Chapter 11 - Joining Forces

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This time, the Buffoon was a huge red and black hammer with arms and legs sprouting from the handle. A yellow nose was on the front side of the Buffoon's cylinder-like, grinning face.
"Hey! Nobody told me that it would turn into my hammer!" Garnia growled at Rascal.
"Whoops! Sorry," Rascal said sarcastically. "Now follow the plan!"
Garnia grumbled and took out a blue dragon-themed activator and one of his cards.
"Tai Chi Bang! Destruction!" he barked as a gray symbol appeared above him.

Five little versions of the symbol appeared and floated toward each of the Chasers' activators

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Five little versions of the symbol appeared and floated toward each of the Chasers' activators. Once they reached the activators, they stuck to the front of them, causing them to seemingly malfunction and become dull in color.
"Oh great! Not again!" Rai grumbled, picking up his activator and attempting to slide his Hwa card through it. Nothing happened.
"What's up?" Sunny looked at the Chasers, who were looking at their activators in surprise.
"He disabled our activators!" Tori whimpered, attempting to shake off the spell on his.
"Now go get them, Buffoon!" Rascal chuckled and pointed at the group, signaling to the Buffoon to attack.
"BUFFOON!~" it boomed in a very enthusiastic tone.
"Watch out!" Sena yelled.
Everyone jumped out of the way as the Buffoon attempted to whack them like moles.
"How are we supposed to attack it without our activators?!" Rai asked.
"Didn't your cards activate themselves when you used them sometimes?" Donha reminded him.
"Oh, right! Lemme try it!" Rai held up his fire card.
"Tai Chi Hwa! FIRE!"
With a loud war cry, he shoved the card at the Buffoon's flat face.
Nothing seemed to happen.
"Buffoon?" the Buffoon questioned.
Rascal and Ave doubled up with laughter.
"Even their laughs sound the same," Spring commented.
"ARGH! Why didn't it work?!" Rai yelled, glaring at his card.
"It only responds when you're in grave danger!" Sena told him.
"But we are in grave danger!" Tori cried.
"But none of us are hurt," Lucky scratched her head.
Just then, the Buffoon smacked its face down hard onto Rai, squashing him.
"I said that too soon, did I?" Lucky squeaked.
The Buffoon straightened up and looked at Rai, who was now a pancake, with an amused expression. Rai struggled to get up, an embarrassed look on his scratched face. Donha looked extremely guilty as he went to check on Rai and help him up. Rascal and Ave cried tears of laughter. Garnia sat on his hovering platform, looking bored.
"Can I finish the boy off now?" Garnia grumbled.
"Relax and stick to the plan, Garnia!" Ave wheezed. "This is fun to watch!"

The heroes continued to dodge the Buffoon's hammering.
"The yellow-nose Buffoon must be stronger against our Sparkle attacks alone," Breeze predicted. "We need to combine our attacks again!"
"But our activators!" Tori reminded her.
"Wait!" Candy squealed, looking into the Glitter Charm Chest. She popped one Glitter Charm out and waddled up to Lucky, who stopped jumping around, as the Buffoon was distracted with everyone else.
"Remember our previous battle? Did you see the type of Glitter Charm you earned? It looks like..." Candy showed Lucky the charm, which looked a little like a pink calculator.
"An activator!" Lucky gasped.
"Place it into your Glitter Pact!" Candy insisted, handing the charm to her.
Without hesitation, she inserted the charm onto her Glitter Pact.
"Activate Glitter Charm! Activator!"
In a puff of glitter, five colorful activators appeared above each of the Glitter girls. They floated for a second in midair, then dropped into their owners' hands. The Buffoon paused and looked in confusion.
"Oh! It matches my dress!" Peace marveled, examining hers.
"Awesome!" Spring grinned, handling her activator, which clicked and made a high buzzing noise.
"But where are the cards?" Sunny looked around.
"I see now! We can use the Chasers' cards!" Breeze responded.
"But then you're gonna do all the work!" Rai whined.
"Why don't we join forces then?" Sunny walked up to Rai.
"You slide the card, while I activate it!" Sunny readied her orange activator and held it out for Rai to slide his card.
"Right! Let's do it!" Rai held out his fire card and slid it through.
Before he could shout the card's name, Sunny yelled, "Glitter Force!" to add flare.
Rai looked at her awkwardly, but continued.
"Tai Chi Hwa! FIRE!" they both called out.
The symbol of fire etched itself above them and glistened a brilliant orange. Several balls of fire were launched at the bamboozled Buffoon.
"OOOH!" it roared as it was lit with flames.
"Hahaha — what?!" Rascal stopped, confused. Ave continued to laugh, however.
"Cut it out, clown!" Rascal elbowed Ave, who grimaced from the blow.
"That worked better than I thought!" Sunny grinned as the Buffoon hurriedly patted its nonexistent butt.
"That activator seemed to intensify the attack!" Hak's illusion yelled in awe from Sena's locating device.
"The symbol looks a lot more glittery, that's for sure," Rai looked at the shiny symbol as it slowly faded away.
"It looks better that way!" Sunny smirked, then stopped when Rai gave her a glare.
"Never mind. Anyway, that was a good one!" Sunny chuckled, and Rai joined in, giving her a fist bump again.
"These activators are amazing!" Tori squealed. "Why don't you try yours, Glitter Peace?"
"Okay...!" Peace mustered up her courage and held out her activator, which seemed to buzz excitedly.
Tori whispered once again to Peace to tell her what kind of card they were going to use. Then, Tori took out a new card from his deck.
"Tai Chi Hwan!" they both yelled.
Sparks flew from the activator as the card slid through it. What appeared was a sparky, golden symbol.
"What does that card do?" Lucky wondered.
"It's an illusion card," Peace explained, appearing next to Lucky.
"Lily?! I thought you were right there in front of the Buffoon!" Lucky squealed.
"I am," Peace giggled and pointed.
Indeed, Peace was in front of the Buffoon, but also next to Lucky. In fact, there were a bunch of Tori's and Peace's surrounding the Buffoon.
"Betcha can't tell which one's the real one!" Tori laughed.
In a rage, the Buffoon attempted to slam his face down on Tori, but before it could, Tori disappeared in a puff of purple smoke — which morphed into the card's symbol.

In a rage, the Buffoon attempted to slam his face down on Tori, but before it could, Tori disappeared in a puff of purple smoke — which morphed into the card's symbol

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"BUFFOON?!" it looked around as all of the Tori copies started making faces.
"Now for the shocking part!" One Glitter Peace made a peace sign. The others copied her movements.
"Glitter Force! Sparkle... LIGHTNING!" Peace's voice rang out ten times louder, as all of her copies said it at the same time. They all jumped up and struck the Buffoon with lightning from all sides. The Buffoon wailed shakily, then face-planted.
When the copies all disappeared, Peace chuckled as Tori performed a small victory dance.
"Haha!" Tori laughed at the Buffoon's face.
"BUFFOON..." it grumbled.
"BOOM!" Without warning, it swiftly whacked Tori to the side.
Peace covered her mouth as she gasped, then ran over to Tori to check on him.
"I'm okay!" Tori managed to say, although he was clearly dazed.
"Hey, not cool!" Spring snapped at the hammer monster, readying her activator. Donha walked up next to her and picked out a card, clearly mad at the Buffoon for hurting his little friend.
"Tai Chi Seok! Stone Shot!" they shouted in unison as Donha swiped his card through Spring's activator.
"Stone Shot? That's new," Rai remarked.
As a green, dazzling symbol was engraved onto the air, several boulders the size of soccer balls appeared once again, except all of them had a green fiery aura around them instead of just one.
Donha and Spring leapt up and started kicking and punching the big rocks at the Buffoon at high speed.
It got stoned by plenty of the rocks, but attempted to bash them back at the two kids. To its great annoyance, they simply dodged.
After the wave of boulders, the Buffoon dashed at the group in a rage, though awkwardly because of its shape.
"Woah! It's mad!" Lucky screeched as everyone jumped out of the way of the Buffoon's can-shaped head.
"Then it's time he chilled out," Breeze replied, walking calmly up to the Buffoon. Finn nodded and followed her, drawing his ice card.
"Tai Chi Bing! Ice Blizzard!" they both yelled.
Shards of ice followed by a snow storm shot out from the blue and silver symbol. The Buffoon tried to shield itself, but was consumed by the hurricane.
Rascal and Garnia had irritated looks on their faces. Ave bellowed something in fury, but it was inaudible due to the thundering of the storm.
Everyone stared, hypnotized at the fantastic tornado of ice, but when the storm finally died down, what they saw in the middle of it broke their reverie and left them bewildered.

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