Stan x Craig - 6

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!This will contain some Smut!


(Stan Pov)


I hate Craig...

I couldn't help but hate him as I felt his mouth on my neck making me pant and gasp gripping his shirt.

I hate him...

"C-Craig..." I whimpered out feeling him sucking and leaving hickeys on my neck as I tighter my grip.

He didn't reply but move his hands lower going under my shirt rubbing my skin in a rough yet loving way...

I hate it...

"Mmm~" I let out a small moan hiding my face in his shoulder as he kept roaming my body with his cold hands.

I hate this...

I soon let out a loud moan but it was soon cut off as I felt him shove his lips onto mine as I shut my eyes tight.

I couldn't help but let him win as he claim my mouth as his, his warm tongue was touching everything as I moaned in his mouth.

I wanted to punch him off so badly...

He soon pulled away forcing me to my knees before looking around to see if we're safe, "go ahead marsh." He said turning his dark blue eyes back to me.

I slowly nodded unzipping his jeans pulling them down as he kept an eye out, it wasn't long until I felt a hand behind my head shoving me to take his member.

This is so gay...

As I moved my head up and down closing my eyes hearing Craig moan in pleasure forcing my head onto him deeper making me choke a little.

Oh how he makes me angry...

It didn't seem to end until I felt that same warm feeling enter my mouth... as Craig smirked down at me as I swallow it all panting.

Before Craig could do anything else we heard talking walking by the side of the school making Craig pull up his jeans smirking at me as we both lean on the wall.

I hate how he thinks this is fine...

"There you are!" Kyle said happily to see me before frowning seeing Craig, "let's go Stan, we gotta start on that level on that game" Kyle said pulling me away from Craig.

Oh how I hate seeing that smirk as Kyle took me away...

This would happen a couple of times in a week, me and Craig meeting up though out the school day until one of us was taken away.

How I hate my feelings toward him...

It was another day after school and I was waiting outside for Kyle but couldn't help but feel as I was being watched.

It was too late to move as I felt myself hit the snow groaning turning around seeing Tucker staring down at me with a smirk, "Marsh back of the school now" he commanded making me blush before following.

Oh how I hate him...

I was soon back on my knees as Craig only gave me that same god dam smirk that I learnt to hate...

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