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"Her position hasn't changed in a while," Clint observed. "She must be underground because I'm right where it says she is and it's just an alleyway."

"Check the house in front of her position," Natasha suggested from her place in the quinjet. They had sent Clint down to scope out the area around the signal, but so far they've found nothing.

"Okay," Clint confirmed, walking up to the door of the house and knocked twice. An old lady answered the door with a smile.

"Hello. May I come in and use your bathroom?"  Clint asked politely. He watched as the old woman glanced behind her shoulder. That's when Clint glimpsed two armed guards.

"Sorry," She shook her head. "No English." Clint took note of her Russian accent. He nodded and smiled in return, turning around when she closed the door.

"It's suspicious. The house may be a cover for an underground base or something. They may be there." Clint spoke.

"Then we should bust in and check." Bruce cut in from the tower's communication.

"Eventually. We need a plan so we don't alert anyone. We don't know how many guards there are and we can't just go in guns blazing. That could put not only us in danger but James and Steve in danger as well." Natasha pointed out.

"Alright, here's an idea; plant those bot things around the house and crack a window and dump some in there too," Sam spoke. "And we could go in guns blazing if we really wanted to. Who cares if a few agents die?"

"We don't want to make a scene. And do you want to get shot?" Natasha snapped.

"I'm in the house." Clint pipes up. "Hydra isn't very good with locking windows. Second story window doesn't even have a lock."

"Forget everything I said then." Natasha groaned. "Clint, find out as much as you can, but do not engage."

"Copy that," Clint responded. "I'm head downstairs." Silence for a few minutes. "Two guards at the back wall guarding a door. It must lead down somewhere important. I don't see the old lady."

"Well watch out. Don't do anything until you know where the lady us and you're sure there are only two guards." Natasha advised.

"Got it." He responded. The line went silent again and they all listened closely. "Only two guards. I knocked out the old lady. What next?"

"Tie her up and gag her. Take out the guards if you can, and well move in." Natasha commanded.

"They shouldn't be too hard to take out. They didn't put locks on their windows." Clint mused. The sound of two arrows flying. "Come on down."

"Thor, wanna join us?" Natasha asked. "We could use your good looks."

"Certainly. Sounds fun." You could hear the grin in Thor's voice. Using Mjolnir, he arrived at the house in no time. He knocked on the door.

"Hello, Thor. Nice of you to come to my housewarming party." Clint smiled and invited Thor in.

"Sam and I are coming down." It took a few minutes for Natasha and Sam to come down from the jet and join them inside the house.

"I think it's time to fight." Clint smiled and was just about to open the door to wherever it lead when Bruce spoke.

"Um... Tony is also coming?"

"Let's go." Tony appeared inside the house, fully suited.

"No. You're not sober enough for this, Tony. Go home." Natasha protested.

"She's right, Mr. Stark. Your blood toxicity levels are still high." Jarvis spoke from inside the suit. "I'm taking you back."

"Tony, you'll help Steve more if you stay at the tower with Bruce. You can look out for us, which in turn helps Steve. So let Jarvis take you home." Natasha spoke softly to Tony before the helmet closed.

"Okay. Let's go then." Clint nodded to Natasha, turning to open the door. He grabbed a key off the guard and unlocked the door, opening it softly as to not alert any other guards until need be.

"Ladies first."

"Last door?" Sam asked. "We're awfully close to her position. Clint was quiet, listening. Natasha looked behind her just in case.

She walked back to the nearest door and shut it, hoping that would stall anyone who was following them unwantedly for a little while.

"Must be. Everyone be careful. Extract James and Steve and then leave. We can deal with the place itself later." Natasha commanded. Everyone nodded in response. "Oh, and try not to kill anyone. Or get killed for that matter. Knocking bad guys out is just fine."

Then she opened the door. Two people noticed at first, but Natasha took them out just as quick. But in doing so she attracted more attention.

Clint handed Sam the tracker, and he set off to find Steve and Bucky. The rest prepared to fight.

There were Hydra agents everywhere and it was a struggle for the three of them and Natasha was having second thoughts about sending Tony home.

After fighting a few more agents, Sam reached the holding cell the signal was originating from. He knocked, ready to fight the person who opened the door.

It opened a crack, the darkness of the cell made it hard to see who was inside. Then he heard a gasp. "Sam!" A hand pulled him inside the cell and shut the door behind him.

It was an amazing feeling to be met with the face of Steve. "You look like shit." Sam mused, looking over Steve before giving him a hug.

"Miss me?" Steve smiled at his friend after the hug.

"You should see Tony." There was something unpleasant in Sam's voice when he spoke those words. Steve had an air of concern about him. "But besides that, Sharon decided to show up out of nowhere and act like she owned the place."

Steve sighed. "Well... wait- the rest of the team? Where are they?"

The sound of gunfire startled them. "Oh yeah, we should get going." Sam turned to open the cell door and Steve and Bucky readied their weapons.

"Wait, Steve, what if someone turns me?" Bucky feared.

"I know how to bring you back. It's worked twice already so don't worry. I won't let anything hurt you." Steve answered.

When the three left the cell, the saw Clint holding Natasha while Thor was fighting off more agents.

"We're gonna need to fight through the door. It's our best chance to escape." Steve piped up.

"Good to have you back, cap." Natasha smiled weakly at Steve from Clint's arms. Steve had enough time to flash her a quick smile before he had to punch an agent.

"We gotta get out of here before they start calling for backup!" Sam shouted. Bullets riddled off Bucky's arm, startling Steve.

More fighting broke out as the tried to push back to the door. "Bruce get the jet ready!" Natasha spoke into her earpiece.

Bucky shot at the agents surrounding them, clearing a path to the door. They booked it towards the exit, throwing the door closed behind them and every other door they could.

Then they were out.

Then a shout.

Then the sound of a gunshot.

Then the sound of ripping flesh.

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