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Bella's naptime playlist is life.

Connor's POV

It's been two weeks since I've seen Beth and lately I've just been isolated and started to think about Beth and I. I'm thinking about asking her to be mine soon. I mean I guess it's not much except for a title but I want Beth to have that title. 

"Hey," I had just called Beth and she answered being sweet and peppy as always. 

"Hi I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach tonight or something." 


"Okay I'll pick you up at 7." 

"Alright." I could 'hear' her smiling over the phone. Once she hung up I had to go and get ready. We had already went to the beach once. The only difference this time was when I was younger my mom and I used to go this little secret beach we found. 

I got up and did my little routine.  I looked over at the clock and it was 6:45 so I went to go get Beth. Before I got there I went and got some flowers. I got there at 7:02. I guess I was fashionably late. 

I went up the all to familiar stairs. I was leaning one shoulder as I knocked on her door. Just a few seconds later she opened the door. 

"Hey beautiful."  I said and gave her the roses. She blushed as always. 

"Hi and thanks." She said walking back into her room to get a vase and unwrapping the plastic from the flowers. 

"You didn't need to do this." 

"I wanted to." I said snaking mu arms around her waist. I looked down at my watch and made sure that everything would be set up. I got a guy to do that for me. We got outside I opened the car door for her and walked to my side. 

Once we pasted the public beach Bethany looked confused. 

"I know a place." I said turning into a forest. It also used to be my little running route, 

"Okay now close your eyes." I said smiling at her. 

She sighed, but still did it. I got out, opened her car door, and put my hands over her eyes just in case. 

"I'll guide you, don't worry." I assured her. 

"Okay." She whispered.

Once we got to the table with the Hawaiian vibe I uncovered he eyes. 

She gasped and looked at me. "Connor it's beautiful." I could tell she was tearing up and then she attacked me while jumping on me and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Do you like it?" I said while wrapping my arms around her. 

"I love it."

We walked over to the sand near the water and sat down. 

"It's beautiful." She said once again.

"Almost as beautiful as you."  I said sort of sarcastically because that's the cheesiest line ever.

"gawww." She giggled. 

I grabbed her hand and intertwined them. 

"Are we even going to swim?" I said looking over at her squinting because the sun was in right behind her.

"I don't know. Could you go check if it's cold?" 

"Anything for you." I said and kissed her hand. 

I walked over there and felt two small hands on my back right before I fell in.

"Wow." I heard her giggle fade as I saw her run away. I can't be mad at her. 

I Fell For You (Cethany)Where stories live. Discover now