Token - 1

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(Sorry about making Token sad most of the time... when I'm not in a good mood He's the person I tend to relate to)


(Token Pov)


soon entering the living room spotting Tweek on the floor with his legs crossed with his small hands holding his mug close to his chest while he spoke to Craig made me smile that he was enjoying the coffee I made him.

strolling over and passing Clyde his soda I couldn't help but chuckle at his childish grin appeared reaching over and cracking it open and taking a drink, I sat beside him and turn to Craig and Tweek hearing that they were still chatting about which movie we should all watch.

I didn't really mind since movies wasn't my kind of thing, I was more into playing games or just watching youtube videos.

after moments of debating they finally put on a comedy horror that made both Tweek and Craig happy, I stared at the screen never watching the first 'It' which must of been the reason why I was way more confuse seeing I didn't even know their names fully.

hours went by and it was time for everyone to head home, "see you tomorrow Tokie!" Clyde chuckled out giving me a friendly hug before skipping over to Craig's car. watching them leave I felt myself frown closing the door after me, I hated it when I was left alone.

staring at the spots that we were sitting in now being empty I couldn't help but sigh, making my way upstairs towards my bedroom pasting the paintings in the hall.

closing my bedroom door and flopping onto my cold bed, I didn't know why I felt like this lately, it had gotten to the point that I didn't even want to leave my bed. slowly placing a hand on my stomach knowing most of my weight had left from not eating properly, the thing is I didn't even know why I suddenly stopped.

sitting up looking to the side seeing my broken mirror that had an old jacket over the side of it hiding the crack, rising my shirt up feeling my eyes tears up seeing some bones were showing more, I didn't want to damage my body but I was... I knew I was, I wasn't stupid.

my eyes soon widen hearing my parents downstairs who just came back from their movie date, I pulled my shirt down and lays back down pulling a cover over me past, hearing my door open to hear my sweet Mother's voice "Sweetheart, it's just us" she says in a soft voice making me stare at her and smile "have you eaten?" she asked which of course I nodded "yah, me and the guys had some pizza and chips earlier" I half lied knowing the guys ate.

she soon nodded before turning my light off "alright then, sweet dreams, you have school tomorrow" she stated before closing my door leaving me in the dark. I felt my eyes water for a moment before smiling wiping them, I didn't have a right to cry over nothing.

The next day came and I was with the guys at break, I chuckles at Tweek who was telling me about his dream before my attention went somewhere else, peeking over at Craig and Clyde I could see them sitting closer and every now and then they would blush "awe but your way cuter" Craig says making Clyde smile at him.

I stood there for a moment as my thoughts filled up, were they dating? they seem happy, what does he have that I don't?

my thoughts soon ended as Tweek waved his hand in front of me worried "are you ok?" he asked making me smile and nod "yah I'm fine!" I stated knowing that was a lie, I felt sick. I felt hurt. I felt confuse.

I didn't take it to heart knowing they shouldn't bother me as much and kept looking at Tweek "I'm not feeling that well" I says feeling as if I was going to throw up, Tweek nods and helped me into the nurse office and even explained for me. the bell went and I was left alone yet again laying on the nurse bed hearing her in her small office typing away.

wrapping my arms around myself feeling cold knowing this won't ever change, I mean.. I'm a good actor by now since none of my friends even knew how I really felt, and when they ask I can't explain it to them.

I tend to ignore them or just plain out agree with them just so they can feel as if they had helped me, staring on my side seeing the window seeing two robins just chilling happily, it made me happy to see something so nice and calming.

biting my bottom lip and closing my eyes slowly I went into the only world that will stop me from feeling anything... letting my only true friend take over bringing me into dreamland, where anything I want was found, a place with no rules and no heartbreaks, a place where I can relax without the real world and my thoughts to get me...

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