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After dropping Lena back at home, I couldn't help but smile at the gesture she made when holding my hand. Walking through the door, I heard my mom in the kitchen preparing dinner. Stefanie is that you honey, she called out. Yeah ma its me, I said. I hope you had a good time today sweetie, she asked. Yeah it was great, I said. What did you and your friend Lena do honey, she asked. Remember the itinary we hung around the mall and caught a movie, I said. That sounds nice honey, this Lena seems like a nice person, she said. Yeah she is, I said smiling. Good, dinner will be ready in a couple of hours why don't you go wash up, she said. Yes ma'am, I said, as I headed upstairs. On several occasions while we were at the mall I've wanted to kiss Lena, but I didn't want to scare her or loss the friendship we've started to build, I didn't even know if she was into girls, just because she didn't have a boyfriend doesn't mean she doesn't like guys. Lost in my thoughts, I hear my text alert go off.

Lena- Hi Stef, just wanted to thank you for the movie today, I had a really good time.

Stef- Me too Lena, we need to do that again, if you want

Lena- Of course I want, why wouldn't I, and by the way I have your money for the movie and the food, I'll give it to you at school on Monday.

Stef- No Lena that was my treat please keep your money.

Lena- I don't feel right Stef, we've just became friends

Stef- Please Lena, keep your money okay.

Lena- If you insist, but next time it's my treat deal.

Stef- Okay deal, I'll talk to you tomorrow, good bye Lena

Lena- Bye Stef

Lena has to be the most wonderful girl I have ever meet, she's caring, considerate, and thoughtful, I just wish I knew on whether she would go for me.


Lena we're home, my mother shouted from downstairs. I opened my bedroom door, Okay mother I'll be right down, I said, placing my cell phone on my bed, I made my way downstairs. So honey how was your day, she asked. It was a day, I said. I know that honey, but weren't you suppose to have gone out with a friend, she asked. Yeah Stef, we went to the mall, I said. I don't know what it is about that mall that facinate you teenagers so much, she said. Well it's not just a mall, it's food courts and they have a movie theatre there, I said. So did you eat at this food court and visit the movie theatre, she asked. Yes we ate at the hot dog on a stick and went to see a movie, I said. And how did you pay for this movie and hot dog on a stick is it, because I saw your purse here on the couch after you left, she asked. Well my friend paid for it, I said. Well I hope you plan on paying her back, she said. I would but she wouldn't accept it, I said. Why is that, she asked. What difference does it make mother, may I be excused please, I asked. Yes princess, my father said. Hugging him and making my way back upstairs, I just couldn't get Stef off my mind and what a wonderful friend she's been.


While my parent's and I are eating at the dinner table, the thought of Lena plagued my mind. Ma can I invite someone over for dinner next week, I asked. Sure honey, why not, she said. What young man would you like to invite over sport, my dad asked. It's not a young man dad, it's a young lady Lena, I said. The girl you went to the mall with this afternoon, my mom said. Yes that's her, so is it okay, I ask. Sure honey, would be nice to meet her, she said. Why haven't you brought any young men to the house, my dad asked. Dad if I've told you once, I told you a thousand times I am not interested in boys, I yelled. Hey watch your tone young lady I'm still your father, he said raising his voice. Then why won't you accept what I have been telling you for almost a year now, I'm a lesbian, I like girls, is anything wrong with that, I asked. Yeah theres something wrong with that, you're a female and females do not date other females, he yelled. Frank, my mother said. What Sharon, we have a daughter who wants to be a son, he said. That's not what she said Frank, she said. Well while your living under my roof, you will not be dating any girls, is that understood, he said. You can't tell me who I can and can't date, I'm almost eighteen, I said. Well at eighteen you can get the hell out of my house because I will not be housing any dykes here, he said. Fine, at eighteen I will get the hell out of your house Frank, I said as a ran upstairs to my room.

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