chapter 20

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Evelynn Brooks POV

I woke up with a sun shining on my face. I touched the soft blanket that was laying on me. As I open my eyes, the light room caught my attention. This is not my house!!! Where am I!!! as I calm down from my panicking state. I see the cliff I almost fell of yesterday. I'm at Mr. McKnight's house. I jump out of bed making my way down the stairs.

I heard noises coming out of the kitchen. I slowly walk towards the doorway. My heart was beating like I just run the marathon that I won with not even being in shape. To my surprise I saw Mr. McKnight cooking in his own house. I sat on the bar chair watching him cook. As soon as he was done he turned around. He gives me a warm smile than walking to the table with two plates on it.

"sleep well???" he asked me putting some scrambled eggs on my plate.

"yes." I replied at him. He sat down across me.

He starts eating like he didn't eat for days. I took a sip of my orange juice looking at the view outside the window. I focused my gaze on my plate. I felt his eyes on me. I felt my body heat up. For just being with him. What are you doing to me?! I eat my breakfast in silence.


He got up walking to the door. He said to a person that he could go. As he came back he was holding a bag. It showed a logo of a woman shop. An expensive shop!!!

"here!!!" he handed me the bag. As I look at myself I was just wearing my bra and panties. SHIT!!! I forgot I needed to put on more!!!! He is staring at me!!! I took the bag and hurried up stairs to change in the cloths he got me.

I put the bag on the bed. I jump under the shower. After I took the shower, I opened the bag. There were a silk pink bra and panties, a white skirt with a bow, a beige off shoulder shirt, a pair of beige stilettos and a beige with white and grey scarf.

 There were a silk pink bra and panties, a white skirt with a bow, a beige off shoulder shirt, a pair of beige stilettos and a beige with white and grey scarf

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After I brushed my teeth and hair. I put it in a messy lose bun. I open the door carefully. I heard noises coming from down stairs. It sounds like someone is yelling. I walk slow and careful down the stairs with a racing heart. The voices are getting louder.

"When are you going to marry!!!" a female yelled at someone. I came around the corner. It was Alison!!!

"Mom you know I lost me fiancée 7 months ago!!! I don't do marriages!!!" he snapped at his mother.

"what about Evelynn?? Have you ever said sorry to her??" she yelled at him. What about me!!!

"yes I said sorry!!! She is right here." He calmed down looking at me. My heart was pounding hard in my chest. Alison turned her gaze to me.

"oh honey, I'm so sorry that you heard this." Alison apologized coming towards me. She pulled me in a hug.

I heard Mr. McKnight laugh at me. I gave him a angry glare but he kept laughing. After she let me go. She gave her son a big smile. I stood there looking at the handsome devil.

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