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He nodded and looked at the elevator. 'You ran out from there.'

'And to you?'

'Yup,straight to me.'

What does he mean by straight to him? I went out of the elevator then ... Oh my God. 'I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't look where I went.'

'Hey hey ... There's nothing to worry about. Not that I complain or something. Look,I'm a doctor,I know you're not okay. I could ...'

'I'm fine.' I knew he meant well but he's a stranger to me. And I don't like any strangers paid me attention,just like he did. I also don't like people to see me as a weak person. 'Look,I'm fine. I just ... I'm in a hurry. My boss is waiting for a word from me. I've got to go. Really,I'm fine.' Slowly,I tried to step away from him. Right then,my phone vibrated and I took it out of my bag. 'Thank you!' I waved and shouted from afar.

'Yes,Zahra's speaking.'

'Zahra darling,Assalaamu'alaikum.' I heard a familiar voice at the end of the line,but couldn't remember the person. I looked at the screen but the number was not listed on my phone.

'Wa'alaikumussalaam. I'm sorry,may I know who's speaking?'

'This is Emma. We met at the plane after the umrah trip.'

The trip! The one that had an ugly memory. The trip for two,but I went alone instead. I tried to remember anybody I met there. Wait,she said on the plane. I met a lot of people. Talked to many.

Emma,which one is she?


'So,you've forgotten about me,my dear? I won't blame you. I was too busy myself to send you my number,which I had promised.'

She went on and on about how we met. All the time,I didn't listen at her words. My mind was busy searching through my limited memory.

'We met on the plane on our way back home here. I was an old lady you talked about your,um sorry,ex fiancé.' Then something clicked.

'Miss Emma!'

'Yes,that's me. Now you remember me.'

Well,I had to admit that I was kind of hoping she won't contacted me at all. I was still embarrassed for what I've said the last time we met. I told her about my cheating fiancé, the umrah trip which was supposed to be our honeymoon, then my breakdown. God,it was lots and lots of tears. I've never cried like that before.

'I'm sorry. So many things happened today. But hey ... I'm happy you called. How are you?'

'Alhamdulillaah,I'm good. Listen,I just came back from hajj,and wanted to have a little gathering. What do you say?'

What am I supposed to say? Should I refuse her invitation? But under what reason?


'This Saturday.'

What a fate! I would be free on Saturday. I couldn't lie,but I didn't want to meet her again.

'Are you free this Saturday?' There goes the question.

'Yes.' Ya Allaah,please make me busy on Saturday.

'Great. I'll text you my address. Immediately. Bye,see you on Saturday. Assalaamu'alaikum.'

'Wa'alaikumussalaam.' Click!

I'm dead.


I wish I could turn back the time. I won't help Katrina in the first place. But then,I won't be who I am. That was exactly the reason why I wanted to be a doctor,to help people.

She might trick me,many times. Still,I was the one who could help her. But I couldn't accept the fact that she was using her daughter to get to me. I wish I could turn back the time,I won't talk to her in this office. I would prefer the open space where people could see us.

'I need Amanda's status.' I asked a nurse in their desk station. She gave me some papers,and I immediately put my whole focus to it.

'Hey doc,there are some women there looking at you.'

I turned around and found some women with tight clothes smiled at me. I turned my gaze back to the papers in front of me. 'Stop matchmaking me,Korin.' I pulled out a pen from my chest pocket and started writing down.

y woman. He's that stingy with details. But then again, it'shis life. His prerogative.    

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