(Part 2) Craig x Kyle - 3

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(Kyle Pov)


it been a couple of weeks now and Stan and I haven't really spoken much after the whole kiss thing... I miss talking to him and spending time with him.

the bell so rang signing that school ended as I stood up sighing grabbing my bag and start walking to my locker, another thing that stopped happening was Craig teasing me... to be honest I haven't seen him much.

he stopped going to classes and even stopped going to his smoking place behind the school, I even asked Kenny if he saw him.

even Kenny was shock that I was even asking him about Craig, I guess... losing Stan and Craig felt like hell? nah... I don't even know why I'm thinking about Craig at all.

I made my way outside spotting Stan talking with Clyde who both had a frown until Token walked over and said something which made the two boys smile, Clyde looked up for a moment as our eyes met.

I looked away fast making my way past them without a word until I felt a hand on my shoulder turning me around to face them, "we're having a sleepover and your coming" Token stated passing a piece of paper to me that had all the details.

I didn't get time to respond as Token dragged Clyde with him away from me and Stan who stared at each other, "I'll see you there?" Stan mumbled giving me a small smile making me look down trying to think if this was a good idea, I did miss Stan maybe... this will get us back at being friends again?

"sure" I responded giving him a smile back while turning around and making my way back home.

after reading all the details that Token gave me, I made sure I had everything but as I finished I checked the time to see I had to get going before I get there late!

I ended up getting a ride from Dad giving him a small nod as a thanks walking to Token's door knocking it as it open to see the one and only, Craig Tucker.

he's blue hat was still on his head but had a space shirt on as he stared at me for a moment before his cheeks started turning pink as he walked away without a word, I walked in a bit annoyed that Craig didn't even say hello or anything as he grabbed Token's shirt and Stan's arm dragging them to the kitchen as Clyde waved at me.


(Craig Pov)


"you fuckers!" I hissed out annoyed that they tricked me, Token only rolled his eyes crossing his arm at me, "Tucker I don't like this whole thing with you and Kyle not talking because that kiss messed with mine and Kyle's friendship and yours and his, he needs the truth" Stan stated placing his hands on his hips making me glare at the two.

they were right... this whole thing was ruining our friendships and... I have to tell him the truth but he'll hate me... 

"your not allowed to leave, I've stole your key when you left it in my bedroom so your stuck" Token stated making me flip him off as Stan only chuckle.

at first the day was awkward but was slowly going normal as we all just chilled and watched movies, Clyde soon ruined that moment though "let's play spin the bottle!" Clyde said out of no where as Stan choked on his water as Token chuckle smirking nodding.

Kyle sat there peeking over at Stan as if he wants to kiss him... again?...

"I think I'll pass" I mumbled not really seeing a point until Stan grabbed my hand keeping a tight grip, "your staying" he stated making me roll my eyes as Kyle soon agreed seeing Stan joined.

Clyde soon grabbed a bottle and spun it making my heart beat not wanting it to stop on me...

as it spun it soon slow down towards me, I swear to god if it land on me I'm beating Stan and Clyde.

it soon pasted me landing on Stan earning Token to whistle, "you wanted to play this game so do it" I teased as Clyde only winked at Stan who sat there frozen as if his trying to work out his thoughts.

Clyde soon understand Stan was no longer working and leaned over kissing Stan's lips for a moment pulling away as Stan blushed bright red looking away, I peeked over at Kyle to see him frowning as Clyde smirked over at me.

"Craig your turn" he said making my heart beat knowing any second I might be kissing someone, I slowly spun the bottle holding my breath as I watched it spin but as it slowly slow down stopping at someone.

I peeked up to their face to see Kyle's face staring back at me for a moment with that frown, he really didn't want me... I wouldn't blame him.

I knew the guys were all smirking or smiling as me and Kyle just stared at each other, "kiss already" Stan mumbled beside me making me blush a little.

"if you don't want to it's f-" I was soon cut off by Kyle's amazing lips again as I felt my body stop moving just like the first time as I closed my eyes feeling Kyle's lips on mine, just like before as he was about to pull away I couldn't help but wrap a hand behind his head and one around him pulling him closer feeling the fireworks again going off in my head.

Kyle's hand was on my chest and around my neck pulling himself closer as I heard the whistles from our friends making me blush remembering that this kiss was only meant to be a tiny one...

I slowly let go of Kyle pulling away opening my eyes to see him doing the same with a red face, "y-you..." he mumbled touching his lips before I could speak he stood up and grabbed the back of my shirt dragging me to the kitchen and shoving me to the wall as I stared at him a tiny bit shock.

"you were the one I kissed wasn't you?" he mumbled leaning close to my face as I felt weak for the first time, I slowly nods getting ready to get yelled at but it never came, instead I was met with those amazing soft lips of his.

I kissed back putting all my love for Kyle into that kiss as it felt like it lasted forever until we pulled away as Kyle wrapped his arms around me cuddling into my chest as I look down at his green hat.

"god I miss teasing you, shorty~" I said earning him to chuckle "oh shut up Tucker" he mumbled making me move his hat a little so I can kiss his forehead as we stayed there for a moment alone with Kyle in my arms.

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