Flying High | Namjoon

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Hi guys, I hope you're having a great week!! Before we get into this week's fic, I just wanna say thank you for the amazing response to mr & mrs kim I got on my tumblr. I'm so happy to see that so many of you liked it when I wasn't sure if you were going to! I really appreciate it, like I appreciate all of your feedback every week – it really means so much to me!!♥♥♥ Anyways, here's a fic to get your fill of fluff for the day, I hope you enjoy :)

This fic was based on the following request I received through tumblr: "Don't you dare." + "That was barely even a kiss!" with Namjoon.


"How are we supposed to- ah, fuck," you groan, collapsing onto the yoga mat in the middle of the living room. You let out a long breath, your eyes fluttering closed. You can feel your muscles aching in places you never thought you'd even feel them – and it's all because the guy next to you wanted to do couples yoga.

"Joon, why are we doing this?" you whine, opening your eyes and lifting your head to look at him. He's wearing the same smile he had when you came home from work today and found him waiting for you on the damn yoga mat – or, more accurately put, the smile he was wearing the moment you knew your day was about to get a whole lot worse.

"Come on, it's fun!" he replies, sitting up. You know he's trying to cheer you up, highly aware of the shitty work week you've been having. God knows you need it – but you're not quite sure if this works. "Let's try again, we almost had it this time," he insists, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

You look at him with the most convincing puppy eyes you can muster. "We can also sit on the couch and do nothing?" you try, sending him your sweetest smile.

He just laughs, shaking his head. "Okay, tell you what," he starts. Your eyebrows shoot up in interest. "Just one more, and then we'll drop it if it still doesn't work out."

Pausing for a moment, you narrow your eyes at him, considering the offer, weighing your options. He's looking at you with wide eyes and a hopeful smile, dimples popping up – a difficult look for you to resist.

Finally, you sigh, starting to nod slowly. "Fine."

He grins, turning to the laptop next to the mat while you grab the bottle of water beside it, twisting off the cap and sipping on it while Namjoon searches through Google images for something you can do.

Leaning your chin on his shoulder, you let out a slow breath. He briefly looks aside, a small smile teased over his lips before he looks back. "So when are we moving to the couch?" you ask subtly, hiding your grin behind the bottle.

He laughs, shaking his head. "Just one more," he replies, continuing to scroll through the images of couples contorting themselves into the strangest positions. You scowl, tilting your head as you attempt to figure out how their spines just do that.

But your face falls when Namjoon clicks to enlarge one of the scariest ones.

"Are you kidding me?" you say in disbelief, lips parting. "Is that even yoga? It looks way too dangerous."

"You don't even have to do anything!" he defends with a small smile, not looking very surprised at your reaction. "You can just float up there and look down at my pretty face."

You can't suppress the smile that breaks out, a chuckle escaping your lips before you look back at the picture, wary. The guy is laying with his back on the ground, holding up his hands and feet to support the yoga partner above him, who is just happily letting him carry her, hands intertwined. This is what danger looks like.

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