Kenny x Kyle - 1

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(Kyle Pov)


"Kyle you worry too much about meeee" Stan mumbled out trying to get out of my hold which I didn't allow since he's drunk and we're walking beside a busy road. "Stan your drunk" I stated sighing as we kept walking, I swear one day Stan is going to get hurt being like this.

"s-so?!" Stan spat out annoyed at my words, he hated it whenever I stated he's drunk or is having too much to drink. is it so bad I just want to keep my super best friend safe?

"Stan I'm taking you home, stop trying to push me away" I explained feeling Stan push harder on my side hurting my ribs a bit at how hard he's pushing.

"I can t-take care of myself!" Stan hissed out pushing me away making me land on the flour, "Stan!" I hissed out angry standing up in pain since now my ass hurts now!

Stan wobbled away making me sigh as I grabbed his arm "Stan just let me help" I begged earning Stan to turn around looking angry, "that's it K-Kyle!" he shouted grabbing both of my shoulders glaring at me.

shit is he that drunk!?

I gasp as Stan pushed me towards the busy road making me scream in fear "STAN!" I screamed closing my eyes as I saw bright lights of car lights, I soon felt someone catch me bringing me closer to their chest as I felt the cold air hit my body.

I slowly open my eyes seeing someone's chest making my heart beat faster as they placed me down on a fucking roof!

"stay here" he said making me weak from his voice as he jumped down going to where Stan was on his knees crying, that fucker tried to fucking kill me!

I watched as the guy picked Stan up and ran down the path leaving me on the cold roof alone, I slowly looked around wrapping my arms around me trying to keep warm. "are you ok?" a deep voice asked behind me as I turned around meeting bright blue eyes with blonde hair with a cape and was wearing all black and... underwear.

I felt myself blush looking back at his face noticing he got closer "don't worry I took your friend home" he said putting a finger under my chin making me look up at him since he's a bit taller than me.

"u-um thanks" I mumbled getting lost in his light blue eyes, "w-who are you?" I asked seeing him give me a small smile "it's Mysterion" he responded letting go of my chin.

as Mysterion was about to walk away I couldn't help but reach her his arm grabbing it, "w-wait don't just leave me up here!" I stated worried hearing him chuckle.

"well on this building I can see you whenever I want... you really are a cutie" Mysterion stated getting closer as I blushed harder, "I-I'm not cute!" I responded hearing him chuckle again.

"whatever you say but to me, your pretty cute Kyle~" he said making my knees weak with his amazing voice.. 

I felt myself pout blushing, "if you really want I'll take you or better... take you home" Mysterion offered making me nod "t-that would be great" I responded as I yelp feeling my feet leave the ground as I stared up to his blue eyes and blonde hair staring down at me.

"ready~?" he asked making me blush harder, I nodded feeling him move as I closed my eyes hiding my face in his chest not daring to see what he's doing!

as the air stop hitting us I slowly open my eyes seeing I'm outside my house as I was put on the flour, "w-wait when can I meet you again?" I asked not wanting this boy to leave me just yet.

"I'm sure you'll see me, I'm the hero in that this town needs" he whisper kissing my cheek "keep safe Kyle~" he whisper before running away while jumping up a building as he went out of my eye sight.


The next day


"Kyle you know I didn't mean to hurt you!" Stan said crying as I didn't dare look at him, "Stan you don't understand I could have gotten hurt! or worst killed!" I responded hearing laughing from Cartman, "the Jew dead? that would be great!" he laughed out making me flip him off.

"you shouldn't say stuff like that Cartman" Kenny said annoyed making me agree, "I know! but you did find that boy that saved you!" Stan said still crying making me sigh regretting tell him about Mysterion.

"Jew is a faggot!" Cartman teased making me glare at him "didn't you suck Butter's balls!" I shot back seeing his face blush dark red, "stupid Jew" he whisper looking around. "and if Mysterion wasn't there I would of got hurt!" I responded to Stan who looked down.

the day went on like this until home time as Kenny started walking beside me "tell me more about this Mysterion" he said making me think blushing, "h-he's strong and he wears all dark but he does wear underwear over it... I admitted chuckling as Kenny laugh.

"anything else?" he asked making me blush harder "you can't tell the guys but... he's pretty hot and.. his voice was making my knees to weak!" I hissed out blushing seeing Kenny smirk down at me.

"sounds like you have a crush~" he sang walking a bit ahead making me rush over to him "h-hey it isn't a crush!" I said earning Kenny to stop turning over to me. "oh really~?" he whisper in a deep voice making me blush harder, w-wait is... Kenny...

before I could say anything I felt Kenny place his lips on mine before pulling away "how about you keep safe for me and come over tonight~" Kenny said in that god dam voice!

I blushed redder watching Kenny stroll away as I stood there confuse yet happily... so Kenny is Mysterion and I just confessed my feelings to!

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