Chapter 31

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Daniella's POV

I was sitting in the backseat of Seth's car just looking out of the window. He had offered to take me to some mall nearby the hotel and I couldn't find the words to say no. I was looking around the car and I caught Seth staring at me a couple of times.

"So how are you feeling Daniella?"

"What do you think Seth." I say bitterly.

He mumbles something under his breath and I sigh frustrated. I can never be around Seth because we always seem to argue about something. I grab my phone and start texting Brie who's at the mall incase anything happens between us two.

We finally arrive at the mall after what seems like forever but was actually 20 minutes. I get out of the car and walk besides Seth who was putting his sunglasses on.

As soon as we step in, one of the shoppers recognise Seth and walks towards us. The two of them walk off a little to take a picture while I stand by the dude's daughter waiting.

"You and Seth look cute together lady." the daughter who looks around 12 says.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"Yeah there's video mash-ups of you two all over YouTube. It's an OTP video sort of."

"A what?"

"OTP, one true pairing. Everyone is saying you guys look adorable and perfect together." she explains.

I was about to respond when Seth and the dad comes back. I look at the girl and she's smiling widely at us two standing next to each other. I shift uncomfortably and look around the store we were in right now.

Eventually they left and we continued our mall journey without talking once. We stopped at different sores before stopping at the food court to take a break.

Seth's POV

We stood in line for an Italian food section. I looked at Daniella who was looking at me before turning away blushing. I smile softly and finally get to the front of the line.

We order our food and sit at a table in silence. Daniella was picking at her food and was looking really bored.

"Wanna go somewhere really exciting?" I asked hopeful she would remember.

Her eyes met mine and they glistened with excitement as she nodded her head. I smiled and we finished our food as we grabbed our bags I noticed she had a lot more bags than me.

"Is that all for you?"

"Um no I got some stuff for AJ and Brie too. I just got like three pairs of jeans, a couple of t-shirts, beanies and bracelets." she says blushing.

I nod my head and we head back to the car. I'm pretty sure Daniella is asleep in the backseat of my car because I can hear little snores.

I look through the rear view mirror and see her head against the back mirror. I smiled and pulled up into the mystery destination.

I open the back door for Daniella and cover her eyes. I wanted her to remember this place like I did.

"Okay you can look now." I moved my hands and stepped back. She opened her eyes and gasped covering her mouth.

"You took me to Buddy's?" she asked excitedly.

"Yeah. I remember this was the same place we both started talking to each other when we saw each other."

Daniella's POV

I laugh at the memory of him getting kicked out. I smile and remember everything that happened that day.

January 12, 2014

I was with AJ at Carlo's Bakery and we just sat down to eat the pastries. That's when I noticed a familiar face walk in the room.

I groaned as I lowered my head to avoid him spotting me. That's when I feel the seat next to me scoot closer.

"Well isn't it the two little girls eating cupcakes. I'm curious, where are your mommies?" Seth asked us.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. AJ on the other hand was glaring straight at him.

"Well look here, it's the little lost boy. I'm curious Seth, where's your daddies?" AJ asked referring to Roman and Dean.

He glared right at her and I looked at them both making sure nothing else happened. I slowly ate my cupcake looking around the bakery.

"So Daniella, what's it like being a newbie diva? Do they make you clean toilets?"

"No Seth they don't."

He slumped in his chair clearly bored. AJ had excused herself since Phil was picking her up, so I was with Seth by myself.

I looked at the ground when I felt Seth staring at me. I had made the mistake of looking over because he stuffed a cupcake in my face.

"Seth are you kidding me?!" I whisper yelled.

"What, you looker even sweeter than you do now babe." he said with a wink and walked out.

End of flashback.

That was a really nice day, minus the part where I had to get frosting off of my face. Seth had found us a table in the back so no one could see us there.

As soon as I sat down I got a text from someone. I looked down and saw it was from Brie.

Daniella, I need to tell you something important. Come back to the hotel as soon as you can.

I groaned mentally and replied back saying give me one hour before smiling at Seth. I looked around and sighed as more people start to walk in.


I walked out of the bathroom and was heading to the table when I saw Seth on the phone. I walked closer and stopped when I heard him talking.

"Randy, this is all part of my plan. I just need to get to know her personally and use it against her. Yes I'm still in The Authority so don't think of kicking me out. Haha bye Randy." Seth ended the call.

I walked straight to the table and grabbed all my stuff. I stormed out of the bakery looking around before crossing the street.

I was walking past an alley when I felt someone pull me in the alley. I looked up and saw Seth staring down at me. This was just great.


Another chapter updated and I'm always late with updates. I'm very sorry but I have school and my teachers are asking for the most ridiculous things.

Anyways, I really hope you like this chapter since I've been working really hard on it. Please leave suggestions or feedback in the comments.

Love ya guys.

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