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Thanks for 100 reads :) My friend is currently watching sharknado so thats not inspirational. I was hoping for something that would inspire me but, no. And that picture on Connors twitter of him at Aero omg.

Connors POV

Once I left Beth's house I decided to go to the park and think about how my day went. I broke up with my girlfriend, and I spent time to my, crush I guess. When I say that it sounds like I'm in third grade but I can't think of any other way to describe it.

The day I met her I knew that there was something different about her. I'm the type of person that doesn't have the guts to ask a person on a date unless I really like them. I really like Beth.

I'll spend some more time with her before I actually ask her out. I don't like to rush into things.

I know for a fact that she isn't into me the same way I'm into her. But the way she treated me earlier, it was different do you think she noticed I wasen't feeling my best?

I'll text her. She's probably asleep but, it's worth a try.

"Hey, its Connor." I'm almost positive she's not going to be very happy seeing my name on her screen.

"Sup Con!" Aww she called me Con.

"I can't sleep. You don't mind me texting you, do you?" I sound desperate.

"Not at all. In fact if you want you can call me."

Well if she doesn't min-

Then my phone rang. I guess she beat me to it

"Hello" I questioned even though I already knew how it was.

"Hii" she sounded really enthusiastic

"So what are you doing?" I asked

"Nothing uh Connor can I ask you something?"

"Sure anything." To be honest I was kind of afraid.

"You didn't like very happy earlier. You looked like you were crying. Correct me if I'm wrong bu-"

"No. No you're right." I said sighing

"Uh do you mind telling me." She said sounding truly caring.

"Could I tell you in person." I knew I probably would break down and cry but that's okay. I just needed to see her face. (Isn't that a lyric to a song or something)

She sighed. Sarcastically though. "Fine.." She said giggling afterword.

"Okay I'll be on my way right now." I said hanging up. I didn't want her to think I was fallling for her because that would be bad.

Beths POV

Connor seemed upset. I guess we were friends now or something. Even if we weren't my mom always taught me to be the better person and to always make sure people are happy.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Coming." I yelled which I probably shouldn't have because my next door neighbors were probably asleep.

I opened it and there he stood. I was raining and he was all wet probably due to the pouring rain outside.

"Connor oh my gosh are you okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine" He answered in a down low tone.

I opened the door wider so he could come in.

"So now do you want to tell mewhats been going on lately?" I questioned walking over with a cup of tea.

"Thank yoy and I guess." he said laughing a bit.

He sat down on a kitchen table chair. I also pilled one out and sat down with my hand wrapped around my mug.

"Well, my girlfriend and I broke up."

He said with a tear sliding down his face.

"And why was that?" I asked sympathetically.

"Uh it's nothing." He said looking down.

"No really tell me."

"I started feeling for another girl." He announced quickly.

"Oooh and whats this girls name" I said acting as if he were like a brother to me.

"I won't tell you that" he started. "But i will tell you that she is gorgeous and is one of the most caring people i know." He blushed.

"Well, whoever this girl is she must be really lucky." I said honestly.

I got up and hugged him even though he was soaking wet, everybody needs a hug. I think he really needed on right now.

He put his arms around me. Hesitantly, but he did it.

"Thank you." He whispered.

I pulled away.

"You can sleep in the guest room if you want." it was pouring and I wasen't about o let him walk back home.

"Are you sure that wouldn't be to much?" He said scratching the back of his head.

"Positive. Here I'll be right back. Let me go get you some clean sheets and blankets."

Connors POV

She hugged me. She is amazing. I've made up my mind. I have the biggest crush on her.

Shes letting me stay here because of the rain.

She came back with sheets, blankets, and pillow cases.

"If you want to dry your clothes in the dyer feel free. Oh and make yourself at home." She smiled. She was just about to close the door when I spoke up.

"Bethany, thank you. Thank you for everything."

"Connor trust me, it's my pleasure. whenever you feel like you have nobody to talk to, I'm here. You don't even need to call. Just show up. I'm not formal." She giggled. Her giggle was the cutest thing.

She walked away. The storm started getting worse and I couldnt sleep.

I turned on the TV and looked through all the recordings Beth had. It was cute how all she had was mostely Pretty Little Liars and Once Upon A Time. I couldn't find anything watch so I changed it to the weather. (Me. Only me.)

It helped because I found out that we are going to be having a hurricane from today until next week and that you shouldn't leave your house. I guess that means Beth is going to be stuck with me for a week. It's a good thing for me, but since she is just starting to warm up to me, lets wish her luck.

Boring chapter I know. Sharknado is over. Now they are watching something about that huge exctinct shark the megaladon.

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