Chapter 45

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Seth's POV

I should've said something to her. Daniella walked towards Emilia's hotel room carrying her title and suitcase. I'm stupid, maybe if I tried starting a conversation, maybe she would've stayed with me.

Sighing, I walk into my room and slam the door. I'm not at all good with this dating thing and I think Daniella is having second thoughts of us. I flick on the lights and almost pass out in shock when I see Paige sitting on my bed smiling at me.

"Hi babe." Paige says walking over to me and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Um Paige, what are you doing in my hotel room?" I asked confused by everything.

"I can't see my lovely boyfriend?"

"Not when I broke up with you. Remember, I broke up with you at the hospital when Daniella put you through that table."

"We did NOT break up!" Paige shouts at me.

"Okay you know, I'm just going to go stay with Randy for the night." I said grabbing my suitcase and literally running out the door.

Daniella's POV

"I don't know what to anymore Emilia." I confess to Emilia while we eat ice cream with Dean.

"I suggest you dump his ass and go spend the rest of your life selling old people clothing." Dean pipes up earning him a smack from Emilia.

"Ignore him Dani, I think you should go talk to Seth about this." Emilia advises.

I sigh as I take another scoop of ice cream. My head is pounding with so many thoughts. Suddenly the door knocks and I look at Emilia who's in deep conversation with Dean. I groan and stand up to open the hotel room door. Swinging it open, someone runs in and bumps into me.

"A little help from the floor please." I say looking up.

I'm met brown eyes looking down at me with worry. I feel myself being lifted up and being spun around. Laughing a little bit I wrap my arms around Seth's neck and smile at him.

"So what happened to you Mr. Rollins?" I question him.

"Oh you know, nothing much just that Paige is back and she's in my room and she still think that we're dating. So you know it's nothing major." Seth explains putting me down and closing the door.

"Hey Dani, who's at the- oh." Emilia says walking where we're standing at.

Her hair is slightly messed up and her lipstick is smudged. Dean walks in and his hair is like Emilia's except even more messed up and he has her lipstick on his face. I try keeping a serious face but end up laughing with Seth.

"So you guys look like you had to do a lot of things." Seth tells them.

"Daniella what is macaroni penguin doing here?" Dean asks me.

"Dean what did I say about calling people names."

"It's not nice but in my defense it's a way for me to remember who I'm talking about behind their backs." Dean clarifies.

Emilia rolls her eyes and sits back down on the bed. Dean glanced between Seth and I before sitting beside Emilia. I shuffle on my feet a little before Seth clears his throat.

"Well it was great catching up with you guys but Daniella and I have to go."

"Yeah we have to go catch up on some things." I say grabbing my purse and phone.


I still don't know how we ended up going to a diner that was so far away from the hotel. The whole ride was quiet except for Seth tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. Now here we are sitting in a small little booth and both of us having milkshakes.

"Look Daniella I just want to say how sorry I am for today." Seth says after a long awkward silence.

"It's okay Seth, it was partially my fault too."

"So now that you're divas champion again, who are you going to face for that title of yours?" Seth asks.

"Well, AJ never did get a proper rematch so I think she deserves it." I tell him smiling.

"That's a great choice of opponent."

"To the future of Daniella and Seth." I say raising my milkshake.

"To the future of Seth and Daniella." Seth taps his milkshake against my milkshake.

I smile and lean over the table to plant a small kiss on his lips. He smiles in triumph and continues to drink from his milkshake. How did I get so lucky to be able to say Seth Rollins is my boyfriend?

Hello guys! I'm super sorry that I've haven't been updating the story as much as I would like but now that it's Thanksgiving break I can possibly get more down besides from tomorrow. But the story is not over and is far from over. I will make a sequel to this book and it will be even more drama filled once this one is over.

I am also working on a new book called Miss Perfect and I would appreciate if you guys read it and tell me what you think. That's all for now, by my lovelies!

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