Spending The Night

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Before Stef could get to the door, I called out her name. Stef, I said. Yeah, she said. Just a second, mom is it okay for me to have a sleepover tonight, I asked. Lena it's Sunday you have school tomorrow, she said. But Stef and I could leave for school together in the morning, come on mom, I begged. Well if it's okay with her parent's it's okay with me I guess, she said. Cool, what about it Stef do you want to stay over tonight, I asked. Sure, but what will I wear to school tomorrow, she asked. Well you can wear anything of mine if you want, I said. Okay, but I better call my mom to see if it's okay, she said, as she pulled her cell out of her back pocket. Thanks mom, she's really going through a hard time with her father, I said. I understand, but she can't stay away from her father forever Lena Elizabeth, she said. I know, I said. My mom said it was okay Lena, Stef said excitedly. Great, I said. Okay girls have you eaten dinner yet, my mom asked. Just snacks here and there mother, I said. Well help yourself to what's in the kitchen and don't you girls stay up to late, you still have school tomorrow, she said before going upstairs. So are you hungry, I asked. A little, now that I don't have to see my father tonight, I could eat a little something, she said. Good, come on lets go see what we can find in the kitchen, I said.


So what side of the bed do you want to sleep on Stef, I heard Lena yell to me, as I was getting ready for bed in her bathroom. It doesn't matter, I'm not picky, I yelled back. Okay, she said. Brushing me teeth, as Lena's mother had given me a new toothbrush, I couldn't get the thought out of my mind about sleeping next to Lena tonight. The idea of being that close to her and not being able to touch her the way I wanted was frustrating. Coming out of the bathroom, the air got caught in my throat, when I saw her in the little nightie she was wearing. Stef are you okay, she said. Yeah, I'm good, I lied. So you can use my favorite pillow, she said. Lena you don't have to give me that, I said. Nope you're my guest and the guest gets the best, she said laughing. What? I said confused at her laughter. What what, I just made a rhyme, didn't you hear it, she said. Nope sorry, just a little out of it, I said. I said you're my guest and the guest gets the best, she repeated. Um that's a little corny Lena, I said laughing. Well, she said faking hurt. Oh sorry baby, did I hurt your feelings, I asked. Nope, she said pushing me playfully. As I pushed her back, as we both giggled. Okay you win, she said. Lena is so beautiful I just could not take my eyes off her. You okay Stef, she asked. Yeah I'm fine, I said. Why don't I sleep on the floor, I said. Stef why, this bed is big enough for two people, three people, so why would you want to sleep on the floor, she asked. Just don't want to crowd you, I lied. You're not crowding me, now come get in the bed, she said, as she was already under the covers. Okay, if you say so, I said. I say so, she said. Do you want to go to bed or do you want to talk, she asked. We can talk, I'm not really sleepy, I said. Lena can I ask you a question, I said. Sure anything, she said. Are you, oh nevermind, I said. Come on Stef, am I what? She asked. Are you gay? I asked. Why would you ask that, she said. Just that you held my hand at the mall yesterday, I said. Friends hold hands Stef, she said. Oh sorry, I said. But to answer your question, she said lifting my head up with her hand. I am gay, she said. I don't know what made me more excited christmas or the fact that Lena is gay. Glancing into her beautiful brown eyes, she leaned into me and kissed my mouth for the first time. Lena, does your parent's no your gay? I asked. No Stef, they don't, she said. Why? I asked. I'm just not as brave as you are Stef to tell my parents, do you really think my mom would've let you stay over if she knew I was gay or you? She asked. I guess not, I said. How about the conversation we had earlier about my situation with my father, why can't you be who you are, why pretend to be something you're not, I said. Because I'm a coward Stef, I may talk a good game, but in the end I'm all talk, she said with a tear running down her face. I don't believe that, not for a minute Lena, I said.

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