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this is the re-uploaded one


Bethany's pov

"So where are we headed?" I ask while looking up at him. He was a good amount taller than me.

"I was thinking about it and I finally decided KFC we be cool." He teased. 

"Shut up, you would not come all the way over here dressed in something nice just to go to KFC."

"I know, I know. I  kind of want it to be a surprise." He said while intertwining our hands. I just nodded.

"This is the part where most girls say 'But I don't like surprises'" He mimicked in a high pitch voice.

"Most girls don't sound like that." I laughed.

We finally got to his car and he opened the passenger door for me.

"Why thank you." I mocked in a british accent. 

"Well," He said as fi he were trying to hint something.


"This is the part where you're supposed to play a bunch of music I'm probably gonna hate." 

"How many girls have you dated? Jesus." I laughed.

"A few. But non of them have been as beautiful as you." 

"Nice save." I laughed.

We got to a classy but not super class place.

"This is nice." He nodded and grabbed my hand. 

We walked up to the lady at the podium and Connor told her about his reservations. We ate our food and regardless, we each had a good time.

"So I was thinking, since tomorrow is December first, that soon we should go to a place with snow. Preferably Minnesota." He hinted.

"I've never touched snow. But yeah it would be cool." I responded before he passed his car.

"Don't worry." 

"This is the part where your supposed to tell me you won't go with me until you know where we're going." He said like he has been all night.

"I'm not really typical. In case you haven't noticed by now." I laughed. 

"Yeah but that's why you're perfect." He whispered in my ear. 

"Awww goals." I laughed snuggling closer to him since it was a tad chilly. (Bella  almost fell asleep while we were talking and I let her sleep. Friendship goals? I think yes.)

As we were walking i thought about how Connor actually wanted me to meet his family. I sent a chill but also a spark through my body if that makes any sense. I also thought about us walking around on sidewalks covered with snow and looking up and seeing the snow fall. And about us being at a park on a main street with a giant Christmas tree with lights sprawled all over it. All of these thoughts made my heart warm and my face warm a bit.

"Here it is."Connor said interrupting my thoughts and looking over at a stream.

"I like it." I said smiling up at him. "But  not nearly as much as I like you." I said before softly kissing him.

Connor finally noticed I was cold so he shrugged out of his jacket and draped it over my shoulders.

"If you could describe me with one word what word would you use?" Connor asked looking down at us because of the height difference.

"Am I in English class or something?"

"No I'm just curious." 

"Okay, um," I said thinking. "mythomane." I teased before actually speaking the truth. "Candid. Yeah you're pretty honest." 

I Fell For You (Cethany)Where stories live. Discover now