Becoming Friends

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I couldn't put my hand on it, but I felt like Stef and I were meant to be lifelong friends, just like Rachel and Monica on Friends. When she shared her English book with me this morning, I felt some sort of a connection. Before we left school we exchanged phone numbers, and have been texting ever since I got home. Lena honey is that you sweetie, my mom called out. Yes mother, I said. How was your first day of school, she asked coming into the living room as I was just shutting the front door. It was awesome, I said. Oh yeah, did you enjoy your classes honey, she asked. Yeah they were okay, I said. Okay, then what was so awesome about your day then, she asked. Well I met a new friend, I said. Yeah, what's your new friend like, she asked. She's great mom, I met her in English class, she shared her english book with me, and we had lunch together, I said. Okay breath honey, she said. So what's this new friends name, she asked. Stefanie Foster, but she likes to be called Stef, I said.  That's wonderful honey, why don't you go a wash up for dinner, she said. Okay, what time will dad be home, I asked. He's working late honey, I'm sure you'll be in bed before he gets home, she said. It seems he's never home anymore, I said as I walked up the stairs slowly. Cheer up honey he's working to continue to give us this good life, don't be angry with him, she said. I'm not, I just miss him that's all, I said. I know, me too, she said. 


Hey sport how was school today, my dad asked. Interesting, I said. How so, he asked. I met a new friend today, I said. Oh yeah, what's this new friends name, he asked. Lena, Lena Adams, I said. What's with the goofy look on your face, he asked. Nothing, I said. I'm going to go up and do some homework, I said. Homework on a Friday night, usually you and some friends make plans, what's wrong sport, he asked. Nothing, just going to stay in tonight, nothing wrong with that is it, I asked. Nope just checking, he said. Good, I said, as a ran upstairs to my room. Walking in my bedroom a text alert came over my phone before I had a chance to put my backpack down. Glancing to my phone, I see a text from Lena. 

Lena- Hi Stef, just wanted to know on whether you had any plans tomorrow?

Stef- No what do you have in mind

Lena- Well I was hoping maybe the mall and then lunch

Stef- Sounds like a plan, did you want to meet at the mall or I could pick you up in my dad's car. 

Lena- That would be great let me send you my address.

Stef- Okay well I will see you tomorrow Lena

Lena- Okay Stef, see ya


Wow I can't believe I am going to be spending time with the girl of my dreams. Stefanie dinner is ready, my mother said knocking on my door. Okay ma I'll be right there. I also have to decide what I am going to wear tomorrow. 

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