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Getting a few miles away from the motel was a start. Not a very long start, but a start.

Bucky had been riding the bus for a few hours now. He just got on and didn't plan on getting off until he was kicked off.

At the last bus stop, Bucky got off, stretching a bit, careful not to show his metal arm. Bucky tried to hide best he could, just in case any HYDRA members were in the vicinity.

He had his hair drawn up in a ponytail with a baseball cap on, gloves, and a rather puffy coat. He kept his head down and no one looked at him.

That was until he got off the last bus stop.

A single gunshot sounded. Then a metallic ping and Bucky felt his metal arm twitch. He looked down to see a hole in the coat. Someone had shot him in the arm.

Bucky's mind immediately went into soldier mode, the plates in his arm grinding as he clenched his fist.

Another shot. Bucky blocked it.

Then sudden warmth spreading across his back, pain now screaming in his veins. The bus was rigged. HYDRA was ready for him.

Trying to ignore the pain in his back, Bucky scouted the shooter. He really wished he had a gun.

Instead, Bucky ducked into the building of the bus stop. A bullet flew through the window. The more and more.

Bucky was trapped.

Trying to find Bucky was harder than last time.

Steve was working alone now. Everyone else had given up. Steve was on the verge himself.

Steve was in his apartment, making himself a sandwich when his phone rang, the call coming from a blocked number.

"Steve, turn on the tv wherever you are. News channel would be spectacular." Natasha's voice sounded in his ear.

Confused, Steve walked to his living room, turning on the television. "Now time for breaking news. An explosion on an Estonian bus and a shooting lead to 12 casualties, and multiple reports of sightings of the criminal known as the Winter Soldier."

Steve froze. He didn't know how to react. Displayed on the screen, was a picture of Bucky. He looked scared, broken, and hurt.

"Authorities are now searching for the Winter Soldier. Any information will help in the search for this criminal." The reporter spoke.

Panicking, Steve turned off the tv, immediately calling Natasha back.

"We need to get Bucky before they do. HYDRA or whoever else wants to get Bucky." Steve pleaded into the phone.

"Already on it, Cap. Looks like we're going to Estonia." Natasha confirmed. "Won't take too long to get there on the quinjet."

Steve stayed silent. He was running through scenarios in his head. For instance, if Bucky remembers him now, if Bucky was captured by now or not, or if Bucky was now dead or not.

Steve hated the doubt creeping all around him. It made him anxious, and he just wanted answers. Either positive or negative,  but Steve preferred the former. 

"Steve?" The voice startled him slightly, forgetting he was on a phone call. 

"Yea... yea sorry. I spaced out a little." Steve squeezed his eyes shut for a few moments. "Where do you want me to meet you?" He spoke again.

"I'll come to you." Was the reply.

"Thanks, Nat." 

"Not a problem, Steve."

But it is a problem. All the time and effort just so Steve could hold on to the tiniest sliver of hope that he might get Bucky back. Well, whatever was left of the Buck knew.  It was unknown to Steve just how badly Bucky was broken. 


Bucky was now bleeding from a shot in his left leg. He wasn't careful enough ducking behind another desk in the station, and someone took a lucky shot when his leg was exposed. Bucky cursed himself for thinking there would only be one sniper from one angle.

Bucky had managed to escape by dodging and blocking bullets as best he could while making his way to the back of the station and break a back window and run as fast as he could.

So that's how he ended up here. In an abandoned park overgrown with ivy.  

Bucky tore the hem of his pants a little, tying the fabric tight around the wound. If he didn't get it treated, it would become infected, yet it was impossible for Bucky to get to a hospital. By now, everyone knew that the Winter Soldier was in Estonia. 

Bucky had lost a decent amount of blood, and on top of everything, it was almost pitch black and getting colder by the minute. Bucky knew he was going to meet his end soon.

Bucky shook his head as darkness started creeping up from behind his eyes. If Bucky passed out, he would surely die in a matter of hours, and if not, found and captured by HYDRA. Bucky would choose death over being brainwashed and tortured at any time. 

So when the lure of unconsciousness reared again, Bucky welcomed it, ready to be whisked away.

Bucky only wished he could say goodbye to Steve.

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