Jordie's Birthday

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The streets of East Stave were covered in layers of snow. The chilly morning air lashed at Inej's face as she pulled her scarf tighter around her ears. She had returned from her time at sea. Kaz kept pace with her, a heavy lamb-fur coat draped over his usual black suit and his businessman tie and vest.

They walked hurriedly towards the Crow Club, disappearing inside as soon as they arrived outside, grateful to be out of the cold.

Inej knew today was a hard day for Kaz. His brother, Jordie, had celebrated his birthday on this day. She only knew that because Kaz had trusted her enough to tell her about his life before he had become a heartless boss of the Barrel.

Kaz pulled off his lamb-fur coat and hung it on the coat rack inside the door. He smirked at Inej as she did the same.

His first words to her were, "I'm glad you're back, even if it's just for a little while."

Inej smiled back at him, relishing his familiar raspy voice. "I missed you. A lot."

His coffee-brown eyes brightened. Inej tried to hide her surprise as he murmured, "I missed you, too."

After a few seconds, Inej broke the awkward silence and said, "Why don't we go meet up with Nina, Jesper, and Wylan?"

Kaz nodded, running a hand through his black hair. "They'll be glad to see you."

Nina had returned from Ravka only two weeks ago. Inej had received a letter from Kaz practically begging her to return to Ketterdam and spend time with them during the cold season.

As soon as Kaz and Inej stepped into the private dining room in the back, she was squished in a tight hug. When the three people pulled away, she smiled widely at Wylan, Jesper, and Nina. A part of her wished Matthias could have been a part of the reunion.

Immediately, her friends started bombarding her with questions.

"Did you catch many slavers?" Wylan asked.

"Hit any rough storms?" Jesper questioned.

"Were you hurt at all?" Nina demanded.

Kaz placed a gloved hand on Inej's shoulder. "There will be time for questions in a little bit. Let's let her get settled in."

The three gave Kaz disappointed pouts, blinking up at him through thick eyelashes. Inej couldn't help but burst out laughing. It was as if Kaz had become the dad of the group.

Everybody squished into the booth. Kaz sat beside Inej with Nina on his other side. Wylan sat next to Inej with Jesper beside him.

Inej took the time to answer their previous questions. "I caught a lot of slavers, actually. I even visited Ravka a month ago."

"Did you see our dear friend, Kuwei?" Jesper asked.

Wylan scowled and Inej noticed his leg move under the table and assumed he had kicked Jesper.

"No, I didn't see Kuwei. And I did hit a bad storm last week."

Kaz's eyes glinted. "You did? Were you hurt?"

Inej almost laughed at the way he had gotten so concerned for her safety. "Only a few bruises. Although, I lost one of my crew. He died an honorable death, saving one of the sailing masters."

They all nodded solemnly. "No mourners," Nina whispered, her voice dull and grieving.

"No funerals," The recited quietly.

Jesper continued on after a few seconds with, "Kaz almost got us all killed a few weeks ago."

Nina also looked surprised. "What?"

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