Planned Evening Part 2

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It was about ten minutes to six as Stef and I continued to wait for Adam to arrive, but at the same time in my mind I was hoping that he had changed his mind. As I stared at the time ticking away we were both startled by the doorbell, as I had let go of Stefs hand to go answer. Grabbing a hold of the knob to let him in; I glanced over my shoulder to look at the disappointment also on Stef's face, I know she felt bad about allowing Adam to ruin our evening together but I didn't blame her or even Adam for that matter he doesn't know that Stef and I are in a relationship and wanted to spend time alone.  

Opening the door there stood Adam with a look of anticipation dressed in a too tight shirt I was surprised he could even breath, skinny jeans and a pair of black boots and vest to finish off the ensemble. Hey Lena sorry I'm late, hope I look okay, he asked? Fine I said as he made his way in passed me.  Where's Stef, he asked, not even waiting to be invited in?  Hey Stef sorry I'm late, he apologized, as I looked over at Stef's face who was not amused. Nice house Lena, he said looking back at me. Thanks, I said. Let me go get my things then we can go, I said. 

Grabbing my purse on my bed and taking a quick glance in the mirror applying a little more lipstick, I made my way back downstairs where I saw Stef and Adam waiting by the front door. Walking out the door ahead of me I locked up the house. I'm riding shotgun, Adam yelled. Lena is going to be sitting up front, Stef said. Why don't you drive the car you came in, she asked? My dad dropped me off, is there something wrong with me coming with you guys, he asked? No why would it be, Stef asked? Then why do I feel like I am horning in on you guys, he asked? Beets me, let's just go, she said, as I got in the passenger side, Adam sat in the back seat behind me and Stef made her way to the drivers side.  Looking in the review mirror I see the look on Adams face that told me he was not happy. Everything okay Adam, I asked. Sure, he said, even though I knew he was lying. 


As I looked over at Lena while driving everything in me wanted nothing more than to take a hold of her hand, but with Adam sitting in the back  I knew that was not a good idea. Hey Stef what is the plan after the club, he asked? What do you mean, I asked. Well usually when we leave a movie or a hot spot we go out to eat, he said. Well that's not happening tonight, I will be dropping you off after the club, I said. Come on Stef, he said. Lena has a curfew, I lied. Well we could always drop her off, and we could still go out, he said. I will be staying at Lena's this weekend, I said. Oh yeah since when, he asked? Since before you spoiled mine and Lena's plans, that's when, I said, as we just pulled up to the parking lot which took me about five minutes to find a parking spot. Are you ready Lena, I asked smiling. One she returned.

Walking into the club after I paid for Lena and myself, as we waited for Adam off to the side, so he himself could pay for his.  Watching Adam walk in about five minutes after we had, I could see his mouth moving obviously complaining about something. Well if you had brought your wallet and put your money in that, then you wouldn't have had to look through ever pocket you have, I said. Whatever Stef, it seems you don't want me here anyway, he said angrily. Whatever gave you that idea, I said. Let me guess it seems that from the look on your face, if you didn't want me to come you could have told me, he said, as I looked over at Lena. Lena could you come with me to the ladies room please, I asked? Sure, she said. So you can't tell me I'm wrong Stef, he asked? I'm not about to fight with you Adam, I said, as I grabbed Lena's wrist as we both made our way through the crowd. Well maybe I should just leave, Adam yelled. Stef you think he will leave, Lena asked, as we were both standing in front of the mirror checking ourselves. No he's not going anywhere, he's not going to waste ten dollars getting in this place, and he doesn't even have a ride, he'll be fine, I said. I just hope his feelings wasn't hurt, she said. He's fine, I've known him since we were kids, I said. If you say so, she said sadly, as I placed my hand under her chin lifting it up and placing a gentle kiss on her beautiful lips. What was that for, she asked smiling? For putting up with this shit, I said. Besides I figured this would be the only chance I get to kiss you until we get back to your house, she said. So are you ready to get back out there, she asked? After you beautiful, I said.


After being here for know more than an hour Stef and I began to see more of the kids from our school that we attend, so we had to be careful regarding our secret relationship. You alright, Stef asked? Yes I just wanted to be alone with you, I can't even kiss you when I want or even dance with you, I said.  I know I feel the same way Lena, I just thought you would enjoy this club, it never dawned on me that we wouldn't be able to dance with each other, she said.  Sorry I let Adam come with us, she said. That's okay, we still would have to be careful with or without him here, I said. I don't want you to be mad, but is it okay if we leave, I would like to get some time alone with you at my house before my parent's get home, I asked? I'm not mad I want that too, she said. What about Adam, I asked? We can drop him off, she said. You don't think he wouldn't get suspicious, I asked? Who cares Lena, this is about us, she said. If Adam doesn't want to leave, he can always get one of our school mates to take him home, she said. What's wrong Stef, I asked? Just that he's starting to get on my nerve, or maybe I'm outgrowing the friendship, she said. Is that all, I asked? You know before I met you, and every time I wanted to ask someone out or even have a crush on someone he would either tease me about it or ruin it for me, she said. Have you ever thought on whether he likes you more than a friend, I asked? I don't think that's it and besides he has a crush on one of the girls we hang out with, she said. So she doesn't know, I asked? Nope, she said. Well maybe you should tell her, she may like him too, I said. I doubt that, she said. Why, I asked? Because she's already seeing someone, she said. Well maybe we should try to fix him up with someone, I said. Good idea, but with whom, she asked? I don't know, you know him better than I do, who do you think he would be interested in, I asked? Not sure, he's pretty picky, but we'll figure it out, she said. I'm  just saying if he's occupied with someone, then maybe he won't have to be the third wheel. I said. Come on let's get out of here, she said, but as we turned our attention towards the dance floor we saw Adam dancing with a latin beauty. Well maybe we can see on whether he has a ride, let me tell him we are leaving, she said, as I watch Stef walk towards Adam and his dance partner.


As I walked towards the dance floor where Adam was dancing, he notice me instantly, as he pulled away from the girl. Hey Stef, this is Lydia, she goes to our school, he said. Nice to meet you, I said. You too, I've seen you around school, she said, as I shook her hand.

Adam, Lena and I are going to be taking off  are you ready, I asked, as he looked over at Lydia? I can drop you off  Adam if that's okay, Lydia asked? Thanks, he said. I'll see you tomorrow Stef, he said. Okay see ya, nice meeting you Lydia, I said. You too Stef, she said, as I walked back towards Lena. So is he coming, Lena asked? No he got a ride, and maybe someone who can get him out of our hair, like we want, I said. Is it the girl he's dancing with, she asked? Yep, are you ready to go, I asked, as I looked back at Adam and Lydia dancing, feeling relief, but at the same time feeling happy that he may have found someone he could keep company with, as Lena and I made it towards my car. 

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