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One week later

It had been three days since Bucky got out of the hospital.

Bucky was slowly getting used to life with Steve again. He liked the soft music in the mornings. He liked the warm bed and blankets.

But most of all, he liked seeing Steve every day.

Steve was teaching him more about modern life than he ever got in Estonia or anywhere else.

Bucky would always love the 40 music, but he liked the music Steve played. Steve liked the softer songs, which seems out of character for Captain America. Bucky half expected Steve to be into Christian Rock. Bucky was glad that wasn't the case.

Bucky always woke up before Steve, but he didn't know what to do with himself. So he always waited until he heard music. He would listen to the first song, then go out into the living room.

But today was different. Bucky woke up and didn't hear any music, which was normal, but he heard that Steve was awake. He heard voices.

Curious, Bucky got out of bed and walked out of the room he was staying in. Another thing Bucky did was to make sure he didn't get attached to anything. Not even Steve. As much as Bucky wanted to, he barely hung out with Steve unless the blond was telling him stuff about modern life. They never watched TV on the couch together, or just sit in each other presence. Bucky was always in his room.

Bucky emerged in the living room, spotting Steve and a girl sitting on his couch, small laughs and giggles escaping their lips as they whispered and held hands.

"Oh! Morning, Bucky." Steve greeted when their eyes finally met. "This is my girlfriend Sharon..."

Bucky felt a twinge in his stomach but brushed it off immediately. Instead, he just nodded in reply, gazing at the girl he thought he recognized.

"If you're hungry, help yourself to anything. Sharon and I are gonna go out for breakfast." Steve explained.

Bucky nodded. He never spoke much around anyone except Steve when they were alone. He was already afraid something bad would happen.

Sharon gave Bucky a look like she was scared and confused. "Hey, he's okay. He's not going to hurt you. That wasn't him." Steve whispered to her, expecting Bucky not to hear, but it was inevitable.

Bucky lingered for a moment longer before turning to go back to his room. He hated this feeling. The feeling of being lost without someone telling him what to do or prompting him to do something.

So he sat on his- no, Steve's guest bed, and waiting until he heard the door click open, then shut. Everything went quiet.

Closing his eyes, Bucky felt a sense of calming sadness wash over him before his stomach growled a bit.

Over the past few months, Bucky was slowly regaining all his memory. There was still stuff that was fuzzy, like specifics from the 1930s and 40s, and stuff from when he was the Winter Soldier.

When Bucky was still in the hospital, Steve bought him a little notebook to write down his thoughts or things he remembered to help him.

Bucky glanced at the book on the nightstand, going to pick it up along with the pencil next to it.

Steve has a girlfriend named Sharon. She's scared of me. I got a weird feeling in my gut when he said she was his girlfriend. I don't like the feeling. It makes me feel guilty.

Bucky sighed, setting the book down when he was done. He decided he'd better get something to eat.

Steve would always cook dinner. That was all Bucky would usually eat in a day. Only a few bites and say he was full.

He didn't eat at all yesterday, so he guessed it was time to have a few bites of something. He got up and left the room, wandering to the kitchen.

Bucky grabbed a slice of bread from the refrigerator, taking out the toaster. It was simple and didn't use up a lot of Steve's food.

Once the slice of bread was done, Bucky took it out, holding it with his mouth as he put the toaster away.

Bucky quickly went back into his room to retrieve the notebook. Steve had written a list on the first page of movies and TV shows he should watch if he was ever bored.

The first movie on the list was The Imitation Game. Steve said he might like it. It was set in world war two, but on the British side of it, about a mathematician named Alan Turing.

And Bucky didn't really understand the fact the main character was gay made the movie more interesting to him.

Bucky didn't remember the last time he cried from a movie or book. But this movie did things to him.

Bucky felt some kind of relation to the ending. He guessed it was something from the '30s since he couldn't remember much, but he felt a weird connection to the end of the movie.

Alan was caught for being gay. It was illegal and they wanted to put him prison, or a conversion therapy thing.

Bucky didn't remember the date, but he heard something about a man being killed for being gay, and Bucky remembered being scared.

Bucky wanted to delve more into his thoughts, but then the front door opened. Bucky panicked, knowing his eyes were red and tear tracks were on his face, and he had a box of tissues in his hands.

Steve was no longer with Sharon, so Bucky assumed he dropped off.

Bucky pushed the tissue box on the ground, quickly wiping his face with his sleeve, trying to act like he wasn't crying.

"Bucky, are you alright?" Steve sounded genuinely worried, and his eyes reflected this until he looked at the TV, then his gaze softened. "Oh, don't worry. I cried too."

Bucky just blushed a little, moving slowly to go to his room, not wanting to make things uncomfortable.

"Um, so I'm gonna go over to Sharon's, I just wanted to check up on you. But it looks like you're doing fine." Steve added.

Bucky didn't know what to say, so he just nodded, still a bit scared that Steve would judge him.

"Also, don't forget to eat something. When you don't it worries me." The blond admitted. Bucky didn't know what to say. "If I'm back really late, then have a good night, Bucky." Then Steve left.

Bucky stood there for a few moments after Steve left. Something twinged in his gut, that same feeling earlier.

Steve's blue eyes glinted in his mind, his heart started beating a bit faster. He didn't know what was happening to himself.

Bucky snatched up the notebook, rooting around until he found a pencil, starting to write.

Steve knows I don't eat much. I need to tell him I'm okay. The Imitation Game triggered some memories. Gays were killed in the 40s, that scared me.

Bucky flipped the page, his breathing elevated.

Steve's eyes.

In the middle of the page. Bucky wanted to take a picture of Steve's eyes and keep the picture forever.

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