Not My Girlfriend

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As Lena and I made our way to school, we parted ways as soon as our feet hit the campus, not trying to cause any suspicion, even though our first class was together.  Foster, I heard someone call out my name, turning to see where it was coming from. It was my friend Adam. Hey, I said. What was that all about, he said. What was what all about, I said. You and the new girl coming to school together, he asked. Who are you talking about, I said knowing full well. The new one, long curly hair, slender build, really cute, Lisa I think, he said. Lena, I said. Yeah right, our you guys like a thing or something, he asked. Of course not,  she just started at this school, why I asked? I don't know just doesn't seem your type that's all, he said. What is my type bug brain, butch, I asked angrily? Not like that, just I figured you would go for someone with big tits and ass that's all, he said. Well, that's where you're wrong, I said. Well, what are you getting so bent out of shape for, I just thought I'd ask, he said.  Sometimes I regret telling you I was gay because of some of the stupid stuff that comes out of your mouth, I got to get to class, I said walking off. Okay see you at lunch, he yelled. Walking into the classroom I saw Lena already sitting at her desk. Glad you're on time Ms. Foster, take a seat, Miss. Thomas said. Yes, ma'am. Now, class, I hope I can count on all of you to have your homework tomorrow, she said looking at me. Why are you looking at me, I'll have it, I said. I hope so because there are only so many excuses I am going to accept, she said. Yes, Ma'am. Okay get out your books to page one hundred and two, and Ms. Adams here's a book for you, she said walking over and handing it to her. Thank you, Ma'am. 


Lunch couldn't come fast enough for me, was surely looking forward to seeing Stef even though we had to pretend to be just friends. Over here Stef, I yelled. While walking towards me, I notice someone else approaching her and then seeing them both laugh. What really surprised me, is that she didn't even come to sit next to me, she sat next to him. So I had lunch alone, and going through the rest of my day confused.  While getting ready to walk home from school, I hear Stef calling me, but I just continued to walk. Hey didn't you hear me, she said catching up to me. Yeah, I heard you, just as much as you heard me at lunch today, I said angrily. Oh I'm sorry about that, he was asking all sorts of questions about us, she said. About what, I said.  He saw us together today arriving at school and so he asked me on whether you were my girlfriend and I told him no, she said. So he knows you're gay, I asked. Yeah he is the only one here who knows, we kind of grew up together, she said. So you can trust him to keep that secret, I asked. Yeah, of course, she said. Then why couldn't you just tell him we are in fact girlfriends since he knows you're gay anyway, I said. Because the thing about Adam is sure he could keep my secret, but if he were to see us together each time he would get all giddy and stupid that he wouldn't be able to hide, she said. Sure, I said continuing to walk. Really it's not because I am embarrassed or ashamed of you because if I could I would tell the whole damm world that you were my girlfriend, she said. I believe you Stef, I have to get home, have a lot of homework, I said. You don't want me to come over, she asked. Not today Stef, you heard what Miss Thomas said she needs you to turn in your homework tomorrow, and I know us being together would just be a distraction so I will see you tomorrow, I said as I kissed her on the cheek and continued my walk home. I didn't know whether to believe Stef and what she told her friend, all I know was I felt awful. 

Taking out my key and letting myself in the house, I set my stuff down and made my way into the kitchen for a snack. I had quite a bit of homework, while I made myself comfortable in the living room to get it done, when I heard a text alert, it was Stef.

Stef- Hi Lena, I hope I didn't hurt you because that is the last thing I wanted. I really like you. So please don't be upset with me.

Lena- I'm okay Stef, I'm not mad, I just have a lot of homework to get done and I think you should get yours done too. You can call me later. 

I may not be mad but I'm disappointed. Why couldn't she tell her friend we were together, instead of giving me some cheesy excuse why she couldn't. I know she likes me, I like her too, I just wish I could trust that she wasn't ashamed of the relationship. While engrossed in my work, I heard the door open and close. Lena Elizabeth you home, my mother called out. In the living room mother, doing homework. How was your day, she asked sitting next to me on the couch. It was okay, just have a ton of homework to do so can I tell you about my day later, I asked. Sure, let me go get dinner prepared, she said, walking off to the kitchen. 

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