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"First off, we need to find out where exactly Steve is. That's the difficult part. We also can't let anyone else know about this. If the press finds out, a story will be released and then Hydra will make it much more difficult to find Steve." Natasha reasoned. She was about to open her mouth again when the doors to the room they were in burst open.

"What's going on- what the hell is he doing here?" The man Steve presumed was Sam pointed at him. Sam sounded angry and confused, and a tad bit scared that an infamous assassin was sitting here at a table with the Avengers.

"Because he has every right to be. Sit down, Sam." Natasha defended Bucky, a bit annoyed she was interrupted. Sam sat down across from Bucky, not so secretly casting glances as if Bucky would suddenly pull out a gun and kill everyone at the table.

"Long story short, Steve was kidnapped by Hydra. We are making our genius plan to get him back." Natasha explained.

"Does he have something to do with this?" Now Sam was angry. "He's Hydra's little pet! He has to have something to do with this!" Sam was standing once again, gesturing at Bucky.

"Shut up and sit down, Sam!" Natasha snapped. "Or I'll have Thor put his hammer on your foot." Sam sat down, still fuming. "James has nothing to do with this. Hyrda's been after Steve ever since he defeated Red Skull."

"He's right," Bucky spoke up suddenly. " Hydra is after me. They killed my friend in Estonia, and now they've taken Steve, hoping I'll turn myself in. It's all my fault."

"No, James. It is not your fault. Steve wanted you here. If he thought something bad was going to happen if you were here with him, he would have hidden you away." It was Clint's turn to come to Bucky's defense.

"It doesn't matter if it was your fault or not, cause we're going to get Cap back anyways." Thor grinned, twirling Mjolnir.

"Now if we're done playing the blame game, let's actually work on saving Steve." Natasha glared at everyone. "We need to figure out how we are going to find Steve."

"Simple. Kidnap a Hydra agent. I can make them talk." Thor set the hammer down on the table.

"It could work. We'll need eyes and ear out in the city and surrounding areas. Tony, have anything we could use?" Natasha turned to Tony, who was slouched over in his chair, staring blankly at the ground.

"Yeah. It's for the tower's security, but we could spread them around the city." Tony lifted his head, his voice a bit hoarse. "I have microbots with cameras I developed we can place around the city. We can also hear every conversation. They're virtually undetectable and blend it to any surface." He explained.

"Is there any way the bots can alert us if anyone says Hail Hydra? Can you program that into the bots? Because there is no way we can manage a whole city at once." Clint put in.

"Jarvis is connected to all the bots. He can alert us, and we could also make the bots tag anyone who says Hydra, and especially hail Hydra."

Bucky felt a glimmer of hope wash through him. At this rate, Bucky was sure they could get Steve back.

"Only Clint, Sam, and I are going to deploy the bots. The rest of you need to stay here and watch for when the bots are online, and for any suspicious activity while we are setting up." Natasha spoke, pulling on a jacket and baseball cap. Bucky didn't really know how a simple hat is an adequate disguise.

The bots worked in groups. A tiny container was stuck to a wall and code entered, then the container would release the bots, and beep when finished.

Tony currently has twenty-four containers, so each person would set up eight of them in their assigned sections. Eighteen containers all across Manhatten, three in busy parts of Brooklyn, and three in busy parts of Queens.

"We'll be back in a few hours," Clint double checked they had everything. Bucky looked at them, feeling a mix of emotions. He had hope that this would work, but he had his doubts. He wanted to believe was Natasha said, but he couldn't help the growing concern Steve's time was coming to an end.

Natasha moved closer to Bucky, pulling him into a hug. "We'll get him back. Don't worry." She assured. Bucky hugged her back, resting his chin on her head and closing his eyes for a moment before she broke away.

Bucky was starting to slowly build up trust with Natasha. She wasn't afraid of him, stood up for him, and hugged him.

"We better get going. Time is precious." Clint spoke again, leading the way out of the tower. Bucky watched the three of them leave, anxiety building up with every step they took.

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