Robocop meets sabezra part 2

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Ezra's pov
I woke up into some type of cell as I looked I had handcuffs around my hand and tried up on a table too. HELLO? Then the door opened too see the some female police officer. Oh about what's happened I'm sorry but where am I? And what System am I on? System? Ha no that's something new said female police officer as she sat down. What's your name kid? My name is Ezra Bridger but where's Sabine? Oh your friend she's okay, ok that's good said Ezra, but what's your name? Said Ezra, my name is Anne Lewis, that's a nice name said Ezra, thanks ezra said Lewis, so that Machine what is that? He's not a machine Ezra said Lewis, what do you mean? He part human and part machine said Lewis, a cyborg? Yes said Lewis, as Robocop opened the door and looked at Ezra, uhh hello said Ezra, Your name said Robocop, Ezra, what's your name? Said Ezra, this is Murphy said Lewis, well Murphy can I see my girlfriend? Said Ezra, No said Murphy, wait no I did too see her! Said Ezra as he got up but still had handcuffs on, Lewis let Ezra's handcuffs off as he walked up too the door and said thank you Lewis, Ezra wait said Lewis, as Ezra looked at Lewis, you what too see Sabine right? Yes I want to said Ezra.

Later where Sabine was at.

Sabine's pov
I can't believe they would do this to me and Ezra, but the door opened too see Ezra with Lewis with him, Sabine got up and hugged her boyfriend and said ezzy, I'm fine Sabine said Ezra as he hugged his girlfriend back. Sabine just looked at Ezra and said what's going too happen to us? I don't know Sabine, will you both can stay here for know said Lewis, and why's that? Said Sabine, for safety said Lewis, we don't need safety Ezra and I are going too be fine said Sabine, okay just watch outside said Lewis, as Sabine and Ezra saw a lot of people taking pictures of them and asking questions where are from and the News people there too as they where on live news too on Tv,  umm I think Lewis was right said Ezra as he grabbed Sabine's hand and walk back into the police station and closed the door behind them. I think Lewis was right said Sabine, yeah same here said Ezra, as they want to find Lewis.

Later they find Lewis.
Hey you're both back said Lewis, yeah you where right there said Sabine and sorry I was rude too you, it's okay Sabine it happens a lot here said Lewis, so there some here that Sabine and I can stay at too be safe at them outside said Ezra, yeah there's a little house outside where the people won't see you at said Lewis as she should Ezra and Sabine where their place to stay for know, here's the keys to the house you will be living in for know said Lewis, thanks Lewis said Sabine as Ezra and Sabine walk into their house too stay safe for now.

Weeks later.

Ezra's pov
I was looking at the cops I really like waching them and all, Ezra what are you looking at? Said Sabine, them said Ezra as Sabine looked outside, you're thinking about being a cop? Said Sabine, yeah said Ezra, okay if you're going too be a cop I'll be a cop too said Sabine as Ezra smiled at Sabine. Ezra called in Lewis. Sabine and I waited for Lewis as I heard a knock on the door as I opened it to see Lewis with some food for Sabine and I, hi Ezra what's up? Said Lewis, come in I'll explain said Ezra as Lewis walked into the kitchen to see Sabine doing some of her art work, wow Sabine that's amazing said Lewis, oh thanks Lewis said Sabine, so what do you want too talk about? Said Lewis as she sit down close too the kitchen table with Sabine and Ezra, will Sabine and I was thinking about joining you in the police said Ezra, as Lewis looked at Ezra, will we do need rookies said Lewis, but heard a knock on the door, Ezra got up and walk to the front door as he opened it too see Robocop, oh hey Murphy said Ezra, can I come in? Said Murphy (Robocop) yes you may said Ezra as Murphy walked in the house to see Lewis with Sabine. Murphy what are you doing here? Said Lewis, I'm here too check on you said Murphy, oh I think that's more too that Murphy said Lewis as she got up and walked to Murphy as Ezra and Sabine looked too see Murphy turned a bit red, wow are you guys a couple? Said Sabine, Lewis turned red and said ah no we're just friends, okay said Ezra but the question I ask you? Said Ezra, oh yeah about being a police officer? Said Lewis, Yes both said Ezra and Sabine. So Murphy what do you think? Said Lewis, yes we can use new rookies and need new friends said Murphy as he smiled at Sabine and Ezra.

3 months of training them.

Finally Sabine and Ezra became police officers.

Wow I can't believe it said Ezra, I know right said Sabine as she kissed her boyfriend as Ezra kiss his girlfriend back but they heard Lewis's voice saying you ready for your first time? Said Lewis, yes said Sabine and Ezra at the same time. Here's your own car said Lewis as she give the keys too Ezra as he got into the car with Sabine and said this is pretty cool said Ezra, yeah it is said Sabine, will partner you ready? Said Ezra, yeah I am said Sabine, as Ezra drive out with Lewis and Murphy in front of them.

Calling in all units we've got a shooting, we got a 10-4 (means a cop was killed) bank robbery hostages too said the Radio.

Sabine's pov
Lewis did you hear that? Yes follow Murphy and I said Lewis as the cop cars lights turned on, as they speeded too the shooting. Ezra picked the car as he put his bullet Proof vest so did Sabine as they saw Lewis and Robocop ready too go in. Lewis what's the plan? Said Ezra, follow Murphy and stay close said Lewis, okay will do said Ezra. Then they heard a Machine gunfire going off, TAKE COVER! Said Lewis as Ezra and Sabine did with Lewis but Robocop didn't he was safe with the metal proof was Murphy said DEAD OR ALIVE YOUR COMING WITH ME! He really likes saying that said Ezra, yeah he says it a lot said Lewis, as Murphy was giving lewis and Sabine and Ezra covering free too move in, as they did.

Ezra's pov 
As the gunfire stop there heard Murphy walking inside too find them, he really as yelled feet said Sabine, that's how they made him for said Lewis, wait I thought you said he's not a Machine said Ezra, Murphy was human but he was shot and killed but they bought him back as Robocop said Lewis. Wow that's cool said Ezra, as they saw Murphy he said let's finish this, as they continued on.

Later they found the people in danger as the other people where stealing the money in the bank as Ezra saw a police officers dead body down bowl them, he had no chance said Ezra, wait he's still alive said Sabine, we have too help him said Ezra, Ezra don't be a hero it's suicide said Lewis, he's going too die said Ezra, just please let me go too help him said Ezra. Murphy? Said Lewis as Robocop look at Ezra and Murphy nodded, wait their's more of them said Ezra, I'm going. As Ezra did Sabine Lewis and Murphy watched Ezra kill one of the people that's taking the money and moved him over, Ezra's good at this said Lewis, will where we're from he does is a lot said Sabine. Murphy come in Murphy said Ezra on his radio, go had said Murphy, I see them I'm going too take them outside too the cars said Ezra, good lock said Lewis in her radio be careful ezzy said Sabine, I'm always am said Ezra, Lewis and Sabine walked up too give Ezra covering free as Robocop want for the others too arrest them. Okay I got my first one out said Ezra as he looked at one cop that was hurt, cover me said Ezra, as Lewis and Sabine did but didn't see no one yet, as Ezra was down on one list police officers that's asking for help as Ezra corrode on the ground and saw one of the robbers as Ezra grabbed the officer and move him close too Ezra, thank you boy said the officer, shh they will hears us said Ezra as he picked up the list police officer and said your do fine Lt said Ezra as he saw blood on the officer got shot by his leg and if Ezra can't stop the bleeding the police officer will die, as one robber saw Ezra helping the list police officer outside as he yelled out THERE A COP! As Ezra looked behind him and gunfire started too go off as Ezra felt some going past him then got shot in his back two times as he felt on the ground with the other police officer as Ezra grabbed his gun and shot at one of the Robbers killing one then saw Murphy (Robocop) walking up too Ezra as Robocop was getting shot behind his back but was okay. I looked too see my gun is out of ammo but saw Murphy walking towards me as Lewis and Sabine was shooting at the rest of the robbers as Murphy put his hand out as Ezra put his hand out as Murphy grab Ezra and helped Ezra as Sabine and Lewis and the other officer, then they saw the swat team going in as Ezra was put on one of the ambulance as one of the cops he saved said he's one hell of a cop.

Too be continued....
And remember the force will always be with you. Mammal out.  

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