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Not being able to sleep since I kissed Stef earlier, got me thinking about how much I really like her. Watching her sleep, she seems so peaceful and content, I'm glad I was able to help her regarding giving her some space away from her dad. If I could I would let her live here forever, but I know that's not my decision. Can't believe how much I lucked out that Stef didn't have a girlfriend, which is surprising looking at her, how beautiful and sexy she is. After the kiss she didn't say much, just brought up the subject on whether my parent's knew about me being gay. I knew I must have disappointed her when I told her they didn't know. I have real gall telling her one thing and doing another. Who am I to tell her to be herself and I myself am not practicing what I preach. I have thought long and hard about telling my parent's, but I know how critical and judgemental my mom could be. Hey you, she said as I glanced to see her eyes looking at me. Hi thought you were sleep, I said. I was but I must have heard you thinking, she said laughing. That's crazy, nobody can hear someone elses thoughts, unless you have some sort of power, I said. Maybe I do, and maybe I don't,  she said. Well if you do, I better stop thinking what I'm thinking right now, I said. And what might that be, she said. Well I thought you could hear my thoughts, so why don't you tell me, I said. Well if I could take a guess, it maybe about the kiss we had earlier, she said, staring me in the eyes. Maybe, or maybe not, I said. Well my guess is I'm right, she said winking. Your right, but you didn't say anything about it after the kiss, I said. Maybe because you surprised the hell out of me, she said. So what did you think, I said shyly. Lena if I have to tell you the thoughts I have been having since even meeting you, oh man, she said. Is that a good thing, I asked. It's all in how you take it, she said. I didn't know what to think, if we were to go further than friendship, it would have to be in secret, since you know, I said. I know, and it maybe exciting to have a secret relationship, being that you and I are in the same predicament sort of speak, she said. What about at school, I said. Well if we don't want it to get out to our parents we have to keep it between us, she said. I guess you're right, so are we sort of an item, I asked. I think so, she said. I like that, I said. Me too, she said, leaning into me pressing her lips into mine, as she began to  lick my bottom lip asking for entrance, I opened my mouth as our tongues collided for the first time. The taste of her tongue was out of this world, as we must have been making out for what seemed like forever. Stef I really like you, I said after we pulled apart. I like you too Lena, she said. Smiling, I think we better get some sleep, are we both are going to be the walking dead tomorrow at school, I said. You're right, she said, as we snuggled into eachother and fell fast asleep. 


Waking up with the idea of having a girlfriend, not just any girlfriend, but Lena, put a smile on my face first thing this morning. Come on sleepy head, Lena said, from the bathroom door. We have to get ready for school, she continued. Okay woman, I'm coming, I said laughing. I like that, she said. Like what? I asked. When you call me woman, she said. Oh yeah, I said. Yes, she said. What about girlfriend, I asked. I like that even more, she said.  So did you want to use the bathroom first, she asked. No you go ahead, I'll wait, I said. You know we could save time if we just shared, she said. Share what Miss Lena, I asked. Like the shower, I asked. Well you shower, I brush my teeth and then I shower while you brush your teeth, she said. What are you trying to see me naked already, I said smiling. If that was the case don't you think I would suggest we shower together, she said. Good point, okay I guess that's a plan, I said, as we both went in the bathroom.


As we both made our way downstairs holding hands pulling a apart when we got to the end of the steps. Good morning ladies, how did you sleep, my mom asked. Good, I said. Hope you guys didn't stay up talking all night, she said. We're fine mother, I said. Okay well breakfast is in the kitchen, your father already left for work, and I got a early morning meeting, so you guys eat breakfast and don't be late for school, have a good day, she said before leaving. Wow we have this whole house to ourselves, she said. Yep, now come here girlfriend, I said as we kissed passionately moaning into eachothers mouth. Are we going to have eachother for breakfast or what's in the kitchen, she asked. Yeah we better stop, are we will end up back upstairs, I said. You're right, she said, as we made our way into the kitchen. 

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