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Connor's pov

I didn't get Beth. I just wasn't feeling it. If she's jealous than let her learn from the experience. 

She shouldn't be jealous. Isabel and I have been friends for the longest time; I can't even remember a time before it.

Our mom's were like best friends or something. It's stupid and ironic how we ended up in just about the same shoes. Our lives have always been contradicting, per-say. 

She got straight A's in high school where as I didn't. She would try so hard to help me at least get an honor roll.

Yes, Isabel and I have a past. I would be lying if I said I didn't have a crush on her at one point. We actually went out for a little bit. We broke up when I decided I wanted a life in the golden state and not stay in Minnesota. 

She bidded me goodbye and we each just went on with our collage lives. She would still text and call me, being the modest person she is. 

But as of right now we are just friends. I actually think she has a boyfriend. If she didn't break up with him yet, that is.

I never liked the guy. I'm not sure why but he just gave me a bad vibe. 

Isabel and I are sort of like siblings; she cares for me and I care for her too. Not in a loving way though. Well I love her I just- it's hard to elaborate. 

Bethany's pov

I reached the bottom of the stairs that I decided over the elevator. I looked back and saw the he don't run after me. I guess that could be a good thing. It could also be perceived wrong. Well, at least this isn't a cheesy cliche movie. 

I walked in the empty parking lot my only company being the cold breeze that made my hair sway back in forth in my face. I walked towards that allotted spot for visitors and unlocked my car.

I pulled out of the parking lot not the happiest but then heard my phone vibrate. I picked it up from the cup-holder and smiled once I saw the name. 

'Hey Beth. I know we haven't talked in a while but i'm bored and wanted to know if you want to hang. '

It was from my old time friend Cameron. 'Sure! Where would we meet?'

He replied shortly after telling me that the beach would be nice. (I want to go because there is 14 inches of snow on the ground)

I drove to a local beach which he told me to meet him at. Ever since I was little I've always had more guy friends versus girls. I found that girls cause way to much trouble for me to keep up with. 

I made my way to the beach that he sent me directions to before parking in an empty space. I got out of my car and made my way over to where I saw a familiar figure. 

"Hey." He said before hugging me.

"I haven't seen you in forever." 

"I know. We need to meet up more. I forgot how small you were compared to me." He teased. 

"Wow. I forgot how humble you were." I made a sarcastic note.

We went and sat a pretty good distance from the ocean before talking about how life has been and doing all the catch-up work that friends do when they haven't seen each other in months. We talked about our family, we exchanged addresses and said that we should do this again soon. Soon, a somewhat touchy subject came up if you know what I mean. 

"So. Have you found anyone that has caught your eye?" He asked batting his eyelashes to resemble a girl. 

"Yes actually I have." I said.

"Ooooh so you do got game." 

"You would be surprised." I laughed. 

I told him about Connor but I left out today. It's okay though. I was just moody and all that earlier. I would call him back but I'm just to lazy. The struggle is real.

I basically just described Connor in the most basic way. He's a pretty basic dude so it works. 

"Bye." I said as we hugged in front of my car before I hopped into my car. I made my way back to my building. I stepped out of my car, walked towards the building, and walked up the few stairs to my room.

I walked over to my kitchen and got a caprisun because that's how I spend my nights. I sat on my couch while watching netflix for a bit before I got a FaceTime call. 

"Hey." I said waving towards the screen. 

"Was everything okay back there?" Isabel questioned.

"Yeah. I just didn't feel well." I wasn't completely lying because I already regret running away. (even though she was ready to run *wink wink*) 

"Well I'm bored." She said while rolling around on the bed still not messing up her perfectly straight gold locks. 

"You should come over."

"Will do." She laughed while hanging up.

I got up to make popcorn and looked around. This place was a mess but I could care less because at this point Isabel and I were best friends. She doesn't even knock anymore. 

"Hey girl hey." She said walking in without knocking as if she read my thoughts. 

I walked over to her to hug her because that's how close we've come since the past few weeks.

"I missed you. Even though I just saw you. It's not fun seeing someone you love storming out." She laughed into my hair. 

I wonder if Connor would say the same. 


It's short but I haven't updated in ages. Sorry ily. Btw Four has been my life so yeah.

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