Kyle x Craig - 1

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(Kyle Pov)


I closed my book sighing happily that I finished my homework, before I could hit the bed I felt my phone buzzing seeing that Stan was texting me.

Stan/Babe: Kyyle I neeed u! plese pik me up!

Kyle: are you at the nightclub again?! didn't you tell me you were having a early night so you can be awake early to spend time with me?

Stan/Babe: yah... plase com e! 

sighing I put my phone away grabbing my shoes putting them on as well with my jacket and hat, I didn't believe Stan lied to me again about this...

I made my way to the nightclub shivering at the cold making sure no one was following me from behind since it was around the time when creeps were around, as I made it to the nightclub I felt myself shiver hating this place.

it was always filled with drunk people and creeps who just wanted some fun...

I enter the building trying to find Stan, he's drunk so he isn't going to be easy, I made it to the bar peeking to each end not spotting him but saw Token and a sleepy Clyde who was resting his head on Token's shoulder.

I stared at them confuse since I'm pretty sure Clyde was dating Craig and seeing him so close to Token was weird to me, I walked over to them hoping they know where Stan was.

"hey" I said waving earning Token to smile at me as Clyde just mumbled with his eyes closed still, "was wondering if you saw Stan anywhere?" I responded getting to the point that Token soon understood feeling me a pity look.

"sorry haven't seen him" he said making me sigh sadly, "b-bathroom" Clyde mumbled out making me smile, "thanks" I responded walking over to the bathroom as Clyde said. as I got closer to the door I could already hear noises inside as I open the door I knew they were moans...

I slowly peeked over to see a random guy pushing Stan to the wall making my eyes go big only catching him to the part of sucking and biting Stan's neck who were enjoying this!

I rushed over to them tearing up "get the fuck off my boyfriend!" I shouted earning the guy to pull away glaring over at me, he was taller and stronger and all that Stan could do was giggle at me leaning on the wall at how drunk e was!

"fuck off, we were enjoying ourselves" the guy hissed out shoving me away from them, I shake my head even tho I'm hurting I'm not letting Stan get used when he's fucking drunk!

"I grabbed Stan's arm shoving him to the door but yelped as the guy grabbed me by the hair knocking my hat off making me scream in pain trying to push the fucker off me, "ruining my fun!? I'll show you!" he shouted punching me in the stomach making me let out a gasp of pain.

I fell to the ground holding my stomach in pain watching the guy leave without a word as Stan came back repeating sorry over and over again...

I pushed myself off the flour biting my lip in pain as I walked out with Stan going outside and sigh as Stan started walking into everything making me wrap an arm around my shoulder making me whimper in pain.

as we walked I felt my shoulder be touched making me turn around to see Craig standing there with Clyde on his back smiling down at me, "Marsh got drunk again?" Craig said as if this was normal.

I slowly nodded hearing Stan mumble words main word was sorry that was slowly annoying me... I couldn't help but look  up at Craig and Clyde seeing how cute they were... how strong Craig was as he hold Clyde like that...

"Kyle you ok?" Craig mumbled bringing me into the real world again, "n-no" I mumbled not finding the fact anymore tearing up. before Craig could talk Stan threw up on my shoes making me gag a tiny bit at the feeling and smell...

"s-shit Stan!" Craig hissed out disgusted, I didn't waste time taking Stan home leaving Craig and Clyde alone.

after I got Stan home I made my way to my house not wanting to spend another second with Stan, after tonight I don't think I want to date him anymore! I'm sick of getting punched for him and taking him home when he lies to me!

I burst out crying as I walked to my house seeing someone was by the door waiting for me, as I got closer I saw it was Craig. "Kyle after you left I just had to see if your ok" he mumbled, I didn't reply as I felt Craig pull me into a hug making me cry in his chest.

"Kyle please talk to me" Craig mumbled making me clam down at his voice, I soon agreed to talk to him as we both walked into my house and sat on the sofa.

"I... I'm sick of being with Stan!" I said trying not to cry as Craig listen, "I'm sick of getting hurt whenever he's drunk and getting into trouble... I'm sick of him missing out date nights and I'm sick of him not showing he cares! I added feeling Craig hold my hand.

"I w-want someone who will love me... who wouldn't lie just to get away from me" I mumbled thinking about how strong Clyde and Craig's relationship is...

"Stan doesn't deserve you" Craig stated bringing me into a another hug, "w-what is it like?" I whisper earning Craig to look over at me confuse. "what do you mean?" he asked making me stare at him, "to be in a strong relationship" I said look down at his chest again.

"w-wait you thought me and Clyde were dating?" Craig mumbled shocked making me look up at him confuse, "y-yah?" I mumbled confuse seeing Craig smile at me.

"me and Clyde ain't dating, he's like a little brother to me" he said laughing now, I stared at Craig for a moment shocked always thinking he and Clyde were dating... "but I do like someone... and I think he deserves better..." Craig mumbled smiling down at me as he lean closer closing the gap between us.

when we pulled away I couldn't help but blush staring at Craig who only smiled at me as if this was normal, "Kyle I like you" Craig stated holding onto my hands making me blush.

I've already was jealous of Clyde having Craig and how he looked and did almost everything amazing... I'm pretty sure I had a crush on him but didn't want to admit it since I was with Stan...

"I l-like you to" I whisper earning Craig to smile bring me back into a kiss holding my cheek as we kissed, the kiss wasn't one of those rough ones that Stan would do but this was full of love and was perfect... 

we both ended up cuddling on the sofa falling asleep in each other arms, the best cuddle I ever had in my whole life.

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