Friendship Over?

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As Lena and I made it back to her house after leaving the club, we both noticed that her mom and dad had not made it back yet. So what time did your mom say she and your dad will be back tonight, I asked? She wasn't sure, just told me to be sure to be in on my curfew, she said.  Oh really, I said, as I moved in a little bit closer to her, kissing her on the cheek as she placed the key into the lock of the front door. Stef we can't start making out here, and then have my parent's see us if they just happen to be coming home, she said. Okay so I guess I can wait until we make it to your room, I said as we finally made it inside the house. So what will we do in the mean time, I asked. How about a snack and then up to my room, she said. Sounds like a good plan, I said, as we made our way towards the kitchen. 


As Stef and I were trying to figure out what it was we were going to have, we heard a knock at the front door,  walking to the front door as she followed behind me, I peek through the peep hole and see that it was Stef's friend Adam. Who is it Lena, she asked? Your friend, I said. Adam, she asked? Yeah, did you tell him that it was okay to stop by here, I asked? Of course not, the girl he was dancing with was suppose to drop him off home, she said.  So then why is he outside my front door, I asked? No idea Lena, she said. Just don't answer the door, I'm sure after a while he'll leave, she said. Stef I can't do that, I said. Well I am not going to be responsible for taking him home, I told him I am staying here tonight, she said. From the looks of it he obviously had her drop him off here, I said. Not our problem, she said. I will just let him in, it looks like he's not going away, and I sure wouldn't want my parent's to come walking up the walk with him standing there, I said. Okay, but I am telling you he would have left eventually, she said. Well that's not a chance I am willing to take Stef, I said, as I finally opened the door, letting him in. Hey guys thought you would have gone to bed, he said while walking into the house. If you thought that then you should have took off Adam, Stef said. What are you doing here, she asked? Just thought we could still hang out, you know Lydia had a curfew so she had to drop me off, he said. She was suppose to have dropped you off at your house, not here at Lena's, she said, as I can hear the annoyance in her voice. Well maybe you can drop me off on your way home, he said. Are you deaf or just dumb, I told you earlier before we left Lena's that I was planning on spending the night here, she said angrily, I felt a little bit sorry for Adam on the way Stef was speaking to him.  Sorry I forgot, he said sadly. I really don't think you forgot, I have known you far too long man, you just assumed I was going to take your ass home, she said.  I did forget and I could just call an uber I don't need you to take my ass home Stef, since you've been an ass to me all day, he says, as I looked down feeling the embarrassment on the way Stef was acting. Look Adam I think we need a break, she says. Break, what does that even mean Stef, he asked? From the friendship, that's what I mean, she said, as the shock on his face was unmistakable. So now that you have Lena as your new friend you want to dump the old, he asked? Not what I'm saying, all I'm saying is that we both could use some space from eachother, she said. You know what Stef why don't I make this process a little easier for you and just end the friendship all together, he said, as I watched him walk towards the front door opening it and then slamming it behind him. 

Stef I didn't want you to end your friendship over me, I said. I didn't, he made the decision, didn't you just hear him, all I asked for was space, and he was the one that ended the friendship, she said. But Stef, I said. What Lena, what's wrong, she asked? Nothing, I said. No if we want this relationship you have to tell me what is on your mind, she said. You don't think you were a little harsh with him, I asked? What, you think I was harsh, in what way Lena, she asked? Nevermind, I said. No go ahead, she said. I just think you could have been a little bit more tactful in getting your point across, because from where I was standing you have been kind of on his ass all day, I said. Oh okay I see, so you think I was an ass too, she said defensively.  Nevermind, I'm sorry I said anything, I said. No I'm sorry Lena, my relationship with Adam has nothing to do with you, I just feel like while I'm maturing, he seems to stay at the same level, she said. I understand Stef, I said, as she caressed my cheek with the back of her hand.  Come on lets not let my friendship, or rather my non friendship with Adam ruin our evening together, she said. Okay, I said. So Ms Adams how about that snack you promised, she said. How about we pop some popcorn in the microwave and a couple of bottles of apple juice, I said. What no sodas, she asked? Nope my mom is not really a huge fan of sodas, I said. Oh too bad, well apple juice it is, she said, as she grabbed them from the refrigerator as I placed the bag of popcorn in the microwave. .


As Lena was scanning through the channels on the television in her bedroom looking for a movie we can both agree upon, as I had the bowl of popcorn sitting next to me at the head of the bed with the apple juices on the nightstand. How about netflix, I asked? Sorry I don't have netflix here in my room just in the family room, if you want to go back downstairs, she said. Nope if I had to choose netflix versus time alone with you I choose you, I said. Well we can eat, drink and makeout, I said, as she looked over her shoulder at me as I could see her blush. I like that idea Stef, better than a movie, she said, as she got up on the bed making her way to where I was sitting, as she straddled my lap as she began to feed my the popcorn.

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