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It couldn't be. She was dead. Bucky thought he must be dreaming because he saw her dead on the floor that day. 

She laughed. "Мы следили за тобой некоторое время, но казалось, что ты поселишься и умрешь в Эстонии, но потом ты хотел уехать. Мы просто не можем, чтобы ты бродил по миру, если бы он не работал на нас. (We've been tracking you for a while, but it seemed you would settle and die in Estonia, but then you wanted to leave. We simply can't have you roaming around the world if it weren't working for us.)" Aiandama explained. "Итак, чтобы убить двух зайцев одним выстрелом, мы устроили мою смерть, а вы убежали. Мы расстреляли станцию, пытаясь привлечь внимание вашего капитана-американца, и это сработало отлично. Теперь у нас есть вы оба. (So to kill two birds with one stone, we set up my death and you scampered away. We shot up the station trying to capture the attention of your Captain American and it worked perfectly. Now we have you both.)" 

Bucky knew he needed to leave the room. He needed to alert someone. He needed to run. But he couldn't. She had him in a state of such deep shock it rooted him to the ground. 

"Теперь давайте отсюда, ладно? (Now, let's get out of here, shall we?)" Aiandama smiled, whispering something under her breath before looking to Bucky. "Тоска. Ржавый. Семнадцать." Bucky didn't realize what she was doing before he felt something crawling up his spine and planting itself in his brain. "Утренняя. печь. девять." 

"Shut up!" Bucky screamed, reaching for the door once he felt his head start to throb painfully. 

"Доброкачественная. Возвращение домой. Один." Bucky got the door open a little too late. "Грузовой вагон." 

Then it was over. Bucky was enveloped in darkness, his scream not reaching the surface. Natasha, Clint, and Sam entered the cell, confusion showing on their faces. The Winter Soldier quietly removed Aiandama's restraints. 

"James, what are you doing?" Natasha snapped, grabbing his flesh arm. 

"Вытащи меня отсюда. (Get me out of here.)" Aiandama spoke, now standing behind the soldier. 

"James!" Natasha shook the soldier's arm. He looked down at her hand, before grabbing it with the metal hand and thrusting her towards the wall. Just as the soldier was raising his arm to land a hit on Natasha again, Clint and Sam pulled him back before it could connect.

Aiandama socked Sam in the jaw, stunning him momentarily. She took the opening and ran. The soldier went limp. "What the hell?" Natasha spat at him. 

"I'm going after the girl." Clint let go of the soldier's arm, running down the hallway before cursing was heard and Clint running back to the cell. "She busted the elevator open. We need to go and get her." 

Sam let go of the soldier's other arm and within a split second, the soldier was racing towards the elevator. The password panel was busted and the doors were wide open when the soldier entered the elevator. He pressed the ground floor button and the elevator rose just before Natasha, Clint, or Sam could reach it. 

The soldier met Aiandama outside the building. "Поехали. Они идут за нами, пока мы говорим. Там нет времени, чтобы тратить. (Let's go. They're coming for us as we speak. There is no time to waste.)" She spoke. The soldier nodded in reply and they started running. 

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