Chapter 9

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Seth's POV

I look over at Daniella and I nod my head as we squeeze through the crowded place. Finding a seat at the bar I ordered us both two shots and she looked at them like it was an alien.

"You've never had a shot before?" I ask her as she get more confused. She laughs and shakes her head.

"Yeah I've never had one. In fact I've never been to a club or bar so I've never had beer." She tells me. I look at her shocked. I shake my head and look at her some more.

"Look you just drink it like this." I show her by grabbing her arm and guiding her like she did to me when we were boxing. She drinks it and her face scrunched up in disgust.

"That is really strong." She says coughing. I laugh and take her last shot since it seems like she won't drink it. Once she calms down I order her a coke and I take a Corona for myself. After about 6 beers my vision gets blurry and I'm seeing Daniella covering her mouth laughing as she watches me tilt my head as I'm obviously drunk. I blink a couple times before my vision gets clear again and I grab her hand and pulls her towards the dance floor. I think she realised how drunk I was and pulls me back to face her.

"Seth you're drunk you need to get to the hotel." Daniella puts her phone in her purse and gets one more coke before she pulls me out and calls a cab as we wait outside in the cold air. I look at Daniella and she plays on her phone while waiting for the cab to come. We've been out here for 5 minutes I was getting bored so I started poking Daniella's arm to get her attention.

"What do you want Seth?" Daniella asks me not looking up from her phone.

"When is the cab gonna get here? I asked impatiently.

She laughs before looking at me,"they should be here in a little bit." she takes a sip of her coke. I poke her arm again and she looks at me.

"Can I have some of your coke please?" I ask giving her my puppy eyes. She rolls her eyes and lets me waterfall her coke. After I drink half of her coke I hand it back. She takes it and grabs my hand and helps me into the cab as she slides in after me.

"Daniella I'm tired." I complain.

"That's why I'm taking you to your hotel room idiot." Daniella tells me. My eyes feel heavy and I feel myself fall asleep in the cab.

Daniella's POV

I hear Seth snoring next to me and I quickly take out my phone to take a picture of him and to use it as blackmail. Suddenly I feel his head fall on my shoulder and his arms wrap around me as he tightens his grip. Once the cab gets closer to the hotel I try to wake Seth up by shaking him but he doesn't wake up.

"Seth, come on wake up we're at the hotel." I tell him like he's a little kid. He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me and at the hotel, before sitting up straight. We get out and I pay the driver and get Seth out and help walk him in since he's still drunk and can't walk straight.

"Seth where's your key at?" I ask him as we step in the elevator.

"Dean has it." He slurs. Sighing I take him to his room number and knock on his door hoping Roman answers the door. But instead the devil himself opens the door.

"What do you want Daniella?" Dean asked me and I see the bruises around his neck.

"I've come to return your drunk partner who was at the night club and almost got ran over." I lie so he won't yell at me for being with Seth.

"Oh, well his room is the last one on the right. You can come in." Dean tells me moving aside so I can bring Seth to his room. Opening his door it's surprisingly neat and has a lot of comic books in one stack of the dresser. Laying him down I turn around to leave but he grabs my hand and gently pulls me back.

"Daniella, can you tuck me in please and sing me a lullaby." Seth asks me like he's a little kid but then again when he's drunk he acts like a child. Rolling my eyes I sit on the bed and tuck him in and look at him and sigh.

"Can't believe I'm doing this right now." I say to myself before singing softly so Dean won't hear me.

On the first page of our story

The future seemed so bright

Then this thing turned out, so evil

Don't know why I'm still surprised

Even angels have their wicked schemes

But you take that, to new extremes

But you'll always be my hero

Even though you lost, your mind

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

But that's alright because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and here me cry

But that's alright because I love the way you lie

I stop singing because Seth is snoring and he mumbles something I can't hear. I smile slightly and turn around to see Dean smirking while he has his phone recording me.

"Are you recording me Ambrose?" I ask him

"Yep and by the way you have an amazing voice." he tells me. I smile and blush a little.

"Can you stop recording me now?" I ask him.

"Not until you sing the last part of the song." he tells me. Sighing I look at him and clear my throat.

So maybe I'm a masochist

I try to run

But I don't wanna ever leave

Til these walls

Are going up

In smoke with all

Our memories.

I look at Dean and he clicks pause and watches the video. Looking over his shoulder I see he was recording as soon as I sat down on the bed.

"Okay you can go now Daniella I just wanted you to finish the song." he tells me still watching the video. Rolling my eyes I walk past him and head to my room and fall asleep before anyone can ask where I was.

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