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Beth's POV

I knew exactly what Connor was thinking. I knew because sometimes I think about the same thing. 

Connor and I weren't anything except close friends. Really close friends. 

Do I wish Connor would ask me out? Yes. Am I go to make him? No. 

I've only ever had one actual boyfriend in the past. And I don't mean something stupid you do in 5th grade. His name was Jason. We started going out in my Sophomore year of high school. He was a few months old than me that's all. 

The only reason we broke up was because he moved out of the country. Long distance relationships never really work out. Although we both knew we loved one another, we thought it would be for the best. I don't even talk to him anymore. 

When he moved we were both about to graduate. He was there for my graduation. That was out last kiss. 

Ever since then I worry about someone leaving me. I'm not saying Connor would I'm just saying that I feel like I've known him for years and if I ever start going out with him he could leave.

The only thing I will never fully understand is why people feel the need for these little titles like 'girlfriend' and 'boyfriend'. 

People thinks it brings them closer together when it actually does the opposite. 

I never knew why. But I guess for some reason a 'title' with Connor is important to me. I wish one day I could become someone to him too. I just wish she understood that he drives me insane with his good looks and all that. 

But maybe he'll never know. 

After my short little rant to myself I looked up to Connor staring at the ceiling. He only really does that when he's thinking about something deep. Like I was. 

"Hey Con. You okay?" I asked because it's been about ten minutes since he actually started staring at the ceiling. 

No response. 

I looked at his eyes that weren't open, but closed. The sound of the raindrops is actually very soothing so I can see why he fell asleep. 

I walked over to my guest closet and got a little throw blanket and put it over Connor slowly so he wouldn't wake up.

After that I quietly tiptoed to my room to put my pjs on. 

I wanted to fall asleep in his arms but I decide I didn't want to wake him up so I just went to sleep in my room. 


I woke up and Connor was gone. I looked for a note on my kitchen table but there wasn't anything there. 

I walked over to my couch to a folded up blanket and I piece of paper;

Dear Beth, 

I feel like I've been at your place for to long and I'm starting to feel like a free loader. I cleaned, went grocery shopping, and if you look on your stove I made you a little breakfast. Although it's going to bring me pain to not see you for a while, it's for the best. 

-Connor xx. 

He's to sweet. I went over to my stove and found a somewhat gourmet breakfast. He should be a chef. 

I took the note he wrote and put it on a cork board. Yes, I just did that. Go judge me.

After that I went and ate my delicious breakfast and texted him. 

"Thanks for the breakfast. It was Delicious. <3"  I sent it and then I put my dishes In the dish washer.

Without Connor here there was literally nothing to do. I decided to call him because i miss him. I'm pathetic.

The phone started to ring but I quickly hung up because I didn't want to come off as clingy. 

"You're welcome beautiful. Now call me." He texted maybe a minute after I decided not to call him.

I called him and the phone only rang twice before he answered. 

"Hello gorgeous." 

"Hi." I said. I wasn't exactly sure what to say. 

"How has your day been?" 

"Good I guess. It would be better if you were here." I answered honestly.

"When can you come back over?" I added. 

"I don't know. I've been gone for so long my friends are treating me like I just came back from the dead. They have all these party's planed an-" 

"Its okay." I said. "Have fun." I said smiling. 

"I miss you." He said. I blushed. 

"Ditto." I responded smiling.

We talked for hours until we both got tired and went to bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night and put on some sweat pants. I walked out of my building to go to a 24 hour café. I met some people and then I went to one of those places where you an use the computer for free because I simply didn't have a lap top. 

I wasn't exactly doing very well with my debt and stuff so I had to sell a lot of stuff. 

I didn't want to move back in with my parents because the last things my mom said to me before I moved out was that I couldn't come crawling back to her when I needed something. 

After I checked all my emails to see whether or not any company excepted my application but nope. I guess I'll lower the heat a little bit.

I wanted to visit a place that's not California. I want to travel the world. As cheesy as it sounds it's just always been a dream of mine to vistit every country in the world. Or at least every Continent.

I looked out the glass doors of the little computer place and it was dark, and raining. I didn't really want to bother Connor with it so I just walked. 

Once I got to my building I was walking up the stairs and I saw Connor about to knock on my door with a bouqet of a bunch of different kinds of flowers. 


"Oh Beth hey." He was about to hug my but then he stopped. 

"What happened?" He questioned caring.

"The rain."

"Lets go dry you off." He said taking out his key to my room. I laughed slightly at how he had a key to my apartment.

I went to the bathroom and got in the shower. Connor walked into my bathroom maybe 2 minutes later. Don't worry, my glass door for the shower is foggy and not see through.

"What are you doing?" I asked while scrubbing the shampoo out of my hair. 

"It's boring with nobody out there." 

"So why did you walk home in the rain?"

"Because I didn't bring my car." 

"You could've called." He said softly.

"I didn't want to bother you." 

"It's fine. Call me whenever. I have like no friends." He chuckled.

"Hey I'm your friend." He said sarcastically yelling at him. 

"Well I'm going to go."

"No wait." I grabbed my towel, wrapped it around my body and ran after him. He was about to open the door but I stopped him. 

"Stay. Please." I said pouting. My pout almost always gets him.


I went and got dressed.

"So what now?" I said sitting down on the couch next to him. 

"Lets play a bunch of pointless games on our phones." 



Boring chappie what. Go check out 'Mind Over Matter' on bethersforever's page because we both write it. It's also in my reading list!

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