And here enters our school topper (ha.)

she is one of those people who according to "THEMSELVES" have a lot of GUTS. (and the thing is... that is not the reality!)

she is like a wise philosopher ( but...not really.... more like the short and dumb aunty living down the street) no matter what, you can always expect her to give you some kind of advice and share her piece of mind.

one of her great thought is " loyalty and nature of a boy is more valuable than his looks in the long term.... cause in the end looks don't matter" {BTW she cant say that in English... i am just translating it, because she has the vocabulary of a two year old}

she is not only a great philosopher but  her relationship advice is a must { only if you want to scare off your boyfriend/girlfriend}

jokes apart,

she is not only a great listener {though she still interrupts to give her piece of mind} but she is also a very loyal friend!

her weird and inaudible jokes are the very reason that she doesn't have many friends {haha jk}. her lame jokes are the very embodiment of herself. usually she is the only one laughing alone at her weird jokes but tbh we all like her!

BTW.... how is Ezra?

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