle whatsoever getting the cuffs on his body, but when it came time for the gag, he was relentless, struggling, growling, screaming bloody murder. But Justin was persistent until the ball gag finally slipped into his mouth and he hurried to buckle it closed. He was dragged into the living room where I sat quietly and I avoided looking at him at all costs.

"Now. We're gonna watch a movie and you're going to stay quiet and think about your actions." Justin stated, buckling his thighs to his calves and what not.

"If I hear a sound, you will feel something similar to this" he pressed the button and you could see the moment the shocks pulsed through the cuffs, when his eyes widened and he bit down on the ball locked inside his mouth.

"Levi. Come here love." I crawled into the arms of Ethan and Seth, snuggling into their embraces while Justin chose a movie to watch. Alex scoffed at our actions but his scowls were soon replaces with quiet whimpers when Justin shocked him again.

"Quiet." He growled, pointing to the boy on the floor who simply scowled.

Half way through the movie of Sherlock, when Alex had finally calmed down and realized his place in this dorm, Justin paused the movie and crouched in front of him, removing the gag.

"Are you ready to behave?"

"Yes sir" he mumbled.

"Then I'd like an apology addressed to everyone in this room."

"I'm sorry for causing a ruckus, spitting, screaming and fighting with you all."

"I don't accept your apology, bastard." I snark back.

"HEY!" All three dominants shouted in unison, an action that made me want to shrink back, but I didn't regret it.

"Levi. Come here. Right now." Justin ordered. Sighing, I got up from my spot and walked over to him, not expecting the action he did next. His hand thread through my hair, taking a firm grip at my crown, forcing my eyes to meet his.

"Any of this drama between the two of you stops now. I get it, he did some pretty fucked up shit and nothing will excuse him for that, believe me, I know. But whatever he did landed him in this school and with that mouth of his it's not going to be easy for him, and if you keep this up, it wont be easy for you either. So while you're both under my custody, this feud ends now. Am I clear." There was no room for negotiation and that's what really angered me.


"Good. If I hear any more snide remarks, arguing or fighting you're both going to be in deep shit."

"Yes sir." We muttered in unison.

The movie ended with no further incidents and it was now time for bed, the only problem is that Alex and I were told we had to share a room.

"Goodnight!" Alex called before closing and locking the door, his entire persona changing.

"Just because Justin told us to get along, does not mean I'll be treating you any different when we're not around him. Now get on your fucking knees and beg for forgiveness"

"No." I spat, resulting in a fierce backhand.

"Do it!"

"JUSTIN! HEL-" Alex slammed his hand over my mouth a deadly glare on his face, but it was too late. What he didn't know is that Justin had removed the lock on my door after I tried to lock myself away in attempt to avoid classes.

"Not. Another. Word." He growled.

"Alexander Matias Copperfield what the fuck do you think you're doing" his whole body stiffened.

I took the opportunity to push his hand off and go into a submissive stance. No doubt about it we'd both be in trouble for Alex's actions but if I submitted, Justin wouldn't go too harsh on me.

"Amazing who you'll get on your knees for" he muttered before turning around and trying to play it innocent.

"Nothing sir we were just fooling aro-"

"Bullshit. Levi what happened?"

"He- he threatened me and hit me when I didn't listen to him sir.." my eyes stayed glued to the ground, worried about what Justin's reaction would be.

"Go sit with Ethan and Seth. They're in the living room. Alex you stay where you are."

I quickly stood up and scurried to the living room, my eyes on the ground even when I arrived at my said destination. I didn't wanna know what their reactions would be. Seth's soft hand guided my eyes to his, filled with worry and fear and a hint of anger.

"You're bleeding."

I stifled a pained laugh.

"Not the first time.. I- I'll be okay"

"That's not okay and it's not flying in this house. Sit down and let us clean you up." It was Ethan this time, who stood up, pushing me down in his place as he went to get the first aid kit.

I cringed at the sound of an antiseptic wipe package being opened and prepared myself for the harsh stinging that would follow. Ethan finished off his small nurse charade with putting a bandaid over the wound, if you could even call it that.

"Ethan I think it's time we call Dom-"

"No. Absolutely fucking not."

"She can help! Levi shouldn't be getting neglected just because we have to focus on putting Alex in his place!" Seth whisper yelled in attempt to keep me from hearing, but I did and I had many questions.

"Fine. Call Dominique." He grumbled, sitting down beside me, his arms crossed as if he was a pouting child.

"Can I ask who Dominique is..?"

"No" "Yes" were the answers I got spontaneously. Ethan grumbled under his breath more, sinking further into the couch. While Seth held his phone up to his ear, waiting for an answer.

"Dom is his sister." I made a silent 'oh' and left it at that

"Come on Dom... hey! Dominique?"

"Yeah, it's Seth.. do you remember me? You do? That's great! We're experiencing some... harsh.. difficulties right now and we're at a loss of what to do.. would you be able to come down and help? You can? Great! Yeah. My dad's boarding school. Great! See you tomorrow."



Who is Dominique exactly to Ethan and what is she bringing to the table?

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