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"Um Yoongi?"


"Where exactly are we going?"

"To get breakfast. Duh" he laughed.

"Well yeah but where?" I questioned and tried to catch up with him.

He stopped walking and faced me.

"Listen, Kook. I want you to understand that what I do is for me to survive. Ok? And you, of course. Dystopia is very different from Utopia and our way of doing things is different as well. Do you understand?" He said.

"Yeah.. of course"

"Good. So the way we're gonna get breakfast is to steal from-"

"What? But Yoongi! Stealing is wrong!" I protested but he laughed and shook his head.

"You're adorable. It may be wrong there but not here" he winked and proceeded to walk.

I tried to catch up with his pace.

Crap, this guy walks fast!

"Here. Wear this so that people don't know what you look like. Just in case." He handed me the same mask and we both put them on.

We entered what looked like a really old store. Like really old! There was an old lady by the counter and looked like she didn't want to be alive right now.

We went to the bread section and Yoongi took off his backpack and opened it. He looked at the old lady who wasn't looking and put the bread in the bag.

This is so wrong...

"PB and J or Nutella?" He asked.

"Nutella. Duh" I answered and he chuckled.

He took a jar of Nutella and put it in his bag as well. He slung his backpack on his shoulders and we exited the store without a second glance.

"Well... that was easy" I said.

"I know right! Food tastes better when it's free." He laughed and took off his mask and so did I.

"It's still wrong..."

"No it's not. I've been stealing since I was 10 so it's no big deal." He said casually.

"If I did that, my parents would be so mad." I said.

"Well I never got taught that doing shit like this was wrong so yeah." He shrugged.

"But wasn't there like security cameras in the store?"

"Yeah but they don't work. Dystopia can't even afford security cameras, dammit." He shook his head.

We arrived back to the abandoned school and went into his room. He took out the bread and Nutella. He had some knives and stuff in the previously school kitchen and he made us some Nutella sandwiches.

"So what's our plan for today?" Yoongi asked.

"No idea. What can we do?" I said while taking another bite of the delicious Nutella covered bread.

"We could go to a club."

"But I don't have an ID..." I said.

"Don't worry about it. There's this warehouse where there's always parties and shit for free and you don't need an ID to be there." He explained.

"Oh ok."

"I mean... do you want to go?" He asked with a serious tone. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

"Nah it's ok. Sounds like fun." I smiled and he smiled back.

What's the worst that could happen, right?

Euphoria | Yoonkook  ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now