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I leaned forward and put my hands on my desk. I needed to make her understand the situation. 'Listen to me,Katrina. I'm a doctor,that's why I'll do whatever I can to help your daughter. But I don't want him to show up here later and cost us some scenes ... '

'No he won't. I can promise you that.' She cut my line so eagerly. She closed my hands in hers and I instinctively pulled them back.

I shoved papers in her direction, the agreement papers that somehow I knew I would need it and had prepared it even before talking to her. 'So I will need you to sign this papers.'

She immediately grabbed the papers and signed it without reading it.

I cringed to see that she's too reckless to sign some papers without reading it. 'It's stated that you will act as her guardian and will be fully responsible for any treatment and medication afterwards.'

'It's okay. I trust you.' Once done,she put the pen in my desk.

I quickly got up to my feet,unable to fight the urge to lead her out of her before she got the chance to do something stupid to show her gratitude. She had a very weird way to show it.

I walked her out of my office,until my secretary desk. She paused there and leaned to kiss my cheek. I was so shock. I was unprepared. All I could do was staring at her. 'Thank you again,Khalil.' And then she left.

When I turned around I saw Lina was busy typing something on her computer. I wasn't sure whether she was really busy or just trying to be polite by pretending that she didn't see what had happened in front of her eyes. Then I saw a movement in my left and I almost choked on my breath to see Zahra was sitting on the sofa. The fact that she was looking down at her lap didn't ease my mind. I felt like I've been caught in the act.

Did she saw Katrina kissed me? Of course she did. Unless she's blind. My stomach churned and I felt sick immediately. Sick to myself.

I cleared my throat to suppress the guilt. Over what ? I have no idea. All that I know was that I wanted to be a better person in front of her. 'I believe I don't have any appointment with your team.' The words came out harsher then I intended.

Her head snapped up at me and eyes widened in shock. 'I'll be brief. If you have time.'

'15minutes. Then I'll be off to pray in masjid.' I couldn't look at her innocent eyes any longer and quickly turned around.

'Yes sir.' Her tone was nothing but casual. And it could only add more to my guilt.

Relief was what I felt when I got to my desk. Standing there while watching her entered my office gave me a chance to look at her sweet face. I tried to read Zahra's emotion through her face,but I failed. Although I could see her jaw clenched,it's like the other day when she tried to suppress her breakdown,but I got nothing. I disliked the cold Zahra.

Is she having a breakdown again? Is it because of Katrina's kiss? Is she jealous?

The thought my inner-self had suggested was very tempting. Although it's nicer to believe in it,I chose the easiest way,I refused it. The way Katrina had taught me years ago in the hard way. I refused to let my feelings towards woman lead me. I will only think with my rational mind. Period.

'Have a seat. What is it?'

'Adam asked me if you have any suggestions about the system? Surely you've tried it the beta version?'

'Yes I did.' I hang my words for several minutes.

'So ... What do you have in mind?'

I wasn't ready to let her go yet. If I said the system was ready to launch,which was the truth,it would be the end of everything. 'I don't know. Why don't you come to me again next week? I have a lot of things to do and think right now.'

'Oh.' Her face fell. If I couldn't read her emotion before,I could read her emotion now. It's clearly shown. So,her job meant more to her. It affected her more. The fact that she didn't feel jealous infuriated me.

'And make sure you make an appointment before you come here.' Again,the statement went out harsher than I intended. But once it's out,I couldn't take it back. What is wrong with me?

'Yes sir,I'm sorry for disturbing you.' She started to stand up,turned around, and walked out of my office. She paused on the door frame and turned around abruptly. 'I did make an appointment. It's not my fault if you have other important things so you forget about it. Thank you,have a nice day. Assalaamu'alaikum.'

As soon as she left my office,I opened my daily agenda and saw her name under today's date. Suddenly I felt stupid. I balled my fists and hit my desk. I didn't feel anything. I felt numb.


His name carried no other than philanthropy reasons. He's a young brain surgeon who dedicated his early years in career to help people in any remote parts of the country. Dayak,bromo,papua,you name it. Before finally settled in and built a charity hospital. That was years ago. That's what I read on the net when I searched for his name.

There was only 1 interview throughout hiscareer,kind of weird for someone with his reputation. People said he doesn'tlike his life to be a public consumption. The interview was only about him,hospital's benefactors, his career, and his short marriage. But no picturesabout the unlucky woman. He's that stingy with details. But then again, it'shis life. His prerogative.    

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