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Bucky settled on the fact that he needed to leave Steve and the rest of the Avengers to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.

He knew he was safe with them, and that leaving was a risk due to Hydra and the winter soldier being the FBI's most wanted criminal. But his top priority was Steve's safety, not his own.

It would be easy to leave now anyway. Steve would try and stop him, but he was hospitalized and wouldn't be able to stop Bucky even if he tried. He was sure the Avengers wouldn't try to stop him, but he could lie to them anyway.

He needed to pack first, so he left the tower, heading towards Steve's apartment.

He managed to get the door open and was greeted with the mess he had left. Bucky decided to clean Steve's apartment before he left.

Bucky found Steve's iPod and the Bluetooth speaker and managed to connect the two with minimal effort and started playing Clocks.

He wished Steve was there listening with him.

He fixed the last couch cushion into place just as someone knocked on the door. Immediately he tended up, wary of who was on the other side of the door. He crept towards it, twisting the knob slowly, trying not to be noticed by anyone on the other side. Once the door was open a splinter, he peered out and saw Natasha.

"I knew I'd find you here," she smiled, Bucky pulled open the door all the way, inviting her inside. "The doctor said Steve'll be waking up soon, so I've come to get you."

"Okay, you can go. I'll be there soon, I just need to pick up a few more things," he lied. 

"Alright. Be quick or I'll see him before you." Natasha smirked, closing the door behind her. Maybe Natasha would try to stop him. He would miss her. But that didn't matter, so he turned and started off towards "his" room. 

He grabbed his backpack and stuffed as many items as he could, as well as the CD Steve gave him titled "Favorites." He didn't know how he would be able to play the CD, but for when he could, he knew he would need it.

Then walking back into the kitchen, he grabbed a sticky note and a pen.

You mean the world to me, but I have to leave. If I stay, I put you and everyone else you're close to in danger. Hydra will hunt me down, they always will until I'm dead or they're dead. So please don't look for me.
Till the end of the line, love,

He left the note on the kitchen counter and grabbed his bag. He scanned the apartment one last time before turning and shutting the door.

Bucky had been there for two minutes before a nurse came out. "He's awake. You can come to see him now." Bucky stood and the nurse lead him into the room where Steve was.

Before Bucky walked into the room, he prepared himself. The nurse walked in and asked Steve if he needed anything else. Bucky couldn't hear if Steve said anything. The nurse left.

That's when Bucky walked into the room. Steve looked up from his hand when he noticed Bucky's presence. "Bucky," Steve smiled a little.

The brunette walked up to Steve's side, taking his hand. Steve laced their fingers together. "Were you hurt?"

"Just a small bullet in my arm. I barely felt it." Bucky explained. "I was- I'm glad you're okay, Steve."

"I'm sorry, Buck. I'm so sorry." Steve started, Bucky shushed him.

"I'm the one that should be sorry. You saved my life when I could have saved it myself." He argued. They were both silent for a few moments before Bucky decided he needed to wrap it up before his mind changed. But then Steve spoke.

"I'm really happy you're here. I was so happy I had you again. I needed you." All the words left Bucky and for a second he wanted to throw away his plans and stay with Steve.

"I- I have to go, Steve." He closed his eyes. He needed to be strong. Say goodbye.

"Why? You just came in... did I say something wrong?" Steve looked worried. 

"No, that's not it," Bucky smiled, not letting the sadness take over. He let go of Steve's hand. "I'm leaving, Steve. I want to explain but I'm afraid that if I spend any more time around you, I won't be able to think straight." A small, distraught chuckled escaped the brunette's lips.

"You can't leave me." Distress was soon filling the room, suffocating both of them and Bucky needed to escape. "I just got you back you can't-" The sentence was swallowed up by Bucky's mouth as he decided the final word was to be unspoken. 

The spark was killed as soon as it was birthed as Bucky stepped away, fearful he might not have the strength to turn if he were to lock eyes with the man lying on the bed. 

Steve wouldn't let this happen. It was painful to stand up, the pain on the verge of forcing him to give up, but he needed Bucky.

He ripped out the IV and other wires attached to him, causing something to start beeping. He ignored this and stumbled after Bucky.

He got out of the room before a nurse tried to stop him. Running- he discovered- hurt more.

"Steve?" Natasha stood up when he burst through the door.

"Where is Bucky?" Steve was stricken with panic for a moment, looking around feverishly.

"He said he was going to get some sleep," Clint answered. The nurse from before came through the doors.

"No, he left me. He told me he was leaving me." Steve sobbed in reply. The nurse tried to grab Steve, but he lurched forward towards the elevator.

Tony quickly stepped in front of him, blocking the path so the nurse could grab him.

"I never got to tell him I love him."


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