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It was a warm summer night. Just like most of them are in California. The only light currently would be the moonlight shinning through my blinds. 

I was just humming the tunes to the songs on my Spotify playlist while also bitting the nail polish off of my nails. Although it was almost midnight, i decided i needed to go out and make some friends.

I got up and walked over to my closet pulling out some dark wash jeggings with a cream color sweater along with a blue and purple scarf and a pair of black Dock Martin knock offs. 

Just recently I had moved into an apartment by myself. It wasen't the exactly the, partying, and staying up late that I thought it would be when I was a little girl.

I reached a 24 hour coffee shop, parked my car and took the keys out of the ignition and went inside.

'What would you like?' the un-enthusiastic employe asked. 

"A regular iced coffee please." I announced brightly trying to lighten up the mood

'Coming right up." he said writing something down on a cup.

I sat down at a table and waited. 

"Iced coffee" someone yelled. I got up an walked to get my coffee and paied. But before i got it another person also walked up.

"We must've orderd the same thing huh?" the unknown blonde boy said standing in front of me. 

"Yeah i guess.." I stated blushing.

"Im Connor" the now named boy said 

"Bethany" I said holding my hand out.

"Well, you can have that." he said gesturing to the coffee.

"You sure?' I asked. 

"Positive. But, promise me you'll give me a call." he said sliding a piece of paper between my fingers.

"Sure" i said smiling and walking out of the coffee shop imediatly being hit with slightly cooler, but fresh air of California.

I got in my car and drove home. My mind only stayed on one thing. Connor

The next morning

I woke up and can you guess what I was thinking? Connor. He was just so beautiful and he gave me his number. We should get along just fine, going to a coffee shop at midnight. I'll call him in a little. I don't want him to think that I haven't stopped thinking about him.

Because that would be the truth.

I went to my bathroom and did my regular morning routine. That would be taking a shower, and then brushing my hair with my tangle teaser brush, blow drying it, and the straightening it. I went and got dressed in something casual because i didnt really have any planes to go anywhere today.

I put my makeup on and went to go get some breakfast. I just ate some yogurt because im to lazy. Yes I am 18, and yes i am lazy.

After all that I finally sat down and came to the conclusion that I would call Connor.

"Come on Beth its just a boy." I whisperd to myslef trying to calm down. 

It wasen't working and the rinigng of the phone just irritated me.

"Hello?" His voice rang through my phone.

"Hey its Beth." I said trying to not sound nervous.

"Oh hey!" he said. And with that we talked for hours about the stupist things.

It was just about 11:00pm. Connor yawned along with me. Yawns are contagious.

"Hey Beth?" He asked.

"Yeah?" i asked but answered at the same time.

"I was thinking we should go to a restaurant"

"Okay yeah sure what da-" he inturupted me.

"No i mean right now." he said. I had a feeling he was smirking.

"Okay.. What Restaurant? Should i dress casual?" 

"Yeah. I'll pick you up at midnight. It seems to be my lucky hour anyway." he said and then hung up all so abruptly.

I just put on something not to dressy and waited on my couch. I then got a text. 

"Im here, beautiful"

He always knows who to make me blush doesnt he. I slowly walked down the steps since i do live on the top floor. I was trying not to wake anyone up due to the fact that it was like one in the morning. Once I got to the front door of my building a carefully closed it. I saw Connor leaning against his car.

"Where exactly are you taking me at 1am?" I questioned.

"Im actually not sure yet." he chuckled.

"Wowwww" I said draging the 'W' out.

At the destination

"Taco Bell?' I asked while giggling. 

"Yes. I like making my late night right" he said smirking 

(I always get told that by bethersforever aka bella) 

We went inside and we orderd. 

"Are you sure you wanna pay?" I asked for what seemed like the 50th time.

"Yes." he chuckled.

"If your sure." I said sighing.

We sat down. "So Connor, tell me about yourself." 

"Well, if you must know, my name is Connor Franta, Im a YouTuber, I have a girlfriend named Ariana, and yeah..." 

"Woah woah woah, you have a girlfriend?" I asked sort of pissed. 

"Yeah is that a problem?"

"Do you take all the girls that you meet out?" I asked coldly?


"And doesn't your girlfriend have a problem with youtaking girls out?"

"No. Shes not really the jealous type."

"Why were you calling me all those things then?" I said calming down a bit.

"What? Beautiful? I think i should be able to say what i think." He said. Ovbiously trying to make me blush.

"If you say so." I sighed. 

"Hey, you're beautiful. Trust me."

It was about 2am. After Taco Bell we spent about an hour talking and looking at the stars. Yes its chessy but thats Connor. I still can't get my mind off of the fact that Connor has a girlfriend, he was to good for me anyway. He droped me off and walked me inside. 

"Hey I had fun tonight." He said smiling.

"Yeah me to. "I said looking at him in his gorgeous green eyes.

"Can we do this again sometime?" He asked. 

"Sure." I said simply. 

"Bye Bethany." he said. 

"Goodnight Con" I said walking into my apartment.

So yeah that was my first chapter. Thanks to bethersforever and being cool and helping out an amateur like me. 

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