The truth of your mother, part two

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Ezra's pov
I tired up Sabine too a cheer and she won't get free of it, I still can't believe she's alive, I saw her die but how is she alive still, I looked at her and said babe what have they did too you as I got up as I put my hand up as I used the force too look in her mind as I saw she was tortured and Brain wash her and has no memory who I am and Mira too, the made her into a weapon, my poor wife, just seen her like this hurts my heart. She started too wake up as she looked at me, REBEL SCUM! Said Sabine as she was trying too get free. Sabine please it's me Ezra, Sabine just looked at as she  grows at Ezra, Sabine please try too remember me, remember Mira our daughter said Ezra as he looked at Sabine. I can't believe what they did too her my beautiful wife dose not remember Mira and I. I sit down on a cheer and looked at her, and said who are you? Said Ezra, I'm no one said Sabine, no you're my wife said Ezra, Mira walked out as Sabine looked at her and a second rebel too kill, no Sabine she's your daughter our daughter said Ezra. Mira just looked her mother, please mommy you have to remember me and daddy said Mira as Sabine just looked at Mira. Let's go Mira said Ezra as he grabbed his daughter and said mira go to bed, but I don' buts Mira go to bed said Ezra, okay daddy said Mira as she hugged her father.

In the morning.

I walked up to Sabine as I tried a second time too make her remember who she is, good morning Sabine said Ezra, who's Sabine? That's your name said Ezra, your my wife Sabine wren Bridger, said Ezra. Just please remember Mira and me said Ezra. Sabine just looked at Ezra and said I remember when I first met you, you ask what was my name said Sabine, yes I did said Ezra, can I get free know Ezra said Sabine, Ezra let Sabine go as she looked at Ezra then Mira. Mira was right besides her father as she was scared, Mira is that really you? Said Sabine, Mira walked closer too her mother as she hugged her mother, this made Sabine really remember who she is.

Sabine's pov
Ezra is that really you? Said Sabine, yes it is me said Ezra as Sabine hugged her husband and said what happened to me? You where taken away from me and Mira said Ezra they made you a weapon said Ezra, I can't really remember what they did to me said Sabine. We will find out together said Ezra as he smiled and Sabine just hugged her husband and said did I hurt you? No not really said Ezra, and Mira I see you have my old armour said Sabine and my old hair colour too said Sabine, do you like it? Said Mira, of course I do mira said Sabine as she hugged mira again. Sabine felt pain behind her neck and yelled out of pain as Ezra help her and said what's wrong? They have a tracker chip in my back of my neck said Sabine, move over said Ezra as he grabbed a little knife and cut opened part of her back of her neck and found the chip and destroyed it and fixed Sabine's back of her neck. Your okay babe as Ezra was holding his wife as she said yes I am said Sabine as she got back up and said we have to got out of here said Sabine as Ezra looked outside too see more Warriors coming for them, go! Said Ezra as Sabine grabbed Mira's hand and they ran too a place to hide.

Too be continued.....

And remember the force will always be with you.

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