Planned Evening Part 1

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 Friday had finally arrived that Stef and I wanted to try out that new teen club that she told me about, I was really excited for our first official date, even though no one knew of our relationship but us. Looking forward to spending time with her even though we had to keep it on the downlow, knowing we may run into someone we know. Before leaving for school and even though I knew I should have brought it up the day she asked me, I decided that it was time to let my parent's in on my plans. Good morning honey, how did you sleep, my mom asked. Good, I wanted to ask yours and daddys permission while the two of you are here if it's okay that Stef spends the weekend here, I asked. Lena I hope this isn't another one of your stunts to keep Stef away from her own parent's,  my mother asked. It has nothing to do with that mother, I said. Then what for, she asked, as I looked over in my fathers direction while he drank his coffee. It's just that Stef and I are going to this new teen club tonight that she heard about, I said. And when were you going to ask your father and I, she asked. Today, I was going to ask you guys today, I said. On the day of, so we would have time to think about it, is that it Lena Elizabeth, she asked? How long have you known about this, she asked. Just a couple of days mother, I said. And you had those couple of days to ask our permission, she said. Mom it's not like they serve alcohol, it's just me hanging out with my peers, what's wrong with that, and it's Friday, when has it been a problem that I go out with friends, I asked? Dana I don't see that it is a problem that she goes out tonight or that Stefanie stays the weekend, my father said. Thanks daddy, I said. I didn't say it was a problem, I would have just wanted some sort of warning about these plans Stewart, I would just like to be asked prior to the day of, is that too much to ask, she asked? No of course not, he said. Okay Stef can stay the weekend only if it's okay with her parent's and you can go to this teen club, but your curfew is at eleven, she said. Eleven, mother it's Friday what about midnight, I asked? Dana, Stewart said. Okay midnight and not a minute more is that clear, she said. Crystal, thanks daddy, I said. Thanks daddy, where is my thank you, she asked? Thanks, I said as I went to my room to finish getting ready for school.


So you asked them on the day of, Lena, I said. I know I forgot, she said. Really did you really forget, I asked? Well maybe not, I just didn't want to give them or her a chance to say no, she said. So it's okay that I stay tonight, I asked? Well I asked for the whole weekend, if that's okay with you, she said. And they were okay with that, I asked? Well my mom gave me a hard time, but my dad said it was okay, she said. So are you going to ask your parent's, she asked. I'm going to ask my mom, because I know what my dad's reply would be, I said. You're still having a hard time with him, she asked? Yes, I just keep my distance  from him, the only time I spend with him is at the dinner table and after that I go to my room, I said. I'm so sorry Stef, she said. What are you sorry for, it's not your fault my dad is a homophob, I said. I'm just sorry that you have to go through this, that's all, and I haven't even told my own parents that I'm gay, she said. That's okay Len, I said, as I grabbed a hold of her hand and squeezed it affectionately, before letting go. Come on lets get to class before we're late, I said.


After our first class was over Stef went off to her next as I made my way down to my next class, I felt a lot of guilt for what Stef is going through and not even letting my own parent's know about my sexuality, lord knows if they knew there is no way in hell they would let Stef around me, much less spend the night. Hey Lena, Adam said. Hi Adam how's it going, I asked? Good, so I ran into  Stef down the hall, said you guys are going to the new teen club tonight, he said. Yep that's right, I said. Well if you don't mind, is it okay that I come along, he asked. What did Stef say when you asked her, I said. She said she was going to ask you if it was okay, he said. I don't know what the big deal is, unless I was right and this is a date between you two, he said jokingly. Of course not, don't be ridiculous, I have know problem with you coming, I lied. Okay cool, so about what time were you guys thinking of leaving, he asked? Not sure, you might want to ask Stef, I said. Well when Stef talks to you would you mind not mentioning the conversation we already had, he asked. Sure no problem, sorry to run I have to get to my next class, talk to you later Adam, I said as I raced off. 


Lena do you mind if Adam tags along with us tonight, I know this is suppose to be just you and me, but I couldn't let him get suspicious, I asked, while we were eating lunch. Of course not, I understand, she said. So what time are we leaving tonght, she asked. I was thinking about six if that's okay with you, I will show up at your house at around three, I said. Okay good, she said smiling. I know it put a crimp in our plans, Adam coming and all, I said. No it's fine, at least I'll be spending some alone time with you this weekend, she said, which I couldn't help but blush. Hey guys, Adam said walking over towards where we were seated. Hey, well everything is a go, but you need to meet us at Lena's, and we will be leaving approximately at six if you're not there, we'll leave without you, I said. Okay seargent I'll be there, he said. 


As I was waiting for Stef to come over I thought I'd go through my closet looking for something to wear for tonight. Lena Elizabeth, my mom called out knocking on my bedroom door. Come in, I said. What time did you plan on leaving, she asked. We will be leaving at six, I said. Okay fine just be careful, she said. Of course, and Stef's friend Adam will be coming along with  us, I said. Okay have a good time, your father and I are leaving now, just be sure to lock up when you leave, she said. Of course mother, I said, shaking my head. What, she asked? When are you going to stop treating me like I'm still a child, I asked? Not my intention Lena Elizabeth, she said. Well you have a good time and I will see you in the morning, she said before walking out. You have a good time beautiful, my dad said peeking his head into my room. Thanks daddy, I said, as I watched him walking downstairs. 

It was almost half passed three and Stef still hasn't arrived yet, I hope nothing went wrong. After deciding what I was wearing and how I planned on wearing my hair, I hear a knock on the front door as I raced downstairs to answer. Opening the front door there stood my beautiful girlfriend. Hey sorry I'm a little late, had to figure out what I was bringing over since I'm staying the entire weekend, she said, walking in passed me with her bags, as I laughed. What's so funny, she asked? You're staying the weekend, it looks like you brought your entire wardrobe, I said. Well I couldn't decide what I was wearing for tonight, I love to look good for my girlfriend you know, she said, as she placed a kiss on my cheek. So where are the folks, she asked? They went out, I said. So you're saying we have this entire house to ourselves for several hours, she asked? Yes that's what I'm saying, I said. So did you want to eat before leaving or our we planning on eating out, I asked? I thought maybe grab food after the club, maybe IHOP or Denny's, she said. Okay good, I said. So do you want to watch a little television we have a while before we have to get ready, I said. Well I thought maybe we could find something more productive to do rather than watch television, she said, as she grabbed a hold of my wrist and lead me over to the couch where we made out until it was almost time to get ready for our evening.

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