Chapter 9 - Promise

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As everything cleared, the Yoon card glided toward the ground. Before Luka could grasp the card, Rai snatched it.
"I'll take that!" Rai grinned.
"That card belongs to me!" Luka dashed at Rai, but the card began to emit a bright light. He was suddenly blasted away by a large beam of it.
"The card must've sensed danger and protected Rai!" Hak commented.
Luka groaned as he got up.
"We'll be back to finish what we started!" he threatened.
"RRGH! Rascal will have to know about this!" Ulric growled. Then, he grabbed Luka by his long white hair. "And YOU! You're coming with me!"
"Let go of me!" Luka hissed as both of them teleported away.
The gloomy dark blue skies became bright and cheerful once again, and people started to wake up from their trance. Luckily, the Chasers and Glitter girls transformed back in time.
Everyone looked up to see something that twinkled in the sky. It was a Glitter Charm, which fell into Emily's hands.
"We did it!" Emily laughed in relief.
The mixed group cheered and exchanged high fives and fist bumps.
Candy, who was hopping up and down, was grinning from ear to ear. The projection of Hak sighed in relief.
Breeze offered a high five to Finn, who didn't return it. Seeing this, she offered a handshake instead.
Finn paused, then accepted it.

"This is so cool! You guys are superheroes like us!" Emily squealed in excitement as everyone ate lunch together.
"We wouldn't call ourselves superheroes, but..." Sena scratched her head.
"I would!" Tori giggled.
April and Donha were too busy eating to join in the conversation.
"So, how did you know about Tai Chi?" Kelsey turned to Chloe curiously.
"Well, I saw a peculiar book in the library once. I tried to check it out, but the librarian said it wasn't a book belonging to the library. So, I read it a little and put it back. And I never saw it again," she explained.
"Perhaps you picked up Komorka's book by mistake," Finn commented quietly.
"Then how did it get in the library?" Rai asked.
"Don't know. It's back in the airship now, though," Donha said through a mouthful of chips.
"There's something else to discuss," Sena stated. Everyone turned to her.
"What just happened back there, as well as our secret identities, have to remain a secret," she said cautiously.
"Right," Chloe added.
"We promise not to tell anyone about the Glitter Force," Rai assured.
"And we won't tell anyone about the Tai Chi Chasers," Emily smiled and held out her pinky.
Sena locked pinkies with her as they both said, "Promise."

"Rascal, I was about to defeat the Glitter Force until these other kids and THIS GUY showed up!"Ulric growled, still gripping onto Luka's hair

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"Rascal, I was about to defeat the Glitter Force until these other kids and THIS GUY showed up!"
Ulric growled, still gripping onto Luka's hair.

"Rascal, I was about to defeat the Glitter Force until these other kids and THIS GUY showed up!"Ulric growled, still gripping onto Luka's hair

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"So you didn't defeat them? Again?" a jester-like man asked in a high, silly voice.
"It wasn't my fault!" Ulric yelled.
"So you decide to tattletale to me on this... human?" Rascal looked at Luka with amusement. Luka glared back.
"I am a Dragonoid, not that you know what that means," Luka snarled.
"You have seen the Glitter Force, haven't you?" Rascal asked.
"They are not my target," Luka said darkly.
"Then who is your target?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"Because we just might be able to help you!" Rascal twirled around excitedly.
"We help you defeat those..." Rascal paused and looked at Ulric.
"Tai Chi Chasers," Ulric grumbled.
"... 'Tai Chi Chasers', while you help us defeat those Glitter girls!" Rascal finished.
"Not with this brat," Luka looked at Ulric with a look of hatred.
"Of course, not with that brat!" Rascal exclaimed.
Ulric looked at Rascal with disbelief.
"I will come with you instead!" Rascal proposed and took a polite bow.
"I won't go with you, either," Luka stared at Rascal with disgust.
"Although, I do know who would."

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