Countdown | Namjoon

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It's usually pretty romantic to spend your boyfriend's birthday night with him. In your case, though, you're putting yourself in a rather precarious situation.

pairing: namjoon x reader
genre: fluff, secret relationship
warnings: none
word count: 3.1k
a/n: hi guys, I hope you've had a great week! Does it still count as a Namjoon birthday fic if I upload it the same week? ;) Either way, I hope you like it! (also, if you want to see a part two and maybe more to this, let me know!)


You let out a long sigh, letting your gaze float around the room. Namjoon's studio is relatively small, but you've managed to decorate it nicely despite it all, if you do say so yourself. You've made the most of the balloons and confetti you brought up here, spreading them around the room to make it even more colourful than it already is. It's not much, but it's really all you could sneak in without being too obvious about it. You already felt you were attracting too much attention with the food you'd been carrying, but fortunately, no one really spared you a second glance.

You're sitting in his chair, waiting for him to get his ass back to his studio, nerves bubbling in your stomach. When you planned this all out, you had envisioned a nice night in, a small and simple surprise party to count down to midnight and then celebrate Namjoon's birthday with him for a few hours. To just hang out and have fun like he deserves on his special day.

But there's a part of you that keeps regretting you did this.

Every time there's a voice in the hallway – a voice that's not Namjoon's – you jump, startled, and start to fidget nervously, hoping they, whoever they are, won't decide to enter the studio and find you here, all made up and clad in the dress he's professed his love to so very often. And all you'll be able to do is sit there, no way to hide, nowhere to run, left to explain what the hell you're doing here, surrounded by birthday decorations and food for two.

To say you and Namjoon are in a little bit of a tight spot here is an understatement.

It's been weeks, maybe months since you jumped into all of this, the night in which months of mutual pining had finally come to an end. It had been a late night, filled with good music, alcohol, and the humid, intoxicating air of the dozens of bars you'd visited. As you carried yourselves back to your apartment, you, slightly drunk and incredibly brave, confessed that you had a big-ass crush on him. Namjoon, in turn – and you're not making this up – cheered, did a pirouette and hugged you tightly, mumbling into your clothes that he actually returned those feelings.

There's just one tiny problem, though. It's the one reason why neither of you ever acted on your feelings, the one reason why you even ended up where you are in the first place.

You work together.

You've been part of his group's staff for years now. It's how you met, how you grew close, how you built a solid friendship, and how you eventually fell for each other. It's ironic, really, how the one thing that's brought you together was simultaneously the one thing keeping you apart.

But that night, once the words were out of your mouth, once you hugged and kissed and held each other close, you both realised there was no turning back from it. You wanted this and, perhaps stupidly enough, you were going to do this – but no one could know. The stakes are simply too high to tell anyone, including the members. You could lose your job, he could lose a reputation, one he's spent all of his efforts on for years and years so he could do what he loved.

That night, you decided to hide your relationship from everyone. To the outside world, you two would continue to be just colleagues. No one but the two of you would know what was actually going on.

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