The Conversation

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As I walked into the house after leaving Stef in her car, I run into my dad just coming from upstairs. Hey princess, where's Stef, she go home, he asked? No she's out in the car, I said. You two get into a fight, he asked? No we're fine, no fight, I said. Where's mom, I asked? She's taking a shower, he said. Daddy can I ask you something, I asked? Sure sweetheart, anything, he said. When you were sure about my sexuality, how did that make you feel, the truth okay, I said. Lena honey, ever since you were born, one of the things I wanted for my little girl, is for her to be happy, whom ever she spends her life with, he said. What does this have to do with Stef, he asked? Well yeah something like that, you see her dad won't accept who she is, an now he's saying he doesn't have a daughter anymore. It really hurt her daddy, why do people act like that, I asked? I can't say baby, some people have a hard time accepting other people that's different, even their own flesh and blood, he said. Is that her reasoning on why she is still outdoors, he asked? I really don't know, one minute we were shopping in the mall looking at her favorite shoes, and then all of a sudden her whole personality changed, she didn't want the shoes anymore. I offered to pay the difference if that was the reason, but she said it wasn't and we just drove home in silence, I said. Well baby all I can say is give her time, she'll come around, I'm sure of it, he said. I'm also hesitant about telling her about the conversation you and I had last night,I said. Oh because of her own situation with her father, he said.Exactly, I just don't know what to do, I said.  Like I said honey, just be there for her, he said as he kissed my cheek and headed back upstairs.


After sitting here in the car for what I can guess was about and hour or so, I glance up to see Lena's parent's coming out of the house. As Mr Adams helped his wife into the car, he looked over my way, whispered something to her and walked over to my car. Hey Stef, just talked to Lena, is everything okay out here, he asked? Yeah fine Mr. Adams, I said. It's Stuart, he said, as I gave him a half smile. Well me and my wife will be going, why don't you go on inside, he said. Yeah, in a minute, have a nice evening, I said as he winked and walked back towards his Mercedes and drove off.  Taking the key out of the ignition as I had decided it was time to go in, I see Lena walk out the front door towards my car. Stef are you going to come in, she asked, peaking in my passenger side window. Yeah I'll been in, just let me get myself together, I said. Okay, don't be long, she said, as I watched her walk back towards the house, look back and then went into the house. Getting out of the car, locked it up and made my way towards the house, as I opened the door to see Lena sitting on the stairs. I'm sorry Lena for ruining our day, I said as I sat next to her. You haven't ruined it Stef, I just want you to be okay, are you okay, she asked? I will be, I said. So are you still in the mood for movie and pizza, she asked, as I stared into her beautiful brown eyes. Of course I am, I said. Just to let you know Stef that whatever you're going through I am right her for you, you should know that by now, she said. Of course I know, that, I've known that when you met up with me at the park, and listened to me about what I was going through with my dad, I said. And I always will be, don't ever forget that, she said. I won't Len, so what movie have you decided on, I asked? I don't know thought you could help me decide, she said, as she grabbed ahold of my hand an we made our way to the family room. 

Lena -

Stef was in the kitchen making popcorn, while I was on the phone ordering our pizza, as we had decided to watch The Rock, I really love that movie, I must have watched it a dozen times, Sean Connery is one of my favorite actors. Okay here is the popcorn, she said as she placed the bowl on the coffee table. Okay good, the pizza should be here in about half and hour, looks like you're in a better mood than you were earlier, I said. Yeah, I'm sorry again Lena, she said. Stef you don't have anything to be sorry about, I just want you to be alright baby, I said, as I kissed her lips. Mmm that was nice, she said blushing. So what do you want to do while we wait for the pizza, I asked? 


After Lena and I had been making out, we sort of lost track of time, when we heard the doorbell. What was that, Lena asked, out of breath? I think it was the doorbell babe, I said,  as she raced to get her purse to pay for the pizza.  While flipping through the channels, Lena finally came into the room with a large pizza which smelled out of this world. Mmm smells really delicious, and the pizza don't smell to bad either, I said. Stef that was so corny, she said. Really I thought that was pretty good, I said, as she placed the pizza on the coffee table next to the bowl of popcorn that we had been eating on and off. So what kind of pizza do we have here, I asked, as I opened the box. Well I thought cheese on one side and pepperoni and sausage on the other, she said, as she placed a slice on two separate paper plates, as I see tomato sauce on her finger and grabbed ahold of her hand and licked it off. Oh Stef that tickles, she said, as I just couldn't help myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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