Love Me Do 1 | Hoseok

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Helloooo guys, I hope you're having a great day/night! It's been so long since I've uploaded a hobi fic and ahhh I'm excited to hear what you think!! It's also perfect timing tbh bc hoseok has been hURTING me lately and OOF fjdsk anyways, I hope you enjoy this one! Oh also, this is a two-parter, and the second and last part will be up next week – you can read them separately, though, you'll just get a bit of an open ending for this first part ;)


You're panting, endorphins surging through your veins, your ears ringing as you lean your back against the wall and your eyes flutter closed. Your chest is heaving with exertion and sweat glistens on your forehead, though you quickly wipe it away with the back of your hand.

"Coast is clear," Hoseok mutters, tugging his oh so fashionable fabric handkerchief out of his back pocket and thrusting it towards you, his head peeking out into the hallway.

You gratefully take it from him, absently wiping your neck and forehead with it as you watch him shrug back into the jacket he wore on stage. "You go first," you tell him, shoving the handkerchief in your back pocket.

He turns around and shakes his head, smiling softly. "No, no, ladies first," he decides, taking a step aside and gesturing for you to proceed.

You look up at him. He's sweaty, too, his dark brown, curly bangs hanging wetly over his forehead – as they were when he left the stage and pulled you into this empty dressing room. His cheeks are flushed red, shoulders heaving, his deep breaths fanning over your face as he looks back into your eyes.

Clearing your throat, you nod, looking at the door in front of you. "Yeah, okay," you reply. You can already feel yourself coming down from your high, left with the usual doubts and worries swirling through your mind. You look up at him once more, feeling your heart sink because you recognise the way he's looking at you – just a friend.

He doesn't comment on your hesitation, though his eyebrows furrow together subtly as if he's trying to calculate some math problem – all before he puts on a smile and nods towards the door. "Come on, then, go!" he says, his warm hand gently pushing you towards the exit.

A laugh spills from your lips. "Alright, alright," you say, reaching out to grip the doorknob. With another breath, you turn it and pull the door open –

"Oh, Y/N, wait," Hoseok mutters suddenly and you turn back around, wide-eyed and nervous. Lacing his fingers with yours, he tugs at your arm, and you let him pull you a few steps closer.

You look up at him questioningly as the door falls shut behind you, heart beating fast when you realise how close your faces are. God dammit, you've made out, like, a thousand times at this point. Just get over it.

"You uh..." he starts, eyes flickering to your neck. "You should probably..." His hand leaves yours and reaches out to the collar of your blouse, gently straightening it up. When his finger brushes your bare neck, you feel a wave of goosebumps wash over your skin.

You look up at him, at the soft smile curling at his lips, at the way his eyebrows are subtly furrowed with concentration, and you let out a short sigh. This feels different than just sex, you decide. Different, somehow.

"There, that's better," he says, dropping his hand back down to his side, grinning at you.

"Thanks," you say, getting a nod in reply. "I'll see you."

"Definitely," he confirms, and then his hand is on the small of your back, pushing you back towards the door. "Now go, dammit, before we're tempted to a second round," he jokes.

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